Li Dingguo commanded the cavalry. Among the enemy's troops, he slashed and killed in all directions, killing the Ming army in rout and chaos.

When Ma Xianglin and others heard the news and rushed to reinforce, the whole military camp was full of grief and heavy casualties.

The cavalry of Ma Xianglin's department were more than thirty miles away. Although they didn't hurry, they stopped to rest, but they were on high alert. When they heard that Lu Baqun's Department was attacked, they rushed to reinforce them regardless of the night and danger.

As a result, when they came for reinforcements, Li Dingguo and others sounded the horn and ordered the soldiers to retreat.

In the cold morning, the cavalry of the Ming army arrived.

The Chinese cavalry roared back.

Li Dingguo led his cavalry and Shi Shiran retreated, but the other party did not dare to pursue and kill. Whether it was the cavalry of Ma Xianglin's department or the infantry of Lu Baqun's Department, they were afraid of them. If the other party didn't find them trouble, they would have laughed secretly and dared to pursue and kill the other party?

So they can only watch Li Dingguo and others retreat calmly, and Lu Baqun and Ma Xianglin dare not chase each other.

At dawn, Ma Xianglin and Lu Baqun gathered the defeated soldiers and found that there were only more than 3000 people left in the whole military camp with tens of thousands of people. Countless bodies were left at the scene, that is to say, their army was completely defeated and scattered by the Chinese army.

Although there were more than 3000 people on the scene, they were in great confusion. Of course, not all of them were hacked to death by the other party. Many people fled in the dark. They were attacked by Liu Jun and ran away first, scattered dozens of miles away. To put it bluntly, even if they were defeated, they also lost their combat ability.

Lu Baqun was pale. He was still in high spirits last night, but now he can't laugh. He was terrified to see such a miserable situation.

Ma Xianglin pointed to Lu Baqun and said, "general Lu, you should underestimate the carelessness of the enemy."

That is, Lu Baqun underestimated the enemy's carelessness and was attacked by the enemy. He can't forgive the loss of so many brothers.

As soon as Lu Baqun's face changed, he said angrily, "as a vanguard army, how the enemy came here silently through your defense area, General Ma, you must explain. You must explain to so many brothers who died unjustly."

This responsibility is too heavy for anyone to carry, and no one is willing to carry.

Ma Xianglin said angrily, "you still have the face to put the responsibility on this general. The camp of tens of thousands of people has let the other party's soldiers and horses less than a thousand people fall into flowers and water..."

Lu Ba Qun was not good at fighting, but he had the ability to quarrel with people. Wait a minute. He said, "as a pioneer general, shouldn't you appear in front to block the enemy's attack? Why did the enemy appear here without anyone's knowledge? What's fishy about it?"

Ma Xianglin was annoyed by the man's despicable behavior. He said loudly, "what's the fishiness? You have no ability."

Lu Baqun was also frightened by the current situation. When they marched during the day, they were majestic and invincible, but in the twinkling of an eye, they ended up like this. Their soldiers and horses died and fled, like small trees and forests blown by the wind, scattered and sorrowful everywhere.

Lu Baqun made up his mind that he must throw the pot to Ma Xianglin.

Just at this time, the soldiers of Lu Baqun said happily: "report to the general, we have caught a living mouth."

Lu Baqun was very happy when he heard that he had caught the live one. He said loudly, "come here immediately and let Ben torture him severely."

They caught a soldier of the Chinese army.

The soldier was seriously injured and cut several knives in his legs. He was unable to walk. He was kidnapped by these Ming soldiers. He was pale and spitting blood in his mouth.

Luba said that he would torture each other, but he knew that once he started, he was afraid that he would die immediately.

Lu Baqun said loudly, "if you had told me what happened, I would have promised to give you a good time."

The man was injured so badly that he must have died. I'm optimistic about death or tragic death.

The man vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. He said loudly, "just say anything."

Lu Baqun asked first, "how did you do it? God doesn't know, and ghosts don't know. You came outside our camp."

The Mongolian soldier vomited blood and said, "because you're useless."

Lu Baqun was so angry that he wanted to take a knife and cut the other party to death, but he knew it would be cheaper for the other party. Then he put the knife on the other party's neck and said, "I'll pull it here gently, you won't die, the blood will drain slowly, and you'll slowly watch yourself die. It's terrible. Do you want to try?"

The Mongolian soldier knew his fear. He said, "this is our fight with your cavalry. We sympathize with each other. The two sides have an agreement. This is non-interference and free communication."

This was what Lu Baqun wanted. He was very happy and shouted, "that's it."

Lubanqun could not admit that he was careless and unprepared, so that the enemy could easily defeat him. He could only say that it was someone who framed or other reasons, not his own reason. If it was his reason, he was afraid that the commander would cut off his head if he went back. If he could blame others, it would be different.

Ma Xianglin was anxious and angry. He said, "this is a confession."

He gave the answer first, then asked the question, and the other party answered according to his meaning.

When Lu Baqun had his own answer, he was very confident. He said sadly, "I'm not afraid of this lawsuit even if it goes to the Ministry of war."

Ma Xianglin saw that the other party put the responsibility on him. This is a very fatal thing. He was already very desperate when he lost the war. If he spread such responsibility again, he would be dead.

Ma Xianglin scolded loudly, "you spy, sow discord and discredit me." suddenly he struck and killed the Mongolian soldier with a knife.

Lu Baqun was shocked to see that the other party actually killed his witness in public in his camp. He said, "you're killing people."

Ma Xianglin said, "this man is full of nonsense. He can't be trusted at all."

Lu bangqun said, "so many people have heard it. Do you think you can get rid of yourself by killing the hostages?"

Ma Xianglin shouted, "I have a clear conscience. There's nothing to get rid of."

When the two of them were quarreling, their men were also helping one after another.

Lu Baqun's men, just like him, made such a big mistake. If they fell into the hands of the marshal, they would be beheaded and prosecuted. If they could blame others, it would be different. They were implicated by Ma Xianglin. Such a responsibility would not be so big.

Since the generals have found a substitute for the dead, they can keep up. If they want to put the blame on him, they quarrel with them immediately and almost start to fight.

Ma Xianglin was surprised and angry. He saw that Lu Baqun and others were useless in fighting. He shirked his responsibility and had a first-class Kung Fu. If he put the responsibility on himself, the problem would be big. He dared not accept the responsibility.

While they were quarrelling, they caught several Mongolian soldiers who had fallen into the ranks.

In such a big battle, it is impossible for everyone to fall behind, and it is impossible for everyone to retreat. More than a dozen of them were caught by the other party.

These people were escorted to the generals one by one. Seeing that there were still people alive, Lu Baqun immediately asked them to protect them and never give Ma Xianglin a chance to kill again. As a result, as soon as he was interrogated, these people all said with one voice that they had an agreement with Ma Xianglin's people and the two sides would not interfere with each other.

In this way, he has confidence. Just now he was a person, which is not enough. Now everyone says so, which can be used as evidence.

Why did the Chinese army all speak with one voice and say the same thing? It is because they made arrangements before they set out.

If someone falls behind, falls behind and is caught by the enemy, let's say so.

Li Dingguo is not sure whether such a strategy is useful, but they just have to say so. When they say so, they hope to alienate the enemy, and they all succeed.

Lu Baqun lost a great loss and suffered heavy casualties. The first thing he thought of was to shirk responsibility and find a substitute for the dead, because he had no choice. If he didn't choose a substitute for the dead, he would die for Lu banqun.

He knew that Ma Xianglin had a good reputation, and the marshal attached great importance to and trusted him. Even his majesty knew that he was a young and promising man with a bright future. The Ma family had great influence in Sichuan, but he had no choice. Either he died or the other died.

The raid last night caused extremely heavy casualties in Luba group. After dawn, they finally counted the results after half a day's collection.

Nearly 3000 people died in the battle on the spot. Countless people were missing and scattered. Finally, more than 4000 people could gather around them. It can be said that they were completely defeated.

The battle of Yiling won by the Ming army can be regarded as playing its own prestige and morale, which is called winning the battle with a clear flag and winning the first place. However, as the pioneers of the two routes were defeated successively, all the morale they won was gone, and they returned to the beginning overnight.

The two of them did not dare to take Xiangyang City any more. At the same time, they did not dare to go back to Yiling. They had to camp on the spot and wait for the main force of Marshal hou to arrive.

But they all sent their confidants to the camp to complain to the marshal, hoping to shift the responsibility to each other and get rid of themselves.

Ma Xianglin has always been arrogant and despised such behavior, but there is no way but to do so.