Since the rise of the Chinese army, Emperor Chongzhen has not had a good day. The other party is strong, fierce and aggressive, which makes him out of breath.

Moreover, the other party was really fierce and easily won half of the country. Emperor Chongzhen knew that if no one could hold down the momentum of the Chinese thieves, Daming would perish. Who could hold down the momentum of the Chinese thieves? Emperor Chongzhen was also powerless to deal with the situation of collapse and earth shattering, and he deeply felt powerless.

In the past, he always believed that his practice was not wrong. He always followed the moral and legal principles between heaven and earth. As the son of heaven, he should communicate with heaven and man, and the emperor would bless him, but now it seems that this is not the case.

He did everything according to the wishes of the scholar officials and their ideas, but the effect was completely different from what he thought.

Chongzhen had lofty ideals and aspirations. He was not a man who ate and drank like Wanli emperor or previous emperors. He hoped to revive the Ming Dynasty and bring thousands of States to the dynasty.

Therefore, he is not fond of wine and lust. He doesn't touch all the enjoyable things. He just wants to spend all his energy on dealing with national politics and hope to do things well and revitalize his family. However, whatever he does is futile. He gets worse and worse. The Ming Dynasty is getting worse and worse day by day. He is extremely frightened. Is it difficult that I should become the king of the subjugation?

When the news of the fall of Nanjing came, he was extremely frightened and helpless. At that time, he wanted to hang himself and thank the world with his death.

However, the prince is young and no one will inherit the imperial family. After he goes, who will lead the imperial family and who will rule Daming? I'm afraid the world will be more chaotic.

He was very worried, very afraid, and couldn't sleep day and night, so he didn't listen to these scholar bureaucrats as before.

Because emperor Chongzhen knew that even if he obeyed these people, they might not be able to do things well.

The emperor's reuse of Zhou yanru and Xu Jianqiang is the practice under this rebellious attitude.

Xu Jianqiang, a man of such a low background, was loyal to the king and devoted to the country. After he became a senior official, he did give the emperor a great return and a great surprise, which made the emperor Chongzhen very happy.

This era stresses that the emperor benefits the world and the world rewards the emperor with loyalty.

But now the world is getting worse and the heart of man is not ancient. Everyone thinks only of himself. There is no loyalty and ethics.

The rites and laws have collapsed so far that if the sage Confucius is here, he will cry.

After the south of the Yangtze River fell, such as the surrender of Qian Qianyi and Wu Zongda, and a large number of literati scrambled to flatter the Chinese and Xia thieves. Emperor Chongzhen's heart was cold.

Why do literati respect their status? This is because although the literati have no power to bind chickens, they have integrity and dare to be the first in the world.

In those days, Yang Shen raised his arms and shouted, "the country has supported scholars for 150 years, and today is the day to sacrifice his life for justice!" this kind of heroic language is still ringing in people's ears, but people don't dare to do so.

Emperor Chongzhen always believed that the Ming Dynasty gave preferential treatment to the scholar bureaucrats and ruled the world with them. When the Ming Dynasty was in trouble, so many scholar bureaucrats would stand up and go to the national disaster together. Even if they did not dare to confront the Chinese army, at least they would not surrender to the Chinese army?

However, the literati in the south of the Yangtze River scrambled to surrender to the Chinese army. Looking at their appearance, they looked like traitors without doors. Emperor Chongzhen was shocked and cold.

In the past, even if he died, he couldn't believe that these literati and bureaucrats he attached so much importance to would do so. If Daming perished, I'm afraid these people would change and join the new Lord immediately.

Only one of their royal family died.

Emperor Chongzhen was very frightened and helpless, but he didn't know how to deal with the current dilemma. The current dilemma seemed beyond his imagination. No matter what he did, it didn't help the situation, but made things worse.

The ministers suck too much. Besides asking him for money, he brings bad news. Whenever he arrives late at night, he can't help crying alone, but a good image of a nation.

But Zhu Xieyuan gave him a big surprise. Zhu Xieyuan won the battle of Yiling, not because it killed many Chinese thieves.

But he broke a myth that in the past, the officers and soldiers did not dare to fight against the Chinese thieves. They claimed that the Chinese thieves were less than ten thousand, and ten thousand were invincible.

To put it bluntly, when the number of Chinese thieves exceeds 10000, they will not be opponents, and the other party will run rampant and be slaughtered.

This situation is a replica of Liao town. Finally, the whole Liao town was lost.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard such words, he was very frightened and scared. He was thinking, will Daming also follow the footsteps of the demise of the previous dynasty?

With the strong rise of the Chinese army, they were invincible all the way. They beat the flowers and water of the Ming Dynasty. The officers and soldiers fled at the sight of the wind. No one could resist at all. Some even spread rumors about Liu, the representative of the Ming Dynasty.

Even emperor Chongzhen had a plan for the worst. Of course, it was based on the irresistible momentum of Chinese thieves.

Now suddenly there is great news, that is, Zhu Xieyuan sent out a large army to hang and kill the rebels, and more than 10000 people of the other party were destroyed as soon as they were destroyed.

What Chinese thieves are dissatisfied with ten thousand, and ten thousand are invincible. To put it bluntly, it is an excuse for these officers and soldiers and generals to be greedy for life and afraid of death and do nothing.

Such a great victory, Emperor Chongzhen did not dare to share it alone. He immediately summoned all the officials in the court to discuss big plans with them.

When the news spread, the imperial court was also jubilant. These days, the imperial court has been beaten by the Chinese army. It has no temper and dark clouds. Some people have sad eyes and others have another idea about how to show kindness to the Chinese army so that it can change its face one day.

In particular, when all the officials in the South came out to support the Chinese army, they also received the news that the Chinese army began to learn from others. Many people were excited about it.

According to the current situation, Daming will not last long, that is, three or five years at most, and there will be no name for him.

As ministers in the court, these people understand how much the court depends on the south.

The money used by the imperial court is basically supplied by the south. If you want to rely solely on the strength of the north, not to mention defeating the enemy, you can't maintain the current situation. As long as the South loses, Daming will be gone.

At this time, such good news came out, which gave a great boost to the moribund imperial court. It was equivalent to giving a patient a heart shot. Everyone was excited.

What makes them very heavy and uncomfortable is that the Chinese army is too strong and too strong to be an enemy. Since its rise, the Chinese army has won every battle, so that the court can't lift its head and has no temper, which makes them afraid of each other.

It is common in the army to fear the enemy like a tiger.

In the past, civil servants would often ridicule that generals were incompetent, rubbish and could not beat the enemy. However, since the strong rise of the Chinese army and the capture of Jiangnan, these people no longer dare to have this idea.

The battle of Yiling greatly boosted the morale of the imperial court and made the officials of the imperial court see the possibility of defeating the Chinese army. It turned out that the Chinese army can be killed and the Chinese army can be defeated. Zhu Xieyuan set an example.

Since he can destroy Qingzhou division, one of the six main forces of the Chinese army, he can also destroy other troops, at least the current situation in Huguang can be stabilized.

Before that, the Chinese army sent General Liu Zhongyong out of Anqing to besiege Wuchang mansion and invade Xiangyang. The momentum was so great that the imperial court was very pessimistic and realized that Huguang was lost in three months at most. Once Huguang was lost, the Chinese army had more places to attack, and the whole south basically had no resistance.

Zhu Xieyuan defeated the Qingzhou division of the Chinese army, smashed the other party's ambition to plot Sichuan, and stabilized the front in the north of Huguang, which can be regarded as suppressing the limelight of the Chinese thieves.

Such a blow is also unprecedented for the Chinese thieves. It can be regarded as suppressing their arrogance and making people understand that they can be defeated and cleaned up.

Since their superiority in this area, these people began to float up and give advice one after another on how to use troops and how to fight.

Some people suggested attacking Wuchang immediately. Some even suggested moving eastward along the river to capture Nanjing immediately, kill Chinese thieves and restore the south of the Yangtze River.

It was also suggested that ministers should be dispatched immediately to the south to help support Zhu Xieyuan in the war.

Before that, these people were all Xu Shujin and Cao Ying without saying a word, but when Zhu Xieyuan had a good situation, they scrambled to give advice, as if they could win the war only by listening to their own tricks.

Emperor Chongzhen was extremely tired of these people. He said, "it's Zhu Qing's job to fight. He doesn't need you to teach him how to fight. All we have to do is find enough soldiers for him, enough food, and if there is food, Zhu Qing can worry free and fight at ease."

Emperor Chongzhen now understands that war really has to be done by the people below. The more attention and interference he pays, the easier it is to lose the war.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he met a person he was convinced of. If he was a bad person, such as Yang Sichang or Hong Chengchou, Emperor Chongzhen had to teach them a lesson, face them and teach them to fight well.

However, when you meet Zhu Xieyuan, a person with old qualifications, ability and loyalty to the emperor, Emperor Chongzhen understands that for such a person, you don't need to be more constrained and hand over power to him, he will win the war for you and serve the king with the best, so let him be arbitrary.