Zhang Youwei, the deputy of Zhu Xieyuan, was in charge of guarding the Yiling mausoleum. Zhang Youwei was a scholar in the year of apocalypse. He was born at the same time as Lu Xiangsheng, and his birth ranking was still above Lu Xiangsheng. After winning the election, he has been an official in Sichuan. He served as a pushing official in Chengdu government, Sichuan, and Zhu Xieyuan served as the left chief envoy of Sichuan at that time.

At this time, the famous shean rebellion occurred. The rebel shechongming raided Chongqing and killed more than 20 senior officials such as Governor Xu keqiu. After taking Chongqing, he swept through more than 20 prefectures in southern Sichuan and led 100000 troops to besiege Chengdu.

During the siege of Chengdu for half a year, the governor Zhang Dingqiao died. Zhu Xieyuan recommended Zhang Youwei as the governor of Chengdu.

Zhu Xieyuan has nothing to do with Zhang Youwei. His recommendation is entirely based on the recognition of Zhang Youwei's ability. Since then, Zhang Youwei has always lived up to Zhu Xieyuan's expectations. He has made great contributions in calming the chaos of extravagance and security. At present, he is the governor of Sichuan and is assigned to assist Zhu Xieyuan and rush to rescue Huguang.

This time, he also partnered with Zhu Xieyuan again and led the army out of Sichuan to support Huguang. After taking Yiling, Zhu Xieyuan sent him to guard Yiling and attack Xiangyang himself. As long as they take Xiangyang, their strategic pattern will be greatly improved.

The reason why Zhu Xieyuan asked his deputy Zhang Youwei to guard Yiling was that Zhang Youwei was very experienced in defense. At that time, he did well in the siege of Chengdu for half a year and made outstanding achievements in guarding the city.

After that, they all took part in calming the chaos of extravagance and security, led their troops to surround Guiyang, besieged Guiyang for more than two years, and finally attacked the city and killed the traitors. It can be said that Zhang Youwei is a man of both wisdom and courage. Although he has no great achievements, he has very strong ability. That's why Zhu Xieyuan entrusted him with the task of guarding Yiling mausoleum.

After taking over Yiling, Zhang Youwei also built it into their forward base. Zhang Youwei also believes that Yiling is only their temporary foothold. No matter they attack Xiangyang in the north or Wuchang in the East, they all take it as the front base. Therefore, he mobilized a large number of grain, grass and weapons from Sichuan and gathered here continuously.

The only drawback is that the Yangtze River waterway was cut off by the Chinese army. They have no ability to transport goods on a large scale through the Yangtze River. He can only hire local horse gangs and folk men to transport grain and grass one by one.

Of course, more is to collect on the spot. The three armed forces have not moved, and food and grass go first. Zhang Youwei also knows this very well. Zhu Xieyuan sent hundreds of thousands of troops out of Sichuan to help Huguang. The most important thing is food and grass.

After guarding the Yiling mausoleum, Zhang Youwei strengthened the defense of the Yiling mausoleum on the one hand and concentrated a large number of grain, grass and soldiers here on the other hand.

Facing the threat of the Chinese Navy, Zhang Youwei chose to put his main force and food and grass at the foot of the east mountain of Yiling, which is far away from the river and out of the reach of the enemy's artillery.

Zhang Youwei was also not afraid of the enemy's attack, because the defense of Yiling city itself was close to 30000 people, plus the troops arriving one after another, as many as 100000 people.

It can be said that if the enemy does not come, he has the confidence to teach them how to be human.

Everyone has a lofty ambition to govern the country and the world. Zhang Youwei, a scholar, is no exception. He has been an official for nearly 20 years and has been a frontier official guarding one side, but he has not become an outstanding and famous figure like Zhu Xieyuan. He can't help but feel that there are deficiencies in the United States.

Zhang Youwei has always believed that what he lacks is an opportunity. When the opportunity comes, he can also become characters like Hong Chengchou, Yang Sichang and even Zhu Xieyuan.

When asked about his origin, his origin is better than Zhu Xieyuan, and his career is far smoother than Zhu Xieyuan. Zhu Xieyuan only served as Zuo Buzheng envoy in his fifties. However, he is young, only in his forties. He has served as Zuo Buzheng envoy in Sichuan. Now he is the governor, and he has also hung the title of deputy governor of the Metropolitan Police Academy.

Zhu Xieyuan was in the southwest of the Ming Dynasty. He was like Optimus Prime. He also drowned the light of everyone else. Zhang Youwei often thought that if I were given the same opportunity, I could do so well.

This time, he led the troops to fight. He finally had the opportunity to defend himself. He also cherished this opportunity very much.

Although Zhang Youwei compares with Zhu Xieyuan everywhere, he doesn't resent Zhu Xieyuan at all. He treats Zhu Xieyuan like a teacher. Without Zhu Xieyuan's exceptional promotion, he can't be such a young senior official. Moreover, Zhu Xieyuan's ability and personal integrity are very excellent, which also makes Zhang Youwei very admire.

This time, Zhu Xieyuan's main attack on Xiangyang was not to steal the limelight, but to bear greater responsibility. He also meant to help him. Zhang Youwei was full of gratitude for this.

Especially when Zhu Xieyuan led his troops to attack Xiangyang and couldn't attack it for a long time, he immediately transferred his powerful general Qin Liangyu back to Yiling in order to help him and ensure that Yiling was safe.

Although Qin Liangyu is a female, she is a well-known female commander-in-chief. She is famous for her outstanding martial arts and is good at fighting. She is also the only female commander-in-chief officially appointed by the imperial court and put on file.

Like Hua Mulan, Liang Hongyu, fan Lihua and Mu Guiying in ancient times, they are also female heroes. However, these only exist in romance and legends, and are not recorded and recognized in formal historical records. Qin Liangyu can do this entirely because of her efforts and loyalty to the imperial court. Zhang Youwei is full of admiration.

In addition, they have been involved in the defense of Chengdu and the war to calm extravagance and security together for more than ten years, which makes their cooperation complement each other and very reliable.

Zhu Xieyuan handed over the Yiling to Zhang Youwei. He was very relieved and went to attack Xiangyang without worry.

But it was one of his most reassuring places that his rear base camp was broken by the Chinese army.

When Zhu Xieyuan received the first message, that is, Yiling was attacked by the Chinese army, Lord Zhang was killed on the spot, and the general army of Qin and other soldiers fled.

Zhu Xieyuan was eating at that time. After hearing the shocking news, his chopsticks fell to the ground and remained silent for a long time. The loss of Yiling meant that his rear base camp was lost. He could no longer return to Sichuan through here or get assistance from Sichuan.

There was no way to go before, and the way back was broken again. The fall of Yiling and the death of Zhang Youwei instantly spread all over the camp of the Ming army.

Originally, the Ming army had been immersed in the tragic news of the defeat of Guo Chunshui division. As a result, such news came again, which dealt them a great blow. If Zhu Xieyuan hadn't been in charge here, they would have collapsed.

Even if there is Zhu Xieyuan, a big man, sitting here, they are all frightened and not far from collapse.

How was Yiling lost? Yiling was captured by Liu bu.

Although Liu Bu claimed that he would send troops after 10 days, in fact, he began to send troops secretly on the third day after receiving the news, and he led the most elite Laizhou division. They boarded the warships of the Yangtze River fleet and quickly transported them to Jingzhou, which made them hide from the eyes and ears of the Ming army along the coast.

This also made the Ming army unaware that the most powerful force in the Chinese army had quietly arrived in Jingzhou and looked at Yiling.

When Mao Shengli attacked Yiling last month, Jingzhou was captured by the way, leaving a small number of troops behind. After the defeat of Mao Shengli department, many deserters fled here. In addition, they collected some soldiers nearby, and they stayed here for help.

Zhang Youwei was responsible for guarding the Yiling mausoleum. He also had the idea of seizing Jingzhou and sent troops to attack. However, the other side was locked by four walls and could not defend it. For a while and a half, they had no way.

Later, it was said that Liu Kang, the senior general of Liu Jiajun, led 20000 people from Anqing to rush to Jingzhou. They retreated, so Jingzhou has always been controlled by the Chinese army.

Liu Bu led the army to advance all the way along the Yangtze River. After a brief rest in Jingzhou, he set out overnight and went straight to Yiling.

The navy of the Chinese army has always controlled the right to control the Yangtze River. Whenever they see the assembly of the Ming army, they are shelled by them.

So the Ming army subconsciously left the riverside, leaving only a small number of people to guard the riverside. Who knows, Liu Bu, the main force of the Chinese army, sailed along the Yangtze River and quietly arrived at the wharf near Yiling.

Although the Chinese Navy controlled the Yangtze River, they were not arrogant because they knew that the navy was a navy and could not go ashore, so they never went ashore to attack the enemy, which gave the Ming army the illusion that they were dragons in the water and bears on the land. I'm afraid they didn't dare to go ashore to die, so they were just on guard against them, No key precautions were taken.

Liu Bu led his elite troops to quickly set out and land at Yiling wharf. Liu Bu has always been good at sending his sharp knife camp to set out first and control the wharf. When the enemy found them landing from the wharf, the troops of their two regiments had landed on the wharf and lined up the formation.

Knowing that the situation was critical, Zhang Youwei immediately ordered Qin Liangyu to lead ten thousand people to fight back, hoping to drive them down the river while the other party was not stable.

The most elite of Qin Liangyu's department is naturally the world-famous white pole soldier.

In the Hunhe war of that year, the white soldiers were famous all over the world. However, the real white soldiers lost a lot as they fought in the South and North for more than ten years, but there were not many supplements. The number of them has become less and less. Although they claim to have tens of thousands of people, the real white soldiers are only more than 2000 veterans, This has become their family style army and the army at the bottom of the box.

Now the situation is critical, we can only send them on call.