Qin Liangyu is a famous general in the world. He has been famous all over the world for decades and has a high reputation in the Chinese army. Even Liu Bu has a very high evaluation of each other and calls each other a heroine among women.

It is often said that if such an army can recruit or try to recruit, if it meets the front, it should try its best to avoid it. When it is really unavoidable, it should mobilize absolute elites and work hard to annihilate it, otherwise it will become a great danger.

Qin Liangyu and his White Spear soldiers are the backbone of the Ming army. Now Ma Xianglin and his follower Zhu Xieyuan are moving to Henan and continue to face difficulties with the Chinese army.

Liu Kang was very lucky. Fortunately, they took control of the city first, otherwise he might have to suffer a lot.

Before he won the city, he had been looking forward to winning the city and establishing his absolute reputation through a tragic and lively war.

When he took over the city, he saw its danger and grandeur. He laughed at his idea. Although Liu Kang was born as a slave, he has become a qualified general after years of experience. Although he is not as good as the others, he is not incompetent, but the others are too excellent, To hide his light.

Liu Kang's most basic military quality is still qualified. He is also a qualified senior officer. He is sure that even if he is given a regiment, the other party sends 100000 people to attack the city, he can't easily fight it down.

Now he has two regiments of troops entering the city, and the army continuously enters from Chaotianmen through the waterway. When one of his divisions is stationed in Hua, he is sure that even if the other party has 100000 troops, he can't take him.

Hearing that Qin Liangyu came, Liu Kang smiled coldly. He wanted to see the ability of this world famous general, and Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui's face were very ugly.

Although Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui seem cruel and cruel, they are used to bullying the good and fearing the hard, even if they are horizontal roles in the nest. If they are other generals, they don't pay attention to them, but the other party is Qin Liangyu. They really have some taboos when they fight with their real skills.

However, Liu Kang said with a smile, "general Dai and General Gao would have appreciated your loyalty very much, but they haven't seen their bravery. Now is the chance to prove you."

Liu Kang wanted the two of them to try the quality of the famous White Spear soldiers in the world. The Hunhe war was famous all over the world. Later, they both shine brightly in the defense war of the capital and the campaign to eliminate the Youkou invaders. Liu Kang was very careful. He didn't fight with the other party. He didn't know the details of the other party. He didn't dare to send his army to fight rashly.

The best thing now is to send people like Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui, who are obedient to the past, to fight a war and try each other's good qualities.

At the same time, you can also prove the loyalty of these people by the way, so that they can't break a deep blood feud with the Ming army. This is the best way to keep them from turning back.

Moreover, these people, they must also understand that this is to take refuge in the Chinese army, not to be landlords, but also to fight desperately. Now is the time for them to prove that they are still useful.

The Chinese army, like the Ming army, basically doesn't raise idle people. It's impossible to come here to hang around.

For example, Dai Qianyuan joined the Chinese army, but after countless battles, this has today's trust, but this is not enough.

And Liu Kang also has an idea, that is, let the Ming army fight the Ming army, so that there can be real cruelty. Let's see what effect they will have when they fight their own people?

Liu Kang gave the order. Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui did not hesitate to accept the order and went immediately.

Originally, there were not many guards in the city, only some old, weak, sick and disabled, but Dai Qianyuan brought tens of thousands of Ming army deserters. These are almost some old, weak, sick and disabled goods. It must be unqualified and unqualified to let them join the Chinese army.

However, the Chinese army can hardly refuse to join them as an organic system or in batches, so it makes them become servants and do some work at once.

You don't underestimate these servants. In the Ming army, even if they are a snake, they will cheat, play tricks and idle work in war.

However, after joining the Chinese army, they put on new armor and gave them enough to eat and drink. Everyone looked like a wolf like a tiger. When they went to war, they all looked a little confident. Unlike before, they were afraid of the enemy like a tiger and bullied the people like a wolf like a tiger. When they met the enemy, they became soft legged crabs, and they pulled their thin belts. When they retreated and turned in, they became as ill as the wind.

Gao Fugui, the new comer, was surprised to see the momentum of Dai Qianyuan's department. He said, "is it difficult to join the Chinese army and promote the water ghost to the City God?"

Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui are old acquaintances. Now that they have joined the Chinese army, they have become difficult brothers and sisters. He said solemnly: "brother Gao, you must understand that joining the Chinese army is not like before. You have to work hard and go all out to fight a war. You can't sneak and slip. Otherwise, you can't get along. The Chinese army is not a place for idle people."

Such words were said by Dai Qianyuan, an old slick, which surprised Gao Fugui.

However, Gao Fugui also patted his chest. He said, "brothers, everyone is equipped with a good suit of armor, good weapons and enough to eat. Is there any war that can't be won in this world?"

This sentence can be regarded as a clear weakness, that is, poor equipment and poor treatment, so that many generals put their responsibility for losing the war here. They think that if they are given good equipment and enough food and drink, they can win the war and defeat the enemy.

Dai Qianyuan thought so, so he ordered his soldiers to line up and go out of the city to form a huge military array ready to work with each other. He encouraged the soldiers and said loudly: "The Chinese Army raises soldiers for thousands of days, which is used for a while. Usually, when you are raised by landlords, you will fight desperately today. Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit, eat meat and eat shit. Just look at today's war."

Seeing this, Gao Fugui was unwilling to show weakness. He also loudly encouraged the soldiers. He said: "what white pole soldiers and powerful forces all over the world are actually a group of hungry farmers, that is, a group of dogs raised by Zhu Ming. Today it depends on your ability and whether you can win these dogs."

These two people speak very vulgar, but they are really useful. At least they can easily boost the morale of the soldiers, because what they say is the truth. Now they have joined the Chinese army. Although they serve in the army, they enjoy very good treatment. Compared with the previous days, it is like the days of the rich landlord. They are unwilling to let them go back and kill them.

After joining the Chinese army, they seem to have a sense of honor, which makes them feel tall. This kind of tall self feeling is good, which also doubles their courage. Second, such encouragement makes the soldiers cry.

Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui led the army to form a huge military array, which was deployed outside the Chaotian gate, lined up with weapons and prepared to work with the Chinese army.

The routines and tricks they use are also the ordinary routines and tricks of the Ming army. This is that the sword and shield guard in the front and the archer in the back, but Dai Qianyuan and other officers dare not pretend to be dead and hide their privacy. They are among the vanguards and take the lead.

Qin Liangyu traveled day and night and made great efforts to withdraw to Chongqing. She wanted to use it as a base to resist the enemy's invasion of Sichuan. Who knows that there are spies like Dai Qianyuan among the enemy, so that they can get here quickly by taking a shortcut, and easily seize Chongqing, which made her very angry.

What made her even more angry was that Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui were shameless. They not only took refuge in the Chinese army, but also took many people to challenge her,

Qin Liangyu said loudly, "Dai Qianyuan, rich and noble, you two are deeply indebted to the emperor and have done such despicable things when the imperial court is in trouble. What's your conscience?"

Dai Qianyuan and Gao Fugui are worried about this question. Do they have it? How much is it? So they don't take Qin Liangyu's accusation seriously. Dai Qianyuan said loudly: "Since ancient times, there has been a saying: those who know current affairs are heroes, and good birds choose trees to live in. Zhu Ming has no way. He collects money recklessly, fish and meat the people, and ignores the people in the world. There are built slaves outside to make trouble, and there are rogue bandits inside. The people are in deep water and fire. Our Chinese army has risen strongly and saved the people in the world. What's the use of these incongruous words you said?"

Gao Fugui directly said: "speaking of being deeply favored by the emperor, Lord Ma Qiancheng was killed by officials. It's ridiculous that you still work for the imperial court!"

Qin Liangyu's husband Ma Qiancheng was a chieftain of Shizhu. He was falsely accused of offending eunuch Qiu Chengfeng and died in prison because of heatstroke. The imperial court rehabilitated him in time. Because his son Ma Xianglin was young at that time, Qin Liangyu was appointed to act as the chieftain of Shizhu temporarily. Since then, he has always given rewards to their family as compensation.

But this is the hidden pain of the Ma family and the Qin family. As long as they are the chieftain, they have to continue to work for the imperial court. Now they are said in public, and they seem to be a little angry. This is really the pot. If they don't open it, they scold others and expose it.

Qin Liangyu was very angry and said loudly, "you two shameless dog thieves, if you know each other today, you should surrender quickly, otherwise you would have been punished as soon as the soldiers came out."