Dai Qianyuan saw that he scolded his father speechless, but he still didn't relieve his anger.

Of course, there was no relief. He tried his best to get a brigade commander from the Chinese army. Seeing that he could make great achievements, he could become a division commander in charge of his own party. In that way, he would really become a senior officer and be considered outstanding.

As a result, he was easily stirred by his father and became a groom.

What's worse is the twin beauty he bought for thousands of dollars. He asked an expert to teach it. Whether it's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting or bed Kung Fu, he asked a first-class expert to teach it. Now it's better and cheaper for others.

What is cheap in vain? If he gave it to Liu Kang at the beginning, it would certainly not be in vain. Therefore, they have a relationship. This kind of personal relationship can not be offset by a thousand liang of silver.

However, even if he was disturbed, the other party brought tens of liang of silver, which also explained one thing, which was ungrateful. He wasted his mind.

Dai Qianyuan said, "do you want to be loyal officials and filial sons? Gao Baiyun, lengtujing, Ma nanzhong and Zhang Zhifeng are loyal officials. As a result, they were all dismembered under the small East Mountain of Yiling. All the men in the family were beheaded and all the women's dependents were distributed as prostitutes."

Master Dai Qianyuan knew all the people Dai Qianyuan mentioned just now, and some of them were soldiers brought out by him. However, these people chose to be loyal to Daming and followed Zhang Youwei and were executed by the Chinese army. Their families also suffered great crimes. In fact, it was because his subordinate families suffered great crimes that the master was angry, but he wanted to clean up his son, As a result, he successfully pulled himself into the water.

Dai Qianyuan understood dad's thoughts and thoughts, but he said coldly: "It's good to have a bite to eat these days. Mud Bodhisattvas cross the river and can't protect themselves. Do you still want to help all living beings? Look at so many Confucian masters. They hide when they see the troubled times and devote themselves to learning at home. They don't come out to be officials until the world is peaceful. Why don't dad hide at home, marry more concubines and enjoy life? He wants to come here Bad for me? "

In this way, it was completely stuck. Mr. Dai understood.

The old man wants to be a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty. Put this flower hat on his head. After his death, he can also get a high evaluation. Maybe historians will say a few good words, but such a high evaluation has to pay a heavy price. Most of those who oppose the Chinese army have broken their families and died, and most of them will never turn over. Such a tragic end It's not what he can accept and would like to see.

Thinking of this, he could not help regretting. He said, "what should I do now?"

Dai Qianyuan said coldly, "the best way now is to go back to the countryside and live a good life. If you have nothing to do, marry more concubines and have some sons. As for the things here, I'll take care of them."

Mr. Dai remembered that he had lived and died for Daming for decades before he established his first fame. He didn't want his first fame. It didn't go bad until he was old. Moreover, even if he was willing to change his face at this time, it was estimated that the Chinese army would despise him, so he had to agree to his son's proposal. In fact, this is a better practice.

Since the Chinese army is so powerful and irresistible, it's better for him not to resist.

So many great Confucians and scholars, moral gentlemen, are unwilling to be officials of the imperial court when they see that the wind is wrong. Instead, they hide at home, concentrate on learning, raise their hopes in the field, and come out to be officials when the world is peaceful.

Not only ordinary literati, but also the Confucius family, the representative of literati. Since these top nobles are like this, why should they be stubborn?

When he thought of it, he had to say, "no matter what!" when the son became a big man, he has the final say of his family wear. The old man will go back to the country and never ask you anything.

This is a good idea, but Dai Qianyuan is still very angry. He can't imagine that his hard-earned position as brigade commander is so easy to lose. He doesn't know when to become such a senior official next time.

The Dai family is a big family in Chongqing. They have been rooted here for decades. They have joined the army for generations. They are leading figures in the military field. They are considered to have a big family and cause. Their disciples and old officials are all over Sichuan. As a result, they become grooms. It's really embarrassing.

But Dai Qianyuan didn't dare not go. Since he was an important member of the Chinese army, Liu Kang personally demoted him as a groom and asked him to go to the horse camp to listen to orders, he had to go. If he didn't go, he was afraid that the other party would find a crime at random, so he would say that he defected to the enemy and could kill all his family.

The next day, Dai Qianyuan changed into an ordinary military uniform and reported to the horse camp. He thought, if you can be a groom, you can be a groom. Wei Qing has also been a groom. Similarly, you can be a general. As long as you can keep your home, there is no shame that can't be endured.

Dai Qianyuan thought he would be humiliated and ridiculed by many people when he entered the horse camp.

However, most people still have great respect for him. The main reason is that Dai Qianyuan mentioned earlier. Although he was greedy for life and afraid of death, he brought tens of thousands of people back and saved tens of thousands of families. Although he was not a living Buddha, many people thought of him and thought he was right 。

As for those who have always followed Zhang Youwei, most of them have died in a foreign country and cannot come back, and their families also live in deep water and hell.

Dai Qianyuan came to the horse camp. He didn't know what to do, so he reported to the camp. He knew that since he was demoted to a groom, he couldn't be a cavalry. He should be a horse waiter.

Dai Qianyuan did this, but he stumped the camp. He didn't have such a big boss in the horse camp. The camp was a wise man. He thought that the boss might be training him. He was a short-time worker and could only work for a few days at most. So he said, "since the general personally ordered you to be a groom, take care of the general's night jade lion?"

Once Dai Qianyuan heard that he arranged to take care of Liu Kang's horse, it was not so uncomfortable and shameful. After all, he served Liu Kang. It was like a person serving the emperor. He was also a servant, but he was superior. He was at the same level as others, so Dai Qianyuan readily agreed.

Dai Qianyuan is no exception. Most generals in this era have their own war horses. If they have a special preference for war horses, he also likes to wash and feed them. Dai Qianyuan has such a hobby, that is, he is washing and feeding his war horses to cultivate feelings and tacit understanding. He is really familiar with a business.

In this way, Dai Qianyuan worked in the horse camp of the Chinese army.

The Chinese Army successfully won Chongqing, almost completing their first step into Sichuan, but this is only the first step. Their ultimate goal of the western expedition is still to win the whole Sichuan.

If it is peacetime, they should send an army to Chengdu directly.

Chengdu is also the most important city in Sichuan. It is the seat of Yizhou, one of the ancient nine states. It is a very fertile and prosperous place. Even if it is abandoned, it will become a town in one year, a city in two years and Chengdu in three years.

Even now, it is also the seat of Sichuan Chengxuan political envoy department, and Chengdu is the only place in Shu with a prince, and its importance is self-evident.

Sichuan is called the land of abundance, which is also because the Chengdu Plain, the boundless and huge arable land, is what the Chinese army wants.

However, they are now facing such a dilemma. If they send troops to attack Chengdu, they will certainly be copied by Qin Liangyu's Department, which retreated to Zhongzhou, making it difficult for them to attend to both ends.

If you send troops to attack the stone pillar, you will lose your fighters in vain.

The biggest problem is that in Zhongzhou, where there are poor mountains and rivers, the white soldiers have strong combat effectiveness and strong will to defend the countryside. If the ordinary Ming army goes to fight, there is no chance of victory. The Chinese army also knows that if their army is not covered by red artillery, their combat effectiveness will decline sharply, and there is no certainty of victory. It is said that they can defeat the white soldiers.

But it was a disaster for them to transport the red cannon into the earth lump of Shizhu, so Liu Kang couldn't make up his mind how to go.

Yesterday, he also thought that Qin Liangyu's retreat to Shizhu, Zhongzhou was a very timid and incompetent behavior. Now he found that the other party's means were very clever. At least he could firmly restrain them and make them unable to move.

Liu Kang convened all senior officers to discuss how to face the current situation.

Liu Kang said in a deep voice, "the current situation is very good. The Ministry of national defense will send more reinforcements to support our operations. However, the general's intention is to hope that Sichuan will be the people of Sichuan. We can eat such a big piece of fat by ourselves. Doesn't he smell good? Why share a share."

Liu Kang's words also speak to everyone's heart. Everyone also thinks so. If they win Sichuan, they can make great contributions. If they are not sure, they must be solved by the continuous arrival of reinforcements from the Chinese army, which means that the situation is no longer controlled by them.

Gao Fugui said, "it's easy. It's a humble position. So he led his troops to attack the stone pillar."

Liu Kang said: "General Gao's headquarters is not Qin Liangyu's opponent. If we draw more troops, it will weaken our forces in attacking Chengdu and defending Chongqing."

Gao Fugui said triumphantly, "you don't need too many troops, just give 5000 people at the lower level. The lower level won't face Qin Liangyu and attack his Jiuxi 18th stronghold instead."

With a cold smile, he said, "let go of all the villagers who are willing to surrender to our Chinese Empire. If you dare to fight against the heavenly power of our army, you will crush it mercilessly. In this way, Qin Liangyu threw a rat's deterrent, but did not dare to go all out to fight our army."