Liu Bu and his father Liu Yuanqiao, after talking about the matter, looked at the sky late, and it began to snow outside. It was cold at ten, so he hurried back to his east yard.

At present, the main members of the Liu family still live in the town hall. When they ascend the throne and become emperor, they will live in the imperial palace.

Therefore, they only temporarily renovated and decorated the zhenshou mansion to make it comfortable, but they did not carry out large-scale reconstruction and expansion.

The garrison mansion is the residence of the most powerful people in Nanjing. Although it is not comparable to the Imperial Palace, it is not inferior to the Liu family mansion in Linqing. It is not a big problem to live with thousands of people.

Moreover, it is a place with the nature of a military fortress. There are various military facilities. Thousands of troops can be stationed in it. These elite troops will ensure the safety of the Liu family.

Liu Bu returned to his east yard. Zheng zining had put on his pajamas and was ready to go to bed. His son was put in a cradle next to him. The child had slept. It was cold outside, but the house was equipped with a floor cage. The carbon fire was burning like spring. The child slept very sweet.

Liu Bu walked lightly and kissed his son's face. His face was full of love.

Zheng zining always paid attention to Liu Bu's face. Seeing that he liked it so much, she was relieved. Zheng zining said, "I'm not ashamed of you!" she gave birth to a son, and she was very proud.

Liu Bu said happily, "it's really a long face. When I received the news of my son's birth and was in Xiangyang City, I drank a gourd of wine and rewarded the three armies. The greatest credit for this is you, zining. Thank you. It's hard."

After hearing Liu Bu's words, Zheng zining put down her heart. She also compensated for the suffering and grievances she suffered these days. She said, "women are like breaking through the gates of hell in order to have children. You have to treat our mother well."

This is not a lie. The sanitary conditions in this era are so poor that women often have to rely on luck to survive having children. In particular, heroines like Zheng zining have to die half their lives in order to have children. Until now, she is still in confinement and has no way to go out, let alone live the life she yearned for in the past.

Liu Bu held Zheng zining's hand and said, "thank you for your sacrifice for this family. Tell me, how are you doing at home? Has anyone bullied you?"

Zheng zining enjoyed Liu Bu's intimacy very much. He had a smile in his eyes and said disapprovingly, "can someone bully me in this family?"

Liu preached, "don't you always say that Kong is difficult to deal with?"

Zheng zining said, "some people start to make trouble when they are pregnant. They don't know if they can have a son in their stomach, so they start to make trouble."

Liu Bu smiled. This is a problem for almost all rich and powerful families. In order to compete for property and inheritance, all kinds of means came out together.

In the past, no one could shake his position in the backyard of the Liu family. Until now, it is as high as the sun and unshakable.

But since the stepmother of such a big background started, some people inevitably had other ideas.

Liu Bu thinks of his gentle stepmother. Although she looks very noble and bookish, she is also a shrewd and powerful role. She works with a needle in her hand, moves forward and backward, and has the style of a rich and powerful woman.

It is estimated that with her identity and family background, she will not be willing to let her children rank second after having children. With her origin and identity, she is also estimated to be a legitimate son, two legitimate sons in a family, which is troublesome.

If they are others, they may have moral problems, but they are the Confucius family. Moral ethics can be distorted and can be turned in their favor.

So after Kong entered the door, some people did have other ideas, and some people were very happy.

Liu Bu had a headache when he thought of these. If he was an enemy, it would be simple. He would kill him directly, out of sight and out of mind. He was simple and rough, and he didn't talk much.

But this is his stepmother. Although Liu Bu has never saluted him or said hello, his name has been set. In terms of seniority, he is superior to him. If he does such a thing, others will only say that he kills his mother. It's disgusting to think about it.

Liu Bu said, "although Kong is a little shrewd, zining in my family doesn't seem to be a good man or woman."

Zheng zining said proudly, "Kong's eyes are open to the sky with his own origin. He doesn't pay attention to others. If she blocks me, I'll block her."

Liu Bu was interested. He said, "what can you do to add blocking to her?"

In the eyes of people like Liu Bu, the most difficult thing to deal with is the people in the family. Some people can't beat or scold. They can only be angry with her and tolerate everywhere. For example, the relationship between him and his father in the past.

Zheng zining said, "isn't Kong very free? Are you in a hurry? I stretch out my hand for everything, so I suggested to the old Buddha that our Liu family is not thin? We should marry more for the old man and open branches and leaves for the Liu family." then Zheng zining smiled cunningly: "the old Buddha also praised me for being a housewife."

Liu Bu thought that this was indeed a way. Kong was in a hurry and stretched out his hand everywhere. If she had several more opponents around her, it was estimated that she was not so free. There were more things to be busy, so she couldn't manage Liu Bu's affairs.

Liu preached, "this is a very good way. It really makes her sick, but aren't you afraid to attack her own shield with her son's spear?"

Zheng Zining smiled sweetly, "she doesn't know our family's situation. Who has the final say?"

Liu Bu hurriedly smiled and said, "this is a big event. Naturally, madam has the final say."

Zheng zining said triumphantly, "yes! You, marshal Liu, are in charge of the military power in the world, but you can't manage the affairs of women in the backyard. You should understand that this woman must be satisfied, otherwise she will be like a wolf and eat people."

Liu Bu smiled and said, "understand! Understand!" he turned his eyes and said, "why don't you eat now!"

For such a wife, he will find a concubine's wife for him. What else does he have to ask for? Liu Bu came to this era, which is an era of three wives and four concubines, but he believes that such children are not necessarily happy. It's good for women to meet their own needs and all their desires. It's not many that are good. Whether so many women can carry it or not is also a problem.

Moreover, in this matter, he is not in a hurry. He needs to know other identities. He may eventually be the emperor of this country, so he can't die of one wife.

At that time, when he becomes emperor, even if he wants to do so, it is estimated that the ministers will disagree. If he marries only one, it is estimated that the ministers will think that he is not responsible for the country and nation.

This is like the emperor of Xiaozong in those days. Zhu Gutang, the emperor of Xiaozong in those years, is known as the best emperor in the history of the Ming Dynasty and the emperor loved by the officials and the people.

However, he gave birth to such a son as Zhengde, such a naughty son, which is the main reason for the surging political circles of the imperial court for decades.

When Zhengde died in his thirties, it also triggered a new political crisis. Many people lamented for the emperor Xiaozong. If he had more children, why.

Liu Bu knows that Zheng zining is a strong man. She is a heroine among women and betrothes herself. At the beginning, people said that the tiger girl and the dog were married.

To leave it to future generations, this is to marry a strong woman as a wife, which will be very stressful. Liu Bu admits that his wife is better than him in many aspects, but she finally becomes his wife, sleeping for him and giving birth to children for him. No matter how strong a woman is, she can't avoid this fate, and must bow to the secular world. For example, even if she is strong, We also have to admit the existence of Chen Yuanyuan and help his husband find a concubine, otherwise we are jealous. Jealousy is one of the seven.

Liu Bu is actually grateful for his wife's sacrifice and knows that it is difficult for her. When they live together, they have to pay and sacrifice. It seems that Zheng zining is the one who pays and sacrifices in this marriage, and he just enjoys the success.

Liu Bu hugged Zheng zining and said, "I haven't seen you for months. I miss you."

Zheng zining pushed him away and said, "are you still in confinement? I'm not interested! Go to find your beauty Chen."

Liu bu also understood that women are still in confinement. Even if they want it, he won't come forcibly. In this way, it's easy to leave the root of the disease for a lifetime, but his heart is full of attachment and gratitude. He said, "I'll stay here tonight? My wife and my children."

Liu Bu was just pretending to be noble. During his war, his wives kept empty houses alone. When he was in a hurry, he was accompanied by three old men. To put it bluntly, there was never a lack of women around him.

In this era, men are superior to women, which is something that no one can change. Zheng zining is still very happy about Liu Bu's attachment to her. She took Liu Bu's hand and said, "rest early. You have to be on duty tomorrow."

The couple looked at each other and smiled, hand in hand into the collapse.

Although the Chinese Empire was derived from the Ming Empire, there are many things that are quite different. For example, the Ming Court has been engaged in the early Dynasty for more than 200 years. They held early meetings in the morning and solved all problems.

The Chinese army, on the other hand, did not say that they had an early Dynasty. Not only did they not have an early Dynasty, but they were still on duty at the beginning of the morning. After the meeting, the principal officials of various ministries returned to their offices to deal with all kinds of affairs.

These things were not formulated by Liu Bu, but by Liu Yuanqiao.

This is the rule set by Liu Yuanqiao when he was the head of the customs in Linqing. He is on the regular shift four hours a day. He can do everything well. If he can't do it well, he can't get up before dawn in the morning to finish the work.

Therefore, in some aspects, the officials of the Chinese Empire were much more leisurely than those of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, the Chinese Empire pursued the policy of high salary and integrity from the beginning, and the welfare treatment of officials was quite good. He had a very low salary compared with the officials of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, even after Liu Bu returned, he did not need to go to the early morning, but went to the Ministry of national defense after chenchu (more than eight o'clock) the next morning.

Liu Bu is the commander-in-chief of the Ministry of national defense. To put it bluntly, he is equivalent to the Shangshu of the Ministry of war and the governor of the five armed forces in the Ming Dynasty, who controls military power.