Zu dashou and Wu Xiang are nominally soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, they are representatives of local landlords in western Liaoning. They regard local interests more important than the so-called national interests.

However, they also believe that the state does not pay attention to them, and they are only cooperative relations. Now the imperial court wants to deceive them to die, which is not easy. They will not be easily fooled.

In the era of sun Chengzong, the generals in western Liaoning were not as powerful as they are today. Yuan Chonghuan was also a representative figure recognized by them. Unfortunately, when sun Chengzong left his post, yuan chenghuan was badly cut. This end also made them realize that there was no good end to listening to the Imperial court. Either he left his post or he was cut.

Moreover, he was more worried about Zu dashou. When yuan Chonghuan was released from prison, he saw that the wind was wrong and ran away. The emperor ordered him to go back several times, but he didn't go back. He worried that once he left the protection of the army, his fate would be no better than yuan Chonghuan.

Moreover, it's hard to say whether the emperor will settle accounts after autumn when he enters the pass this time. He also knows that in the eyes of the imperial court and the emperor, they are not disorderly officials, thieves or rude men. They are people who can't get on the table. You can't get on the table. People will treat you as a person?

And they all know that eunuch Xu, who is making trouble in Beijing, is cruel and ruthless. He likes to rob the rich and help the poor. The generals in western Liaoning have been greedy for so much money these years. They may have been on the blacklist. They are waiting for you to go back, detain you, and then copy your home and destroy your family.

It is not a good choice to give up the territory in the pass and enter the pass. This is the unanimous recognition of the generals in western Liaoning and even tens of thousands of soldiers.

However, in the modeling and Chinese army, they attach great importance to military officers, but these people have very strong control over the army. Once they vote, the army will have to be handed over.

Don't mention that Zu dashou really invested in JianNu. He just saw that there was no good life in JianNu, so he escaped and came back anyway.

Such a criminal record also frightened him. He was worried that even people with a criminal record like him would die if they joined JianNu.

And at this point, he didn't want to invest in JianNu, because JianNu was defeated by the Chinese army. As long as he saw these red cannon of the Chinese army, Zu dashou thought it was impossible to defeat them, or JianNu could cross the White Mountains and black waters outside the pass, but as long as there were rivers and rivers, You can't beat the Chinese army, which means they can never become powerful and do great things.

Therefore, forced by helplessness, they can only find a way to contact the Chinese army. Even if the other party does not agree, they can first look at the wind and then decide to go.

It happened that the Chinese army had just recovered Haizhou recently. Haizhou was very close to Jinzhou where Zu dashou was located, so Zu dashou wrote a sincere letter to express his admiration for each other and hoped to arrange a time to meet.

The Chinese army suddenly went out of southern Liaoning and took the land of the three guards, but it made JianNu sleep and eat uneasy. Although JianNu were ready to stick to Haizhou, after seeing that the Chinese army had got so many cannons, they knew that sticking to it was a dead end.

And now in the war, it is artillery, infantry and fire guns. These soldiers who started with riding and shooting are really not rivals to these firearm monsters. In the end, they can only let them go to the sea.

This also allowed the Chinese army to complete the control of the whole southern Liaoning. When sun chuanting's water and land armies went hand in hand and took Haizhou, he was also in high spirits. He said loudly, "where the cannon goes is the truth."

In the past, sun chuanting was not a gun supremacy. He believed that war still depended on people. Guns were only an auxiliary thing. However, after entering the Chinese army and leading his troops to war, he had only one feeling, that is, it was very cool.

The Chinese army is so well-equipped and capable of fighting. It's like using a sharp sword to kill anyone you want. Even if you wear iron armor, you can cut through your iron armor and kill you.

Unlike the Qin army he had commanded and trained before, they were either lack of armour, weapons, pay or food. In short, they had such and such defects. When they fought on the battlefield, they all had such and such problems, which made it difficult for him to implement the military order.

For example, when they encircled and suppressed Gao Yingxiang's army, he sent a cavalry to bring Gao Yingxiang's exiles to their old camp and let them cover the whole army. However, the number of cavalry in the army was too small and there were not many war horses. Finally, because of insufficient manpower and horsepower, he sat and watched Li Zicheng and others escape.

At that time, sun chuanting was still lamenting that he let Li Zicheng escape. He was afraid that there would be endless future trouble, so he continued to organize his army to attack the remnant of Li Zicheng in Zhongnan mountain. The emperor ordered him to go to other battlefields, and he would not go, because he was afraid of falling short of success and reviving the other party.

Sun chuanting is now thinking that if there had been so many cavalry troops of the Chinese army, he would have brought Li Zicheng to the capital with his uncle.

Although the southern Liaoning army of the Chinese army has only tens of thousands of troops, it directly has a large number of artillery and a large number of cavalry troops. They are backed by the sea and can attack and retreat, which makes JianNu very embarrassed.

After he became governor of southern Liaoning this time, everyone thought that he would stabilize the three guards first. Who knows, when he came, he would take down Haizhou first. Because the Chinese army has a strong artillery force, their navy can transport artillery to distant cities, which means that their firepower advantage is unmatched by the other side, So when they entered Haizhou along the Haihe River and besieged Haicheng, the other party knew that they could not resist the enemy and immediately retreated quickly.

JianNu originally regarded Haizhou as their advance base in southern Liaoning, and guarded it here to prevent the other party from entering the land of Eastern Liaoning, which became a place they must guard and defend.

When Huang Taiji heard that the army was attacking Haizhou, he gave an order to the general of Haizhou, zilharang, asking him to do everything possible to defend Haizhou. Reinforcements will soon arrive.

However, more than 3000 people were killed in one day, and ten Niulu died. He could not bear such a huge loss, so he could only order to retreat.

Because this is the seaside, the nearby Chinese army can call their navy's cannons to attack the city, and it can't resist the enemy's cannons at all. Even if his soldiers are dressed in three layers of iron armor, they will be dead if they encounter the other party's cannons. Therefore, Huang Taiji was so angry that his teeth were broken that he finally had to order zilharang to lead his troops, A swift retreat.

When Haizhou fell into the hands of the Chinese army, sun chuanting set his governor Xingyuan in Haizhou, while the governor of southern Liaoning was in Jinzhou, one south and one north.

After taking Haizhou, the Chinese army had a better base to advance, whether it went north to Liaoyang, South to the Liaoxi corridor, or west to the Mongolian grassland.

Haizhou, which was heavily guarded by JianNu, was taken by the Chinese army one day, which also made the veteran generals in western Liaoning despise JianNu and think that it is difficult for them to achieve great things, so they can't surrender to them at all.

Sun chuanting set up his governor's office here, and the next step is to win more places.

As a governor of southern Liaoning, sun chuanting is mainly in charge of the military. As for the people's livelihood and logistics, he doesn't have to worry about it. He is only responsible for training and commanding the army. Zhou Wentong is responsible for the people's livelihood and logistics. The Chinese army has an extremely rich family background. They can provide good food and logistics support for the army.

Now that he had so many convenient conditions, sun chuanting decided that he had to fight a few big battles. With such a sharp blade in his hand, how could he stand up to his brothers in the rear without cutting off a few more enemy heads.

Just as sun chuanting was planning his next move, he received a letter from Zu dashou, sincerely expressed admiration for him, and said he wanted to meet at the boundary between the two sides.

Sun chuanting didn't know Zu dashou, but he had heard a lot about this escaped general and veteran general.

Sun chuanting is now stationed in Haizhou. Although it is said that they can attack and retreat, and the strategic situation is better, it also makes him a little embarrassed. Does he continue to attack JianNu in the north or win the Liaoxi corridor in the south.

Now his situation is good, but there are many enemies. The main thing is to connect with the direction of zolang and grassland in western Liaoning, and contact more people.

The most important thing is that he is afraid that if they go north with all their strength, Zu dashou, Wu Xiang and others will leave the western Liaoning Corridor and cut off his back road, he will fall into a situation of internal and external difficulties.

The Chinese army and the imperial court are enemies. It is estimated that they are still the No. 1 enemy. If they are fighting with JianNu, it is reasonable for the other party to attack his rear.

Therefore, after winning the strategic place of Haizhou, sun chuanting did not dare to advance rashly. He must straighten out the current situation and find out everyone's ideas before he can continue to go north.

It's not a way to let him attack zolang in western Liaoning, because he knows that sun Chengzong and Yuan Chonghuan spent tens of thousands of liang of silver to smash here and set up countless blockhouses, even as strong as JianNu. When they attack these blockhouses, they are bleeding. If they attack, the result is not much better.

And when he came to southern Liaoning, he had to fight Tartars. If he fought and killed his own people with the Ming army, it would be meaningless. It was neither what he wanted nor his original intention.