In this way, they faced another problem. They had always wanted to order Guan Ning cavalry to enter the pass to support the Shandong battlefield.

The Ministry of military has made arrangements for how to use and fight this elite fist army.

But at this time, there was a Jinzhou army. Sun chuanting fought with him there, so the imperial court didn't dare to transfer Guan Ning army to Shandong battlefield.

And they have another worry. If they had given up all the places outside the pass in the past, JianNu will quickly fill this gap, and their soldiers will go straight to the foot of the mountain customs city.

However, with JianNu's ability, it is impossible to break through the barrier and capture Daming. They occupied the whole Liao town of Daming, which is also a disease of scabies. One day, Daming will rob these sites back.

If Guan Ning's army retreats and sun chuanting, who is entrenched in Haizhou, takes advantage of it, they will be attacked by the Chinese army, which is very dangerous.

In the face of this dilemma, the imperial court was full of worries. They were thinking that if the Chinese army occupied the western Liaoning Corridor and the soldiers were outside the Shanhaiguan Pass, Daming would be in danger.

And they finally understood why the Chinese thieves had occupied southern Liaoning for so long and didn't start at Haizhou. Now they suddenly started at Haizhou. This is because they have this idea.

Therefore, Guan Ningjun, the generals in western Liaoning, not only couldn't move, but also had to strengthen their defense. Therefore, the emperor only wanted to do everything possible to get them a sum of money and food, hoping to boost the morale of the army.

After receiving the money, Zu dashou didn't have any joy or gratitude. Instead, the generals under his opponent said angrily, "this is the style of the Ming court. When you are used, you are a guest of honor. When you are not used, you are not even as good as shit."

The imperial court is now tossing them around like this. It thinks that the utilization value of Guan Ning army is not high, so even the military pay has been stopped. Now it seems that they need to fight outside, so they immediately reissued the military pay. This is hard-working money, and no one dares to delay.

It's just their style, but Guan Ningjun and others are very angry about it. Everyone works hard. As a result, the salary can't be paid normally. Only when they work hard can they be paid on time. That little money is really disappointing.

Let's look at the Chinese Army opposite people. Junxiang never defaulted on his work and made meritorious contributions on the battlefield. There is a special expression that why everyone in the Chinese army is as fierce as a little tiger because they fight for themselves.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are soldiers, almost slaves. The soldiers of the Chinese army are full of money. Most of them can be called small bosses and small landlords. How can such an army not win a war?

Zu dashou has been in charge of the army for 30 years. He came to the conclusion that the richer the army is, the easier it is to win a war.

For example, although there were only tens of thousands of Guanling cavalry stationed in Liao Town, they could not lift their heads under the pressure of people of all ethnic groups in Northeast China.

In addition, the rapid rise of JianNu later, although there were only eight banners, the combat effectiveness of their army was very strong, because most of them were rich and small landlords, working hard for themselves and fighting for themselves.

At this point, Zu dashou could not help but choose a way back. He said to his brother-in-law Wu Xiang, "now we really have to find a way back, otherwise our future generations will have to die on the ship of Daming."

Wu Xiang was speechless about such a situation, but the reality of Daming was extreme. If you had the use value, you would send grain to you. If you had no use value, you would default or even refuse to give it to you.

Soldiers eat food. Soldiers live on this food. Some people have to feed their families. What do you want them to eat? What would you like to drink?

The officials in the imperial court also said righteously: "now the imperial court is in a difficult autumn. Not only are you in arrears with grain, but also those who are officials are in arrears. We officials in the capital have not paid grain for several months. The landlords have no surplus grain, and the officials don't have a living!"

They are crying to the people below, just to block the mouths of the people below, not to let them speak, not to let them reach out.

Officials in the court have some ways to make money, so they only care about being an official. The power is in hand, and they are afraid they can't get money? Below, this group of bitter ha ha can only endure hunger and sit and watch his wife and children starve to death.

The princes in the court and people all over the world are saying that their generals in western Liaoning are raising tigers and bandits, but they don't think about it. If it's not like this, they don't even have a full meal.

Qi Jiguang was a cruel man. He destroyed and maimed the fried flower Department in Mongolia in the first World War. As a result, the imperial court didn't need him. He kicked him out to Guangdong early to provide for the elderly. Even the Qi family army who followed him couldn't come to a good end.

Only those who know how to raise Kou's self-respect and how to make themselves valuable can live.

They don't mind staying forever like now, but they all know that it's impossible. Now the situation in Daming has undergone earth shaking changes, and Daming has begun to be unsustainable. The upheaval that hasn't happened in 300 years is right in front of them. If they don't choose a Ming Lord early, they're afraid they'll die without a place to bury.

JianNu rose rapidly, but let them take refuge in a group of wild barbarians who are worse than them. They can't pass this level in their hearts, so they can only choose to move closer to the Liu family.

They are close to the Liu family. Wealth and honor can be guaranteed, but they can't keep this right and territory. The Liu family and their son can't hold half a grain of sand in their eyes. Let's see the rise of the Liu family in recent years. Their power has been so great, but there is a mountain? As long as they merge into the Chinese army, they will become one of them and can no longer be separated for a lifetime.

In particular, Liu Jiajun's assimilation ability is very strong. He has officers and soldiers who can stand you. They have to follow him.

Soldiers eat food and milk is their mother. With such good conditions as the Chinese army, these soldiers will be taken in by them as soon as they pass. Who else will remember who the former general master was?

So Zu dashou, Wu Xiang and others are in a dilemma. They don't know what to do, but Liu Jiajun put forward a suggestion that they should not withdraw from the pass. They agreed to cooperate.

Because they know that this is beneficial to both sides. As long as they fight with sun chuanting's troops, the imperial court will certainly not call them again and let them go to Shandong to fight.

Sure enough, when they came out of a big fight with sun chuanting, the imperial court panicked, no longer ordered them to send troops to the pass, and allocated a batch of money and food.

But even now they began to despise the weakness of the imperial court. How can such a weak organization survive? They will be destroyed sooner or later. Even if they can win the war in Shandong, it is still difficult to achieve great things because of their long illness and difficult to recover in the twilight.

If Zu dashou and Wu Xiang were not greedy for power, they would have voted for the Chinese army and enjoyed prosperity and wealth. But now, the conditions offered by the Chinese army to them are still good, that is, to maintain the status quo and watch its change.

Liaoximen and the Chinese Army flirted and hooked up, which made Liu bu a little happy. This means that their influence outside the pass has been expanded. If they can take this place, they can surround Daming from behind.

Now Guan Ning army is still the most elite and powerful army in Daming. It is the last army that can carry with JianNu.

Others will look down on them and think that they are afraid of enemies like tigers for building slaves, but Liu Bu knows the abilities of these people.

In the original version, they took refuge in JianNu and let go of their hands and feet, but they fought all the way from Shanhaiguan to Myanmar in the south. Wherever they went, they were invincible. It's still the old saying that soldiers are good soldiers and men are good men. It depends on the person who leads the war? And the imperial court?

Apart from other things, let them take refuge in JianNu, become two devils and fight with their hands and feet. They also sweep the world. If such an army joins their Chinese army, their strength can be greatly enhanced.

Their increased strength means the weakening of Daming's strength. Making good use of this force is also of great benefit to the Liu family's rule of the world.

Although Liu Bu devoted all his energy to planning the war in Shandong, he also looked at the overall situation. Only his ability to look at the overall situation is an excellent handsome talent. Although their main battlefield will be Shandong, they will have a final battle with Daming in Shandong.

But at the same time, he must consider the power in their farther south, northwest and Outer Mongolia.

After the unification of the Central Plains, it is bound to use troops overseas, which means that they need a large number of soldiers and generals. If they can persuade this army to participate in the war, their reality will be strengthened and the pace of unifying the world will be greatly accelerated.

Although the Guan Ning army of the general's gate in western Liaoning, even against them, is not able to prevent them from dominating the world, it will also delay their dominating the world and cause more casualties.

Liu Bu is ambitious. After he is ready to dominate the world, he needs to expand around and restore the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties. He still doesn't mind if he can end the war as soon as possible and reduce casualties as much as possible.

It's just that the generals in western Liaoning are asking too high a price. They actually want to take refuge in the Liu family and continue to be vassal towns and Jiedu envoys. How is this possible? This means that nothing can be opened. If it is opened, there will be endless future trouble. Liu Bu doesn't want to leave future trouble for his children and grandchildren.