Liu Yuanqiao's successful rebellion has become the most successful figure in all rebellions in history. At the same time, he has also become the master of a new generation of Empire and created a new era.

While achieving great success, his identity has also undergone earth shaking changes, his identity has changed, and the etiquette and pattern around him are also changing.

For example, in the past, as the top power in the Ming Dynasty and the master of the Liu family, he was closely related to the safety and life and death of the whole group. The people around him followed him and advanced and retreated together. He also enjoyed the etiquette and enjoyment owned by the top power in this era.

But all this is still powerful.

Since he became the king of prison and added nine tin rites, he has become a figure second only to the emperor, and the ritual system is different.

Let's not say anything else. For example, in the past, as a powerful man of Daming, even if he was forced to marry, he could only marry one wife. Although he had a concubine, he had no reputation and could not be the top three wives.

Now he is the king of prison. As the emperor, he will enjoy a different ritual system. The top dignitaries of the Ming Dynasty have made great contributions. They can enjoy the treatment of three wives, which is still the one recognized by the imperial court.

Liu Yuanqiao quickly changed from a top dignitary to a prison king, and also quickly changed from a prison king. He was ready to change into an emperor of the new empire. The ritual system he enjoyed was different. The emperor could have three palaces and six courts, which was reasonable and legal. Moreover, the power of the emperor was unrestricted and could do whatever he wanted.

In this regard, Liu Yuanqiao is completely different from the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty wants to exercise power through his court to drive the world to serve him.

However, the civil and military ministers of the imperial court are not easy to use. When they obey the emperor, they have to get benefits for themselves. This is called governing the world with scholar bureaucrats.

The benefits of scholar bureaucrats will inevitably infringe on the imperial power. The emperor had no choice but to take out the Si Li supervisor to fight against the challenge arena with the inner court. The two sides will check and balance, and the emperor will benefit from it. This is the political pattern of the Ming Dynasty in the past few hundred years.

It can be said that in the Ming Dynasty, there was a rare situation of eunuch chaos in history, which was also the result of the emperor's support and acquiescence.

Of course, several large-scale eunuch political chaos in the Ming Dynasty ended with the overall failure of eunuchs and the victory of the civil service group. The victory of the civil service group can also be understood as the suppression of imperial power by official power.

Some people even think in their spare time that in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, this is to govern the world together with the scholar bureaucrats. The world is not Zhu, but Zhu with the scholar bureaucrats.

In the long run, in a few decades, I'm afraid that Daming will really become another pattern, that is, the world is the world of people, not the emperor.

To put it bluntly, it is the constitutional monarchy of later generations. When the strength of Ministers is large enough to challenge the imperial power, they can naturally force the emperor to step back and share the world.

But the Chinese empire is different. Liu Yuanqiao also manages thousands of troops and horses and the state capitals in the world through his civil and military officials. However, Liu Yuanqiao's authority is supreme. These people have to carry out these things when he orders them.

The emperor's will is the imperial edict. These officials in his hand are not as backbone as those in the Ming Dynasty and dare to return the imperial edict.

In the three hundred years of the Ming Dynasty, it is hard to say anything else, but it has cultivated the backbone of literati. Originally, the backbone of literati overtook the martial arts. This is a good thing.

However, these scholars did not meet the hope of the people in the world, that is, as he said, they vowed to be loyal to the king to the death. When the enemy came, these people were still greedy for life and afraid of death, or took refuge in the enemy.

This is the mean person they despise.

In fact, the rise of the Chinese Empire has also caused a great blow to the civil service group and Shilin of the Ming Dynasty. As a new force, his rise must challenge the interests of the old interest groups. Many ordinary people of the Ming Dynasty are also full of hope. They hope that these Shilin villagers can take the lead and fight life and death with the Chinese army. Who knows, these officials, Both greedy for life and afraid of death, and greedy for wealth.

Lured by the Chinese Army knives and silver, a large number of people surrendered to the Chinese Empire, which destroyed the so-called backbone gold lettered signboard that these sergeants and scholars had built for hundreds of years.

Especially the Donglin Party in the literati group. They are called saints. In their eyes, they are saints in the world. Others are despicable, but they are ordinary cattle.

In the face of the knives and silver of the Chinese army, they had no resistance. They surrendered to the Chinese army one after another. Their surrender also led to the decline of the status of literati, and also led to the stripping out of their gorgeous golden light. After stripping the golden light, his talents found that there was no difference between literati and ordinary people, They are not so tall, not so great. They are also greedy for life, afraid of death and greedy for fame and wealth.

The rapid rise of the Chinese Empire brought down both Daming and the Shilin group attached to Daming.

Originally, Liu Yuanqiao was full of respect for Yu Shilin group. After all, these are moral benchmarks built over hundreds of years, and many people are full of respect for these people.

But it was these ox men who saw their knives and surrendered without hesitation. When they saw their fame and wealth, they waved their tails without hesitation.

What kind of moral gentleman is this? It's no different from ordinary people at all. Since it's no different from ordinary people, why should you be superior? Just because you can read, others have to respect you, be superior and don't have to do anything?

This also made Liu Yuanqiao understand. At the same time, I heard that in the capital, the Chinese army quickly invaded the capital. The emperor summoned the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty to discuss state affairs, but none of them responded. They hid at home, stood idly by, watched the emperor's family and killed themselves.

It's chilling.

These ministers are usually good at talking and boasting. They say that they must report their death to the king in the face of danger. Now that Daming is dead and the king is dead, how can they not die? Or hide and continue to enjoy glory and wealth.

At the moment of the demise of Daming, the gold lettered signboard of Daming Shilin group, which took hundreds of years, began to collapse.

So Liu Yuanqiao sighed: "who is the juniper? It's not necessarily high to choose scholars by virtue."

Although Liu Yuanqiao is an anti thief and a usurper, he also appreciates those who are loyal to their master and country.

He had no good impression of those who came to the enemy with a knife and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Because Liu Yuanqiao knows that when he comes with a knife today, these people will immediately kneel down and beg for mercy. When others come with a knife tomorrow, these people will kneel down without hesitation and betray themselves. What's the difference between a person without integrity and loyalty and a walking corpse?

Originally, Liu Yuanqiao listened to the words of his ministers and was ready to take an urgent course to catch all the heroes in the world through an imperial examination.

Through these things, he found that he may have admitted many people to work for him, but it's hard to say whether these people can be called heroes, which makes him depressed.

All living beings in the world seek good fortune and avoid bad luck, and are greedy for fame and wealth. Everyone is so. Why should someone be superior and others be inferior.

Qian Qianyi, the biggest civil servant around Liu Yuanqiao, suggested to the emperor.

Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty once said, "agriculture, industry and commerce are the four people of the country, and the country is fundamental."

To put it bluntly, officials, farmers, craftsmen and businessmen are the four fundamental principles of the country.

From this moment, it should be changed. Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a farmer. He valued both scholars and farmers. He also thought that craftsmen were useful, but he was a businessman. He despised businessmen and listed them as the last of the four people.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, businessmen have money, but their status is very low, which is really low. In the eyes of many orthodox literati and moral gentlemen, they regard businessmen as ordinary people and inferior.

But now it's different. The Liu family can be called a businessman. Business and excellence are officials. Although they are officials, they are still businessmen in their bones. They are not ashamed, but concentrate on their business. While being an official, they do business.

Even if they captured Nanjing and controlled the south of the Yangtze River, they did not stop. They became the rulers of the country. They continued to do business and business, and were not ashamed of their status as businessmen. This means that this pattern will be changed. Qian Qianyi wrote a proposal: "it is the foundation of the country to list officials, businessmen, farmers and workers as the four people of the country."

Qian Qianyi was born a scholar. He had the problem of a scholar. He looked down on all people who didn't know words and people from other classes. That's why he put forward such a proposal. He suggested that officials and businessmen should be juxtaposed together. As for agriculture and industry, they are still the most basic of the country and are responsible for supporting the country.

However, Liu Yuanqiao disagrees. He believes that it is of little significance to do so. The country is so large that scholars, farmers, industry and commerce are inseparable, so it is impossible to say who is noble and who is low. Liu Yuanqiao's principle of employment has always been to act only on merit, regardless of origin. "

After Qian Qianyi made such a request, he replied, that is, "the city's agriculture, industry and commerce are the foundation of the country, regardless of height."

Liu Yuanqiao's practice in this way means that they will adopt a completely different management style from that of the previous dynasty.