Liu Yuanqiao recognized that the atmosphere of these officials in the Ming Dynasty was very distorted and abnormal. They had lost their principles and ethics and had run their imperial power to the corner. Therefore, it was time to rectify this aspect.

Of course, in this regard, he is also facing great pressure. The so-called Shilin is composed of scholars and is the leading figure of local gentry in Central China. No matter who is the emperor, it is impossible to catch all these people and ignore them.

This is why in the past two thousand years, the Kong family has always been firmly seated in the Diaoyutai. No matter who becomes the emperor, they must treat the Kong family with courtesy and give them fame and wealth, otherwise they will not get the support of Shilin.

It is said that after Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang gave them great rewards and many awards, but they just despised Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born as a cowherd, and ignored the royal family. It can be seen that their superiority has reached the extreme.

The relationship between the Liu family and the Kong family is also extremely close. This is also the time when the Kong family has the closest relationship with the imperial court. The legitimate daughter of the Kong family married today's emperor. As today's Queen, the mother of the world is in the eyes of many scholars, which is very exciting. They think that the future imperial court will change its surname to the Kong family, and many people are happy about it, But I don't know. This is almost the time of prosperity and decline.

On the surface, Liu Yuanqiao has great respect and courtesy for the Confucius family and Shilin, but he is extremely afraid of these people. He also knows that if he trusts these people, the world and rivers he has fought hard will soon perish.

In the Zhu Ming Dynasty, these people had become part of the imperial court. Their branches and plates were intertwined and their forces were deep-rooted. Even the emperor had to retreat from these people and could not do anything beneficial or self-help.

As long as there is a conflict between imperial power and official power, it will be ruthlessly repulsed and opposed by all ministers. The system of the Ming Dynasty determines that ministers oppose it, and the emperor can't do anything.

For example, if the emperor wants to open the sea ban and collect taxes from the squires, he can't do it at all, because the emperor has violated the interests of ministers and squires. Under their collective opposition, it's no use for the emperor to insist. Even if the emperor insists on making a will to spread the world, he can't implement it.

Like Emperor Wanli in those days, when he knew that the squires had money and wanted to collect taxes from them, he insisted on sending a large number of eunuchs to collect taxes all over the world under the strong opposition of officials. As a result, this was only a way for the emperor to collect taxes from the Squires, which was distorted into a way for the emperor to collect taxes from the people.

I believe that Emperor Wanli was in tears at that time. What he wanted was to rob the rich and help the poor. In the end, he turned into robbing beggars and extracting oil from stones. He got a little money, but he also got a good smell, and his reputation smelled to the extreme. This is probably the reason why he saw through the essence of these ministers and didn't go to the court for 28 years.

But now, Liu Yuanqiao's biggest advantage is that he has changed the dynasty. The previous set of golden rules in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty has proved to be no good.

In the simplest way, if it can be proved that it works, why did Daming perish? Therefore, Liu Yuanqiao controlled the imperial court. With the support of the army and officials, he could bypass Shi Lin and re implement his ideals and plans.

For example, Liu Yuanqiao easily changed water transportation to sea transportation, and transported most of the money, grain and taxes from the south to the north by sea.

At the same time, the whole Ming Dynasty banned the sea, because it was decided by Zhu Yuanzhang, which was the ancestral law, and because they were in line with the interests of these southeast sea merchants, so that they could monopolize the sea trade and monopolize the benefits in this regard, so no one could object.

Even though many people of insight in the imperial court realized the great interests, some people proposed that the sea ban must be opened and taxes must be collected from the squires, they ended up in vain because of the counterattack of huge interest groups.

However, these powerful forces were not so strong in the new dynasty. They always thought that the ancestral family law and the laws and decrees of the imperial court they relied on had become a piece of waste paper at this moment. Liu Yuanqiao could re write his calligraphy and painting on the basis of this equivalent of white paper.

Taking Liu Yuanchao as a person is naturally pragmatism. He knows how much tax and income can be brought to the country if he opens a sea ban and engages in maritime trade.

Moreover, the richest people in the world are still these squires. They monopolize most of the business and trade. Only by collecting taxes from them can they really get money.

In the song and Ming Dynasties, the annual income of the country was tens of millions and hundreds of millions. It was good for Daming to dare to come up with such a small number, which was an insult to the wisdom of others. Liu Yuanqiao had always known the huge problems in this regard, so when formulating new regulations, he just grabbed and carried it.

Therefore, when the Chinese Empire was founded, the IRS basically worked at the same time as the Ministry of household. The emergence of the IRS removed a large part of the responsibilities of the Ministry of household.

In the previous Ming Dynasty, talk was popular, popular among nobles and moral gentlemen. Most officials only talked about how ideal and ambitious they were and how well they did their articles, rather than how much tax they got. Many officials were ashamed of how much tax they received, believing that it was excessive collection from the people, which made them a bad reputation.

In this atmosphere, it is natural that everyone openly claims to collect less taxes, and secretly tries his best to squeeze the people.

In the Chinese Empire, this trend has been reversed. There are explicit provisions on how much tax should be collected. The tax is formulated by the state, and the tax collection is in the charge of the IRS, which is basically no longer in the charge of the local government. Of course, the local government only plays the role of supervision and limits.

One thing Liu Yuanqiao always understands is that the Liu family can rise because they have money and enough resources.

The Ming Dynasty did not perish because of its financial collapse. Although it has a huge country and a vast territory, it can not collect taxes at all because of the corruption and collapse of the entire administrative system, but it has to bear all the expenses of the country. Is it strange that it does not collapse?

Liu Yuanqiao knows the reason why the country will not die, so he pays close attention to the tax and administrative system. In a word, these officials of the Ming Dynasty and the people in the capital first feel the fundamental difference between the new dynasty and the previous dynasty.

The previous dynasty would not have these moral and various restrictions, but in the new dynasty, he was not ashamed of collecting taxes, nor did he take into account his false name, but brought his pragmatic style to the extreme.

In the previous dynasty, if officials were doing business, it would be very humiliating. Although many officials were secretly doing business and making a lot of money, they would not admit it publicly, because they thought it was a cheap business and a very humiliating thing.

However, the Chinese Empire has no problems in this regard. They believe that as long as they can make money, they are worthy of promotion. Even their officials are organizing the sale of goods everywhere to add more income to the country. They think this is a good thing. This change of atmosphere makes all the people feel a hope.

That is, you can get enough food and a place to live through your own efforts. That is, because of the great change in this atmosphere, the whole society has changed.

Before that, most people hid at home. They didn't know the policies of the Chinese army and what would happen to the new imperial court, although they repeatedly issued notices to appease the people, rectify public security and treat the people well.

But which dynasty, which generation, which official, doesn't that say? How many can you really do?

It can be said that this period is a period when the people wait and see the Chinese army.

However, it can be said that during the wait-and-see period, the people were quite satisfied with them, because a series of policies implemented by the Chinese army were actually very positive and positive, mainly pragmatic and down-to-earth. They would not be as popular as before. They would get enough money and eat enough in the eyes of the people, Wearing warm clothes is the most important thing. The policy of the new dynasty is right for the people's appetite in this regard.

What's more, the policies adopted by the new trend have also increased the tax collection, but they have greatly reduced the taxes of farmers and ordinary people, and strengthened the taxes of officials and squires.

Although officials of all dynasties boasted and boasted about themselves, the rich received more and the poor received less.

But in the Ming Dynasty, the rich did not collect, the poor received more, and the rich exceeded the rich. The poorer the poor, the people could not make a living.

However, in the current policies implemented by the Chinese army, they really attack the rich, because the biggest difference between them and the previous dynasties is that even those who are officials have to collect taxes, and even people in the royal family have to pay taxes, which means that no one can be exempted from tax. The previous style of tax evasion and investment has no room for survival, which makes these people, I feel a light in front of me.

The new dynasty is indeed different from the previous one.