Zheng Zhilong, as the first person to be granted the title of king in the Chinese Empire, was officially the king of Lu. He was highly respected, but he didn't have any rights. He was like a vassal king of the Ming Dynasty. He was kept in captivity. He would have glory, wealth and gold and silver treasures, but he wouldn't have any rights, let alone join the army and politics.

This is very suitable for Zheng Zhilong who, after a hundred battles and hard competition, eats and drinks and waits for death.

Is it not for this that we strive and struggle? But for Zheng Fusong, who is young and just emerging, he is very unhappy. He has lofty aspirations and is determined to do something. He is not used to living a life of mixed food, drink and death, so he made the idea of his uncle.

Zheng Zhibao is also a baron and a prince, but because of his good relationship with the royal family, he has not been suspected. He still holds great power and scenery. A baron like this is the real king, really like a king.

Zheng Fusong came to his uncle for help. Zheng Zhibao was ashamed and couldn't refuse his nephew's request. It was actually very easy for him to arrange one or two positions with his ability. However, Zheng Fusong's position was a little awkward. If he arranged a position for him without the emperor's consent, it would easily make the emperor angry and angry, so when there was no way, He had to make Liu Bu's idea. Fortunately, Liu Bu was very saving face and agreed without hesitation.

Zheng Zhibao was very happy. Holding Liu Bu's hand, he entered the palace. After entering the palace again, the whole house was up and down, and all the people were waiting in the school yard of the palace. Qi Qi knelt down: "see the prince for a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years." the scene was very spectacular.

In the past, Liu bu also came to the Zheng family, but he never enjoyed such treatment, because in the past, he was only his son-in-law, but now he is different. He is the prince under one person and above ten thousand people.

Liu Bu just nodded and raised one hand falsely, and then entered the hall of the palace with Zheng Zhibao. As the prince of the Chinese Empire, Liu BU should have some pomp, or must have. Nowadays, people's power is often set off through some pomp.

Liu Bu came here for the first time, so he entered the main hall under the leadership of Zheng Zhibao. At this time, bells and drums were ringing, songs and dances sounded, and welcome.

After entering the hall, Zheng Zhibao repeatedly asked Liu Bu to take his seat. In the past, Zheng Zhibao was modest and easy to talk. When eating with his son-in-law, it was impossible for his son-in-law to be the first.

Liu Bu insisted again and again that he would not be accepted. Although he was the crown prince and respected his status, he could also have different opinions. Liu Bu said, "what's the meaning of eating with so many empty heads and brains? It's better to put a table and eat around our family."

When Zheng Zhibao heard this, he actually liked it. It was not that he liked these empty scenes, but that there must be some etiquette. He made so many empty head and brain things and didn't drink well. He still put it on the table and the family gathered together to eat and boast.

After Liu Bu insisted, Zheng Zhibao said, "there is a banquet in the back hall."

After they entered the back hall, this time the guests and hosts sat down, and everyone was on an equal footing. Even Zheng zining and Zheng Fusong went to the table to eat. It was refreshing to talk about some recent things while eating.

Although it was a family banquet, they also inevitably talked about some official affairs. Although the Chinese Empire was established, many places had not been occupied, and many places inside and outside were still fighting. They exchanged views on these wars one by one, especially Zheng Zhibao, who was about to become the commander-in-chief of the Eastern expedition, so they talked about the wars in the East.

Liu preached, "your majesty and this palace mean that after taking the Li Dynasty, we must find a way to turn them into our province."

Although Korea has always been a vassal state of China, it was an independent vassal state a long time ago. Even in the heyday of the Han and Tang Dynasties, it was not directly included in the rule. This time, they started history, so Zheng Zhibao was worried: "what if the Bangzi strongly opposed it“

You know, don't underestimate these sticks. When they fought back with all their strength, the harm was still quite great. In that year, the great Sui Dynasty and the three levy Koryo dragged themselves down.

Liu Bu said: "kill! The country must be destroyed, the army must be destroyed, and the people's will can be subdued after three or five generations."

Liu Bu doesn't believe it. When the younger Japanese colonized Korea, they could almost subdue him. They were hundreds of years earlier. These places still have no national consciousness and can't subdue them? If there is any objection, kill them? Will there be so many people opposing in 30 or 50 years?

They don't want to learn from Zhu Yuanzhang or Zhu Di. They regard this as a fan screen, but directly regard themselves as their own province.

This must be done now and cannot be left to future generations.

Because their eyes are not only on North Korea, but also on his neighbors. Zheng Zhibao also understands that everyone has made a unanimous decision at the pre imperial meeting, so there is no doubt that what is being discussed now is the issue of specific implementation.

Liu Bu has great respect for his father-in-law, because he found that in terms of personal morality, this father-in-law is actually a good man. Unlike his father Liu Yuanqiao, the real hero is unfathomable.

In a series of events over the years, this father-in-law has passively cooperated with them to move forward, and his father shows ambition everywhere and has layout everywhere. He is not a layman and has too deep intention.

The Chinese Army showed an extremely strong mobilization ability. On the third day of the change of the Li Dynasty, they quickly gathered tens of thousands of troops to form an expeditionary army and set out to the North Korean side.

Even their fleet is well prepared. This crisp and vigorous approach has made the people in the capital gain insight. It is estimated that Daming could not reach it within three or five months since he decided to arrive, and even could not reach North Korea until the second half of the year.

Judging from the momentum of the Chinese army, war will start in two months at most, and in these two months, we have to count the time when they move to the front line, otherwise it will be earlier.

Since emperor Chongzhen hanged himself, the last flag of Daming fell down, and Daming even died.

In the past, although there were many holes and ups and downs, they could still push them forward with their inherent inertia, but at this moment, when the last flag fell, the trees fell and the monkeys scattered.

First of all, the powerful and local gentry all over the country have given up even if they are interested in the Ming Dynasty. For these neutrals, after the emperor's death, there are no masters. Since there is no object of loyalty, they can choose good birds to live in trees and Ming officials to serve.

At this time, Liu Yuanqiao issued an imperial edict calling on the Chinese army to march across the country.

Even if they had surrendered to them, they would go there to show off their force and declare their sovereignty.

In the past, when they raided the south of the Yangtze River, they made a call and fled. After the maysilver incident in the south of the Yangtze River, they did great harm to the local area, reaching the point of shaking their rule.

However, after entering the areas of Huguang, Jiangxi, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Guangdong, Yunnan and Guizhou, the resistance began to strengthen. Many people were stunned by the Chinese army and those who couldn't touch them also returned to their senses and began to organize and call on local people to resist the Chinese army.

This phenomenon reached its peak when millions of troops of the imperial court attacked Shandong. The only provinces of the imperial court are still responding to the imperial court's call and organizing troops to prepare against the Chinese army.

However, after the Chinese Army closed its throat with a sword, the situation collapsed completely. The troops in these places had no desire to resist and surrendered to the Chinese Empire one after another.

Even those ambitious people voluntarily gave up their ambition and surrendered to the Huaxia army.

Because the action of the Chinese army is so fast that it doesn't give them opportunities and time at all. If you want to fight against them, you can't form a scale without two or three years to organize and train the army. When you form a scale, the Chinese army has swept you several times.

Especially after the Chinese army took over the imperial court, they regarded themselves as the imperial court, like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves. Where they passed, they were like God's help.

Most people surrendered to the Huaxia army, but Zhu Xieyuan in Henan still refused to surrender to the Huaxia army.

This confirms a sentence, that is, all people may surrender to the Huaxia army. Only Zhu Xieyuan will never surrender to the Huaxia army, because the blood feud between them is too deep.

But the morale of Zhu Yuan's army also dropped to the extreme. The morale of the army was low, and the soldiers were in constant panic.

The capital was captured and the emperor died. For them, it is equivalent to heaven's death. There is no master. To whom do you owe allegiance?

Zhu Xieyuan's army had the highest morale, the most organized, and the best results. Although the Chinese army fought a series of battles with them, they were defeated in the early stage.

When the top echelons of the Chinese Army decided on the strategy, they all thought that others could be recruited and demoted. They were all soft persimmons. Only along the way, they were hard bones and had to hit hard.

Before the change of the Li Dynasty, Liu Zhongyong, the commander of the Ministry of national defense, was in charge of the main Legion entering Henan. He was in charge of the imperial court, mobilized all kinds of proud soldiers and fierce generals, and jointly besieged Hebei, Henan and Shanxi.

For the remnant forces of Zhu Ming, the current situation is very unfavorable.

The biggest problem is that they have lost their organization and flag. Everyone doesn't know who to be loyal to.

Zhu Xieyuan also understood this problem. In fact, he quickly retreated to Henan, not afraid of the Chinese army. If both sides want to fight, it is estimated that they can fight for a while. He quickly withdrew, mainly because he thought that a new king must be established, so that he can call on the remaining Zhu Ming courtiers to continue to resist the enemy's soldiers.