The plot against King Fu was inspired by Liu Yuanqiao, which was a courtesy of the Chinese army.

Although Li Canghai, the long history of the royal residence, has four official positions, in fact, his long history right is inferior to that of the magistrate of Luoyang and can no longer be promoted. Of course, in many aspects, the magistrate of Luoyang should listen to him and live by his nose.

Li Changhai was born as a Jinshi, but since he became the chief historian of the palace, his political ambition could not be realized, so he had to make a lot of money in the name of the palace.

When Emperor Wanli was still there, his love for blessing King Zhu Changxun was boundless. They could take advantage of the emperor's love, engage in privileges, make a lot of money and make a lot of money.

After the death of Emperor Wanli, the subsequent Taichang emperor and the Apocalypse emperor were not too embarrassed,! This emperor uncle, in their eyes, the world belongs to them. It's not a big thing for King Fu to make a little money.

Lord Fu's residence has been rooted in Luoyang for decades, and has earned so much money that the local officials are jealous. Of course, all parties have coveted it. As a result, Xu Jianqiang colluded with Zhu Xieyuan and copied them. It is said that the local people are celebrating each other and running around telling each other.

All the business of Lord Fu's residence belongs to his long history, Li Changhai. When the Lord Fu's residence was copied, Li Changhai was accused by Xu Jianqiang as the mastermind, and they copied his home, making their efforts for half their life come to naught.

But in this half life effort, there is not nothing left. For example, in order to get through the business network, they secretly formed an alliance with the Liu family in Shandong. The cooperation between the two sides made them earn a lot of money.

After the Liu family rebelled, they interrupted this matter, but after the Liu family sat in the world, this is the feeling of incense.

When the Liu family thought about finding one or two facade figures to decorate peace, the first thing they thought of was Lord Fu's house.

Li Changhai complacently thought that this was all the incense he earned. That's why they left the city and joined the imperial court of the Chinese army under the persuasion of Li Changhai and the messenger.

After they left Luoyang, they quickly moved eastward along the Yellow River. When they were at the Kaifeng ferry, he found that a large number of Chinese troops had appeared in the local area and were facing off with the Ming army.

After entering the defense area of the Chinese army, they were also treated with courtesy. Along the way, they saw a large number of Chinese troops, one by one, heading for the front line.

Seeing the prosperity of the Chinese army, King Fu was filled with emotion. He was thinking, if Daming had such popular support and so many troops, why would the world collapse? However, since he decided to join the Chinese army, he could not cherish his hometown and did not show such things.

When King Fu and his party entered the boundary of Shandong, they officially received the holy attainments sent by Liu Yuanqiao from the capital. This holy edict mainly pointed out that they had no choice but to rebel against the Liu family. They were forced by treacherous officials. In order to save the people all over the world, now King Fu came to invest in great righteousness and decided to make king Fu an earl of Luoyang and serve as an official worshipped by the Ming Dynasty, It mainly offered sacrifices to the emperors of the Ming Dynasty in the spring and Autumn period.

Liu Yuanqiao pointed out that the reason why he set up this official position is also out of respect for the Taizu emperor and the worship of the former emperors and emperors of the Ming Dynasty. His position is attached to the Ministry of rites. Although he is not a senior official, he is quite noble, which means that he can find a place to settle down and protect some industries in the family after he has a job.

For example, the Ming Dynasty has 16 emperors, which means that there are 16 imperial tombs in total. Today's Fuwang is most worried that the Chinese army will dig more than a dozen imperial tombs of their ancestors.

This kind of thing has not been done less in all dynasties. It is said that the imperial mausoleum of the Southern Song Dynasty was planed by the Mongols, looted the gold and silver inside, and dumped the corpse on the ground. It is quite miserable.

The Ming Dynasty has been established for 267 years, and there are 16 generations of emperors. There should be many treasures in it. There are rumors between Fangjing and Fangjing that the Chinese army will attack these imperial tombs.

When Zhang Xianzhong conquered Fengyang, the capital of China, the first thing he did was to dig out the imperial mausoleum of the capital of China at one fell swoop. This kind of thing is very useful. No, once the imperial mausoleum was planed, the national situation of the Ming Dynasty collapsed rapidly.

Before that, no one thought that Daming would subjugate the country, but after the imperial mausoleum was planed, Daming lost his world in just two years. Therefore, if the imperial mausoleum of previous emperors was planed off, they can not only get a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, but also completely break the Dragon vein of the Zhu family, break their vitality, and make them irreparable.

But now it seems that this worry is completely superfluous. Since Liu Yuanqiao has set up officials to worship the Ming Dynasty, they have also handed over the management of the 16th mausoleum to him, who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the 16th mausoleum, which means that they will give up the rumor that they will dig up the imperial mausoleum.

At this time, Zhu Changxun, the king of fortune, was really relieved. He was sighing: "Liu Yuanqiao is really a person who does great things. No one can compare his breadth of mind."

In the eyes of King Fu, when the Ming Dynasty has perished, if we can still save the imperial tombs of previous dynasties, we can also save the last face of the Zhu family. As for the hatred of losing the world, we really don't hate it.

If he wanted to hate, he hated enough when he was expelled from the capital and went to Luoyang to become a vassal. At the same time, the Zhu family sat in the world by a cowherd. It was a gathering of karma.

Now the Zhu family has become the kind of people they wanted to overthrow. Losing the world is not an accident. Instead, Liu Yuanqiao thought of incense and promised not to hurt the imperial family of Daming, nor would he kill them all. He also preserved their imperial mausoleum and the last memory of Daming in the world, so the moment he took the imperial edict, Zhu Changxun was filled with gratitude. He even shouted long live Liu Yuanqiao three times, that is, from his true feelings.

Originally, he thought that Liu Yuanqiao had spent a lot of money to introduce him north, let him be a puppet, let him be a facade of peace, and would certainly summon him. Who knows that Liu Yuanqiao is similar and did not summon him, but he gave benefits higher than his budget, which makes him very happy.

After entering the Huaxia military control zone, even Zhu Changxun had a feeling that he was not in Henan.

Although they often see pairs of troops pulling forward on the road, which is the rhythm of war, most of the local people have begun to turn the soil and prepare for farming.

Although spring ploughing has been missed and autumn harvest has not started, many people still try to plant some seeds in the ground to see if they can get some harvest.

Moreover, in Henan, there were basically hungry men everywhere, refugees everywhere and beggars everywhere. However, after the Chinese military controlled territory, these scenes rarely appeared. Although there were some beggars, most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, unlike Henan, they were young and strong refugees.

In the words of his long history Li Canghai, these refugees are either harmed by the Chinese army or controlled by them.

According to the official report of the Chinese army, they have established countless production and Construction Corps in various places. These so-called production and Construction Corps have selected some uninhabited wilderness for reclamation. They have also taken over the land of many corrupt officials of the previous dynasty for farming. They are similar to the tenant farmers of the Ming government and the royal family.

The money and grain obtained from farming in the imperial family's farms are of course the owner's, but some will also be distributed to them. Many people are willing to join this production and Construction Corps.

It can be said that in many places controlled by the Ming Dynasty, emergency preparations are still under way, but in places controlled by the Chinese army, they have begun to recover after the war.

That's why he sighed. Why did Zhu Xieyuan fight Liu Yuanqiao? People are much better than you. Now you can only attack these rich gentry, but you don't know how to mobilize more people to cultivate the land.

If you start with the squires and get food, it's equivalent to taking oil from the oil tank. It can meet a temporary need, but it will eventually be used up. When that day comes, let's see what you do.

For this reason, he did not want to go along with Zhu Xieyuan, but stayed away from these ambitious people.

Instead, he believes that if he can be the official worshipping the Ming Dynasty and look after the more than a dozen imperial tombs left by his ancestors, this is the best choice for him. At least he can let future generations know that there is another Ming Dynasty in the world, and they can really let people know what the Ming Dynasty is like.

But there was one thing that King Fu didn't know. It was actually an idea of Liu Bu to make him a sacrificial official of the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Bu's idea is to build a Daming History Museum, mainly like later generations, to show the history of the Daming Dynasty in the previous dynasty from a relatively fair perspective. To put it bluntly, the Ming Tombs and the Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing should be used as a history museum to collect some cultural relics and history of the Zhu Ming Dynasty.

Of course, by doing so, they also show their benevolence and righteousness. All dynasties have wiped out the forces of the previous dynasties, and the emergence of their Chinese army has changed this point and made everyone end in a peaceful way.

Instead of being aggressive, let people all over the world see their benevolence, righteousness and kindness.

There is no way to do this. Both Liu Yuanqiao and Liu Bu have been officials in the Ming Dynasty. Most people in their group have also been officials in the Ming Dynasty. It is impossible to completely deny the Ming Dynasty. They can only make this move.