Zhu Yuan asked everyone to come to the meeting today. In fact, he wanted to arrange a future for them. These people have followed him for so many years and made a lot of contributions to the Ming Dynasty. He also wanted to hope that everyone would have a good end.

This is called gathering and dispersing.

But seeing these people being aggressive and full of discontent made Zhu Xieyuan very unhappy.

Zhu Xieyuan is the kind of person who will really be loyal to Daming. He did this himself, but he didn't ask others to do the same, because he knew it was inhumane to do so, but the current attitude of these people made him very unhappy.

Zhu Xieyuan thought in his heart that everyone was deeply favored by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. When the Ming Dynasty was in trouble, it was such an attitude. He ate inside and ate outside, was unfaithful and unfilial, and had a sudden killing intention in his heart.

But Zhu Xieyuan didn't show it. He said, "Ben Shuai called everyone here just to work together and break a way for everyone."

Lu Baqun said, "I don't know what good plan you have, marshal."

Zhu Xieyuan said, "what's my good plan? It's nothing more than fighting to the end and being loyal to the country. In fact, my idea is not important, because I'm old and don't have a few days to live. The future of this army lies in you. His future also depends on you. Do what you say?"

Lu Baqun was secretly happy when he heard the marshal say this. You know, the old man has always claimed to fight to the end with China and live or die with Daming. Now speaking this kind of words means giving in. Lu Baqun looked at his face and looked at whether the other party was deliberately seducing him, but when he saw the other party, he was expressionless and seemed a little unpredictable.

Lu Baqun said, "commander-in-chief, why do you say that? This army is pulled up by you. You always have to listen to commander-in-chief. You can do whatever you say. Big guys also believe in commander-in-chief and will find a good way out for you."

At this time, the waiter next to him brought a pot of wine. Zhu Xieyuan took it and poured a cup for himself. Then Yu Zizi all poured a cup. He said, "I have no good plan for the future of our army. I call everyone together and hope you can give a good suggestion. After all, the army is mine and everyone's. without the support of big guys, it can't be today."

Then he took a sip of the wine.

Lu Baqun and others saw that the marshal drank it all in one gulp and dared not keep it. They also took up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

At this time, the guards brought big fish and meat. Zhu Xieyuan was not polite. He took the lead in picking up a leg of lamb and chewed it on the spot. He hissed down a piece of meat and said while eating: "it's all big fish and meat, but we can't waste it. You know, most people are hungry and waste food. It's very shameful."

Zhu Xieyuan has a good appetite and can eat very well. Everyone knows and everyone knows that he has no requirements for eating. As long as he has something to eat.

He took a lamb leg to chew, which lost his handsome identity, but we are not surprised, because this is a very normal thing. When we saw him eating and drinking, we no longer hesitated, and all took these fish and drank together.

The generals ate meat and drank wine. When they were in a good mood, they began to come up with all kinds of ideas. Some people suggested taking the mountain as the king and taking the grass as the bandit; It was suggested to surrender to the Huaxia army; It was suggested to escape home; Some people are whimsical and go overseas to be king.

They all had suggestions, but none of them met Zhu Xieyuan's eye, which he despised.

So far, Zhu Xieyuan has no good strategy to break the situation, but one thing is the bottom line, that is, he must be loyal to Daming.

Zhu Xieyuan works so hard and excellently because he attaches great importance to reputation, but does not attach importance to himself. He is only a few decades of cold and heat, and will eventually turn into a touch of loess, but his reputation will be with the green mountains for generations.

Originally, he meant to let his men go back to their homes and find their mothers. However, according to the tone of these people, it is estimated that many people will join the Chinese army, which made him very angry. He shouted: "there is wine today, drunk today, worried tomorrow. I have treasured good wine for 30 years!"

Now he made up his mind.

If someone else surrendered, he could do nothing, but he would not allow his men to do such a thing. In his eyes, Zhu Xieyuan's subordinates had no troops to surrender. Anyone who was unfaithful was dead, which made him kill.

Zhu Xieyuan knew that he was going to be buried with Daming. He was born a Daming man and died a Daming ghost. His subordinates had different hearts, but he hated it very much, which made people poisoned.

Zhu Xieyuan can also see that his men now have doubts and suspicions about him.

Other people dare not move the things that Zhu Xieyuan hasn't moved. After Zhu Xieyuan moved, other people ate and drank freely, which shows that these are ghosts.

However, they never thought that Zhu Xieyuan was determined to die, so they took these people to bury them. These people dared to be unfaithful to Daming and had ulterior motives. They simply took them to bury Daming. In Zhu Xieyuan's eyes, they did not harm them, but fulfilled their loyalty.

You know, this is the same thing in a person's life. Life is a matter of decades, but reputation is eternal. It is also an honor for these people to be loyal to Daming. When the Daming empire is destroyed, his majesty Chongzhen can be buried for the country. What's it like to be a military leader? Can't you die for Daming? It can be said that it is actually an honor to die faithfully for the burial of Daming. Thousands of years later, it is all good talk.

You know, in the first battle of yamen, 200000 soldiers and civilians of the Southern Song Dynasty committed suicide in the sea. Although they died, they showed the prestige and integrity of the Han people, so that people of different nationalities knew that the Han people would rather die than break. Zhu Xieyuan always took the case and shouted: "magnificent! Magnificent!"

But since then, there has been no such feat of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, which makes people sigh that there are no Han people after the cliff mountain.

Today, the country is broken and the family is dead. People all over the world are buried with them, which shows their integrity.

In fact, he wanted to let his 300000 troops die with him, but he knew that these people would not like to die with him. Now these people follow him because they have food, clothes and clothes. It is profitable to follow him. If it is not good to follow him, they will leave him if they die, so he has no such idea.

In his original plan, if Daming is really finished, let all the people be buried with him, but he can't do this. He can't let these men be buried with him.

He can command these people on the battlefield, pretend to make a mistake and let them die.

But at that time, the whole flavor will change. People will say that Zhu Xieyuan lost 300000 troops and 300000 troops died. This was defeated by others, not for the burial of Daming. There is a big difference. That is why he had to retreat and take second place and choose to take these senior generals under him.

This is like a thief killing a woman outside the door.

Originally, he had a hidden heart and didn't want to do so, but looking at his subordinates, they are simply some unscrupulous people. We can't expect these people to do anything for Daming.

You see, Xu Jianqiang, a man who has even cut off his life, is so loyal to the emperor. His painstaking efforts and accomplishments are admirable. These generals under him complain that they have sacrificed for the royal family.

Daming has not completely died, but he wants to find a next family. Such a person will only laugh generously in the world and become a laughing stock for thousands of years. It's better for him to end these things and preserve his reputation.

In fact, these generals don't trust Zhu Xieyuan very much, because they find that there is no good future and no way out if they follow this Marshal Zhu, and they will be dragged to death by him. Now they are not rivals at all with the strength of Henan and the whole country of the Chinese Empire.

You should know that in the past, Daming, relying on the strength of the whole country, did not defeat the Chinese army. The other party was still stronger and stronger. Finally, it became the imperial court, but turned them into a local force in Pianan.

Now they continue to play, it is a dead end. These generals are thinking that what they need to think now is how to end the war with dignity and let everyone get a good result.

When they came here today, they actually asked Zhu Xieyuan to agree to their terms. If Zhu Xieyuan insisted on not agreeing, he would have to give a military admonition.

You know, in fact, today, they are at the end of their tether.

Li Dingguo of Huguang, led by 10000 elite soldiers, set out from Xiangyang and won seven victories in seven wars. He was invincible. He was less than a hundred miles away from Luoyang.

This man took Xiangyang with hundreds of soldiers and horses. He just carried tens of thousands of them to attack and attack. Now he has tens of thousands of elite in his hands, so he chased Zhu Xieyuan's army to fight. Their second topic here today is how to deal with this man.

You know, they have no chance of winning against Li Dingguo. They have more than 100000 troops, while the other party has only tens of thousands of people. However, the cities guarded by more than 100000 people are captured one by one, and they can't stop the other party's round. Even if they are nervous, they all know that they will soon be finished.

It was because of this that the hearts of these generals became nervous and prepared to force the palace against him. Who knows that Zhu Xieyuan was more cruel and unique.

In fact, these people already know that Zhu Xieyuan is difficult to deal with, and they are also on guard against him. If he dares to lay down 500 knives and axes in the back, it is estimated that today will be the day when the fish die and the net is broken.

These people's prevention of Zhu Xieyuan has reached the extreme. They are also afraid of poisoning. They are careful. As a result, no one can think of Zhu Xieyuan's ruthlessness. Even they catch up with them in order to kill these people at one stroke.