The Liu family's new school has shocked the people. In the past, many people thought that the tax reduction and exemption mentioned by the imperial court was just oral. Everyone knows that in all dynasties, which emperor did not collect taxes?

Even when Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor Taizu of that year, calmed the world, when he became emperor, he sympathized with the hardships of the people, greatly reduced the people's tax, and made some people eat enough.

But it's not necessarily that simple. At the same time, he built many large-scale projects and collected and issued people in several provinces to do corvee. Instead of collecting land tax from you, he asked you to bear corvee. The same is paid, even Zhu Yuanzhang, a farmer, not to mention the merchant born Emperor.

You said that emperor Liu was born in a rich family with a golden key. He has never been hungry. He has no less than 30 dishes for each meal. He flies in the sky, walks on the ground and swims in the sea. How can such a person know the suffering of the people? How can you care if others are hungry?

But what the emperor did was so clear. He said that less land tax was less.

If in the past, many people were used to the official argument that tax collection should be reduced, it would be just verbal and nominal.

For example, he said that he should have received 10%. He said that he should have received 20%. Now he is charging you 10%, which has reduced you by 10%. It is official articles that deceive others.

People are numb to the official's more means, more deception and more.

However, what Huaxia army said about charging less is really charging less. The first thing is to publish the figures. The official takes this basis as the charging standard.

Many people see this standard, and their hearts are warm like a fire. If they accept it according to this standard, it is equivalent to 30% or 40% of the previous one, and they can certainly eat enough.

However, in a season, the wind and rain are still out of order, floods and droughts continue. Although crops are planted, care is taken carefully, weeds and insects are removed, and there is no hesitation, most places fail to harvest, that is, they can't hand in according to the official approved figures.

When the harvest season comes, many people are worried that they can't pay taxes. I'm afraid another official will go to the countryside with a stick and a dog to force the people to pay taxes.

Who knows, when the harvest season comes, the officials still hide in their Yamen and have no intention of destroying taxes at all.

The government has recently set up many tax bureaus in various places and raised many wolf like tax soldiers. These tax soldiers are armed with armor, muskets and artillery. The opponents die.

But these tax collectors will not come to the fields to collect taxes. They will only collect taxes from the people doing business in the city. Big chickens don't eat fine rice.

This also makes the common people used to having a large number of officials to collect taxes as soon as the tax season comes.

At this time, many people heard about the imperial court.

That is, the emperor has made a will to further reduce and reduce taxes everywhere. If you can pay, you can pay. If you can't pay, you can pay slowly first and then it won't affect you.

The common people were shocked when they heard such a will. Is there such a way for the imperial court to play? The common people thought they had heard wrong.

Since ancient times, where are people willing to pay taxes? Only those who send people to force them to pay taxes. Now the official is so lazy that you like to pay or not, don't pay the account, pay it again next year, and be an emperor like this?

Now the people know that although emperor Liu was born in a rich family and didn't know about grain and miscellaneous grains, he said that people suffer and can't stand people's money. He doesn't care about the little things you dig out in the field. People's eyes are focused on business and officials. It's the big head. It's boring to squeeze oil from stones.

With this general explanation, the common people understand, and they feel that they have finally been liberated after pulling away the dark clouds and seeing the blue sky.

The most worrying thing for the people is that when the crops are harvested in two seasons every year, the officials are like wolves and tigers to destroy the grain. They work hard all year round. They can't eat enough food, so the officials take it away.

When these officials come to rob, they have to pay additional tolls or all kinds of stalls. They don't know how much to charge. They can destroy your family and make you hungry.

Now the emperor Liu is a very powerful person. He has plenty of money. He doesn't care about you at all. He is not allowed to be an official to collect taxes. You have to let the people pay them by themselves. There are few such emperors in 5000 years. With such emperors, the people will have a good life, which makes the people relieved.

The biggest difference between the Chinese dynasty and the Ming Dynasty is that food is worthless.

In the Ming Dynasty, the grain harvest was poor everywhere, and the grain price went up all the way, so high that the common people could not afford it.

However, in the harvest season, the price of grain is very low, so cheap that you can lose if you choose to sell it. If you don't sell it, and you don't have money to pay taxes, if you sell it, you still have to be hungry, which causes people to be hungry, and the harvest is also hungry. It's really impossible to live.

In the new dynasty, the biggest feature is that the granaries in the city are always full of grain, and the grain price is the same throughout the year.

It is said that this is the price set by his Majesty the emperor and his Royal Highness the crown prince. You must always sell at this price. If the price exceeds the price, you must ask the government for instructions before you can increase the price. Otherwise, the temporary increase will be the biggest offense to the Imperial court.

In fact, the same policy also exists in the Ming Dynasty. The government of the Ming Dynasty does not allow grain merchants to raise grain prices without authorization. The government also sets prices for grain.

However, there are some ways for these unscrupulous merchants. If the price set by your official is so low, I won't sell it. I don't sell it if I have money. People still have to raise the price to buy food by themselves. The government can't do anything about such behavior. It can only be said that this is a market behavior. They can't intervene.

By the way, most grain merchants have officials as backstage, or even officials.

However, the new dynasty is different. They set up many granaries and grain stations. The official joined the ranks of selling grain. They are both officials selling grain. Unlike the previous ones, the latter's price is fixed, and those who make rash changes are like corruption.

They brought back a large amount of grain from Nanyang. The price of these grains is relatively cheap, which has played a role in stabilizing grain prices. These grain traders want to set grain prices alone, but they can't do it at all, which ensures the stability of grain prices.

Ordinary people are not interested in other things, because they are always most concerned and anxious about how to fill their stomachs. They really don't want to care about those military and state affairs, and they can't care.

However, many people know these food things very well. When the official implemented these policies and implemented them stably, the people got real benefits, which let them know that the new dynasty is the court they want and the prosperity they have been looking forward to.

These policies of Liu Yuanqiao were spontaneously called Hanhe new deal by the people. Many people also said happily that this was the beginning of the prosperous era of Hanhe.

Liu Yuanqiao lived up to his reputation as an octahedral Buddha. After seizing the world, he began to enter the stage of post-war reconstruction in a short time, and quickly entered a stable situation. In the face of the counterattack of Shilin and interest groups, he also skillfully used the strength of all aspects to achieve his goal, Liu Bu admires this means and skill.

Liu Bu even wondered if this father was a transgressor. Liu bu also used words to test his father's questions about the future. As a result, this father was confused, so Liu Bu determined that he was not a transgressor, but a very pragmatic person.

Liu Yuanqiao is a pragmatist and materialist. He doesn't care about benevolence, righteousness and morality at all. He doesn't care about rules. As long as he can get money and achieve his goal, he will do it. As for those ministers who want to limit him with benevolence, righteousness and morality or what rules, they won't work at all. These nihilisms, In the face of his pragmatism, there was a complete collapse.

This series of policies of the imperial court completely stabilized the situation. When Liu Bu went out of the city to meet Lin Danhan, it pushed all this to the peak.

The people were elated and spontaneously came to the side of the official road to watch this grand event.

We should know that the people of beizhili were plagued by these Mongols. In the past, when the Ming Dynasty was weak, the Mongols often killed into the Great Wall. In beizhili, they burned, killed and robbed. After the Mongols couldn't do it, they changed to build slaves. Anyway, they tossed the North.

In the past, Daming could only take defensive measures. At that time, many people were very sad and urged. Now the Central Plains imperial dynasty took the initiative to destroy the authentic Genghis Khan's descendant Lin Dan Khan, which can at least alleviate the current situation, and everyone will have a good life. The people were happy, running around and telling each other, and some even beat gongs and drums to celebrate the grand event.

As expected, the Chinese army did not disappoint. They showed a strong side and entered from the victory gate. They all showed their most magnificent and powerful side to the people, so that the people were full of confidence in them.

The army is the most important weapon of the country. If the army is strong, the country will be strong, and everyone's stable life will be guaranteed. Seeing these strong and majestic troops win and return, they also captured the Great Khan of the Mongolian Empire, which is a rare event in the Middle Earth Dynasty for thousands of years.

It is said that there are emperors in the Ming Dynasty, which have been captured by the Mongols, but they have not captured the same characters of the other party, which makes many people feel sad. However, at the moment, the Chinese army shows a strong side, which makes the people confident and the peaceful and prosperous age can be expected!