329 Believe What You Wan

Vy was happy to see them alive and well. 

"Newbie, you're back? And you brought back the lunatic with you," referring to Sorren. 

Sorren did not appreciate the name-calling but he chose not to react to it. 

"I'm here-"

"If you're thinking of returning to our camp, you can forget about it."

Vy wanted to laugh in Mara's face for that comment, but she controlled herself. She had a much more important matter at hand to settle. 

"That's not what I had in mind." She replied. 

Vy proposed, "I found a way out of the Jungle. I am here to offer that opportunity. Would you care to hear it?"

El and Fendrif looked at one another, Vy had achieved what they had hoped for. She found a way out of the Jungle! They had so many questions. The others who heard Vy's words were also intrigued. 

No one wanted to live in the Jungle forever. If there was a way to get out, they were all ears. 

"Does it include scaling the wall?" Mara asked as she crossed her arms. 

She had heard that method before and obviously, it did not work. No one had ever been able to scale it. She herself had tried it but it would not work. None of them had weapons that could break through the wall either. 

"Nope. It involves breaking down the wall."

Vy continued to explain how there were other groups of survivors scattered throughout the Jungle. Each group had its own specific type of weapons. Vy showed the shooter weapon as proof and Ronni himself, with his bow and arrows was another example. 

"So your plan is to knock down a part of the wall and escape through it?" Mara asked. 


"How do you propose we do that? Throw our swords at it?" Mara joked. The others joined in and scoffed. 

"I will worry about that part. You just need to turn up with all weapons and belongings and be ready to fight and escape. Now, there's only a ten-"

"You're not even going to tell us how you intend on doing it?" 

Vy knew this question was coming and she had an answer ready. 

"I did not tell anyone of the method I intend on using. That is for everyone's safety and precaution on my end," Vy placed her hand over her heart as she continued, "So far, the other two groups have agreed so all that's left is you all."

Mara was not buying it, what if this was all a trap set by Vyrena? She could very be luring all of them to their deaths, then she and the other groups of survivors would pry their weapons from their corpses. 

Vy could see the doubt in Mara's eyes. She readily dispelled it. 

"That is true, no offence to you, Vyrena."

"None taken," Vy replied with a smile. 

"Like you lovingly nicknamed me. I'm a newbie. You kicked me out of your group, the other groups barely know me. What do I have to gain from lying to all of you?" 

Mara shook her head disapprovingly, "You might not have anything to gain, but you also have nothing to lose."

El could not take it anymore. 

"What do we have to lose by giving this a shot?" El blurted out. 

Fendrif tried to hold her back but she refused to sit back and let this continue. 

"We have been stuck in here for too long. Life can't just be this."

Vy was glad to have some support from El. The other survivors seemed to be undecided too. On one hand, they valued their safety. They had built a life for themselves in the confines of the Jungle. 

But constantly being fearful of everything around them was no way to live. 

"If you decide to come along, then the following is the plan. In one week from now, everyone is to travel to this spot and camp in the Jungle," Vy walked up to Mara and handed her a map she had drawn. 

Mara took it from her as Vy continued to explain, "When I give the signal, everyone will rush towards the wall. There will be beasts attacking us. So be prepared for that. The opening will only be there for ten minutes. After which the wall will repair itself."

"The wall can repair itself? That just sounds like a bundle of lies," Mara scoffed. 

"You can believe what you want. I am telling you what I know." Vy replied. 

With her instructions complete, Vy turned to El. 

"Sorren is injured because of me. Could you bring him back into camp to rest?" 

"You're not staying, Vyrena?" Fendrif asked.

"No. I must get going. I have lots of ground to cover." Vy replied before turning back.

Just before she left, she turned back and said to El, "We will meet again soon enough."

Vy left with Ronni by her side, together, they made their way to the wall. She had intended for all of this to remain a secret, but that was now impossible with Ronni following her around. 

The first place she brought him to was the section of the wall there she intends to blow up. She also showed him the location in which the survivors were to camp out while waiting for her signal. All of them would have a clear view of the section of the wall.

"Once everything is ready, I will send a message into the sky which would be visible from almost everywhere in the Jungle. Once that signal is given, it would be time for us to make our move,"

Ronni looked at the wall, "Have you considered the thickness of the wall?" 

Vy nodded, "I don't have the exact measurements to know for certain, so I made a rough estimate. I will ensure that there is enough firepower to blow through it completely and lead us to the other side."

Vy brought Ronni to the Spider Nest next. The fog-covered jungle not only looked mysterious but also dangerous. They did not have to venture in far before a familiar face appeared to greet them.

"Vyrena, we meet again," Red Silk greeted her. 

He turned to look at Ronni before he continued, "You brought reinforcements?"

From the fog, Vy could see many pairs of glowing red eyes all fixated on them.