332 Pull The Trigger

Boss anxiously checked on her as the others brought medical supplies to clean the wound on her shoulder and upper arm. The bite marks of the beast created deep puncture wounds. 

Everything had happened in a blur. He had tried to lure the attention of the beast towards him, attempting to shoot it but nothing worked. Then, the beast lunged towards him with its open jaw. 

Boss's could see his life flash past him. There was no escape. He braced for the impact of the pain. But it never came. All he could hear was the piercing screams of a familiar voice. 

When he refocused his vision, Tizzie stood before him, having taken the impact on his behalf. 

"Hang in there Tizzie!" He called out to her anxiously, tears in his eyes as he held her in his arms. 

"I… I cannot lose you," he said helplessly. 

He was their leader yet he could not do anything to stop the attack. Even with all of their defences in place, this still happened. Everything they had built came crashing down in an instant. 

This was why they needed to get out of here. Boss turned to find Vy. He finally caught sight of her struggling to keep the beast back. He turned back to see where the gate of the campsite used to be. It was now blown open by the attack. 

The corpse of the other beast laid untouched, covered in blood and guts. 

"Vyrena killed it, she saved us," Maribelle informed him. 

This person owed them nothing, yet she was willing to sacrifice her own life to save them. A group of children she did not know. He had to do something to help. Seeing the determination in his eyes, Maribelle knew what he had in mind. 

"Leave Tizzie to us, boss. We'll take care of her," she reassured him. 

Boss nodded. He stood back up, with his shooter weapon in his hands. He rallied some of the other children and told them his plan. They needed to give Vy some room to breathe and hand her a shooter weapon. 

They had different ones and there was one with a bit more firepower than the rest. However, it was too heavy for any of the children to use so they had kept it. 

"Bring the heavy shooter to me," he instructed Jos. 

Then, he turned to the other and explained, "When the time is right, the rest of us will serve as the distraction. We will fire for as long as we can. I will draw Vyrena's attention and hand her the heavy shooter."

The rest of the children agreed and just in time, Jos and another child returned together, carrying a heavily padded box. It was too heavy for one of them to carry on their own. Hence, Jos and Boss would bring it to Vy while the others distracted the creature. 

With everything ready, Boss rallied, "Is everyone ready?"

"Get into position!" 

The children formed into three rows, spaced out from one another. On Boss's signal, they began firing in the direction of the creature. Vy dodged out of the way in the nick of time, before the wave of pellets came down upon the creature. 

The pellets mostly glossed over the scales of the creature. But the repeated firing caused it to be grazed and distracted. Boss and Jos carried the heavily padded box and made ran towards Vy. 

She saw them coming towards her so she ran up to them, meeting them halfway. 

"What are you doing?! Do you know how dangerous it is?"

"You won't be able to defeat it on your own, use this!" Boss replied as he and Jos opened the box. 

In the box was a shooter weapon, almost three to four times the size of the regular ones they used. It did not launch regular-sized pellets, it launched large ones that were the size of tennis balls. 

"Just load, aim and pull the trigger!" Boss shouted the instructions through the firing of the shooter weapons. 

Vy knew there was no time for questions. No time of hesitation. She picked up the weapon in her hands. It was much heavier than any other weapon she had held before but it felt familiar. 

Although, she could not recall a time she had ever held one. 

"Boss! We can't hold it any longer!" One of the children shouted at them. 

The creature was moving slowly towards them. It was annoyed and irritated by their attacks and it was preparing to retaliate. 

"You have to use it now!" Boss told Vy. 

Vy nodded as she stood back up with the weapon in her hands. For a better aim, she rested it upon her shoulder and looked through its viewfinder. She narrowed her eyes and took aim at the creature. 

"Ready?" Boss shouted. 

"Ready!" Vy replied. 

Boss signalled the children to stop firing their weapons. 


Vy pulled the trigger. A loud bang went off. The recoiled from the weapon almost knocked her backwards but she managed to hold her ground. A single shot fired from the nozzle of the weapon as a blast of smoke filled the air. 

The giant pellet moved through the air at lightning speed, spinning as it flew. The beast was about to lunge towards the direction of the children when the giant pellet made an impact with it. Everyone watched in anticipation. 

The creature was knocked back by the force, crashing into the tents. The giant pellet burrowed through the side of its torso. It lodged in the side of the beast, blood seeping from it's wound. 

The campsite fell silent. No one dared to cheer too soon. Vy stood back up with the weapon still in her hands. She went forward towards the direction of where the beast landed. 

Before she could get close, a loud ear-piercing screech filled the air. All the children covered their ears. It was coming from the beast. It was not dead yet. The beast tried to stand back up on all fours. 

Blood was pouring out of it's wound but it refused to give up. Vy repositioned the weapon carefully over her shoulder. There was no room for error or hesitation. She had one shot to get this right. 

"Come at me, you pathetic beast!" She taunted the creature. 

The beast snarled and launched towards Vy. She could see the rage in its eyes. It was pissed. 

"That makes the two of us," she muttered to herself with a grin. 

The beast unhinged it's jaw and launched itself towards Vy. Carefully aiming for its open mouth, Vy pulled the trigger. The pellet flew through the air and burrowed into the mouth of the beast. 

The pellet lodged itself in the lungs of the beast, causing massive bleeding. The beast spewed blood from its jaws.

Vy moved out of the way as the beast landed on the ground next to her with a thud. She dropped the heavy shooter weapon to the side and took out her dagger. To put it out for good measure she stabbed it through the eye. 

As blood pooled around it, the beast breathed its last. 

Finally, all the children cheered. The beasts were defeated at last. After she made sure the beast was dead, Vy heaved a sigh of relief. She stepped off the back of the beast and walked towards the children. 

Boss was running up towards her. 

The next thing she knew, Vy noticed her vision blurred. Everything that was once clear fused into a myriad of colours. Her body gave way as she crumbled to the ground and lost consciousness.