At the same time, when Ji Yuchen practiced the mountain moving and earth shrinking method and tried to move towards the third form - blinking, the Shura world was boiling.

In the ancient region, where the blood emperor fell, there was a vision!

The blood emperor, born in the blood domain, became famous with the blood domain. Finally, it fell in the ancient domain.

The ancient region is a notorious place in the Shura world. Because of the extremely mysterious star field, there are many powerful star beasts and all kinds of dangerous situations!

Ancient domain, there is another name - dead domain!

The so-called death realm, as the name suggests, is a Death Star realm. Here, people who don't have considerable strength always have no access. Even experts in the realm of heaven will fall at any time once they enter the ancient region.

Countless years ago, the famous blood emperor of Shura world fought with a mysterious strong man in the ancient domain. Finally, the blood emperor spilled his blood on this star domain and fell here.

"Blood emperor, did you really die in battle?"

No one knows. This is just speculation. After all, throughout history, the mighty emperors have fallen one after another.

However, no one knows the reason for their fall.

A thousand years ago, a vision suddenly came out of the ancient region. A sea of blood suddenly appeared on a big star in the ancient region. There were many visions in the sea of blood, and the powerful breath constantly came out of it and rushed straight to the sky.

At the beginning, it was only discovered by some experts in ancient adventure. These people were not concerned for a while. They just thought there was a strange treasure in it, so they went into exploration.

However, these people are all in and out. I don't know whether they fell in or were trapped in and couldn't come out. However, as more and more adventurers found out here, more and more people went in. Finally, the news gradually spread throughout the Shura world.

This is where the blood emperor fell!

This sea of blood, these visions, is likely to be the inheritance of the blood emperor!

Two big news broke the sky of Shura world. Immediately, the whole Shura world was boiling.

What is the great emperor?

That's an absolute strong man!

The strength of the great emperor is enough to traverse the six realms and be invincible in the world!

Even though every great emperor in history will eventually fall. However, their legend of invincibility still spread all over the world. The world generally believes that the great emperor is still invincible.

Because of this, when I heard the news that the blood emperor's inheritance was about to be born, the whole Shura world was boiling.

As a result, families, great forces and individual strong ones began to move towards the ancient region. Everyone wants to inherit the blood emperor!

As long as you get the inheritance of the blood emperor, it's only a matter of time to become the great emperor and invincible in the world.

Ten years after practicing the method of moving mountains and shrinking land.

There was silence in the endless starry sky.

Suddenly, a layer of ripples appeared in the space, like water lines, slowly rippling down.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air. Yes, it appears out of thin air without warning. It seems that it suddenly jumps out of space.

"Blink! Finally!" an excited voice spread from the population.

This is a young man in a strong black suit, with layers of faint but powerful pale gold halo. His face was very excited.

This man is Ji Yuchen.

"It's been ten years. She has finally entered the third form of mountain moving and land shrinking method - blink! Now, blink has finally achieved something!" Ji Yuchen can't hide her excitement.

"Blinking, indeed, has exceeded the scope of speed."

General flight, no matter how fast, needs to fly directly before reaching the destination. But blinking is completely different. With one thought, you can go anywhere covered by God's mind.

It only takes time for one thought!

"The present mind can cover a range of 13 billion Li. Theoretically, you can instantly appear anywhere within 13 billion Li. It's just..."

"But now I can only move a billion miles in an instant! This is the limit." Ji Yuchen showed a little unwilling look in his eyes.

After all, the so-called blink can reach any place covered by his mind. But Ji Yuchen can only blink a tenth of the distance. How can he be reconciled?

"The divine power is not enough to support the blink for such a long time." Ji Yuchen was unwilling. It's all because of divine power! As long as his divine power is strong enough, he can teleport anywhere where his divine mind is.

Didn't I say that teleportation only needs divine thoughts and doesn't rely too much on divine power? But here they say they need the support of divine power? This is not a contradiction.

In fact, this is not a contradiction. Everything is because of Ji Yuchen. Ordinary people, in the realm of stillness and emptiness, their thoughts can cover a hundred and eight thousand miles. This is the limit.

Because of this, they can be thousands of miles away in an instant. This is normal.

However, Ji Yuchen's mind is really terrible. It covers a distance of 13 billion miles! Moreover, he can now teleport to a billion miles, which is very contrary to the sky.

Even the masters of the heaven realm can move a billion miles in a blink. They are really strong, not like Ji Yuchen, a fake and shoddy expert.

If you don't like those masters of the heaven realm, Ji Yuchen's quiet and empty Jiuchong heaven realm can teleport a billion miles, but he still doesn't want to. I'm afraid he'll slap Ji Yuchen directly.

The so-called lack of human heart, snake swallowing elephant is the true portrayal of Ji Yuchen at this time.

"I believe that as the strength becomes stronger and stronger in the future, my blinking distance will become stronger and stronger!"

"Now, it's time to see the so-called secret." Ji Yuchen looked forward and showed a confident look on his face.

At this time, with his strength, although he went there, he was absolutely at the bottom. However, with his terrible blinking distance at this time, even the Heavenly Master... Ji Yuchen is confident to escape his life from them.

After all, the power of teleportation and soul is enough for him to have the ability to protect his life before the top strong.

"Whoosh... Whoosh..."

Under the endless starry sky, a body shape manifests itself every billion miles, and then disappears again. The next time it appears, it is already a billion miles away.

This man is Ji Yuchen. At this time, he is blinking at full speed. The huge mind is unbridled and shrouded in the range of 13 billion miles, which can be described as extremely arrogant.

"Hmm?" in the starry sky, a strong man is moving forward quickly. Suddenly, a thought swept over him. Suddenly, he noticed the thought of peeping at him.

With a cold hum in his heart, the strong man's face was cold and his heart was very unhappy. You know, it was an extremely impolite behavior to observe others with his mind for no reason. Therefore, the strong man of Shura family who was unhappy immediately started his mind and wanted to catch up

"Strong man! The strength is definitely stronger than me!" the strong man who was trying to catch up suddenly stopped and looked frightened on his face.

"I can't see where he is. This man is definitely much stronger than me!" the strong man of the Shura family was surprised. The next moment, he turned around and shot away in the opposite direction.

"Eh? Why did this guy turn around and run away?"

Ji Yuchen is strange.

But he didn't know. When traveling in the starry sky, he often met some strong men and some star thieves. A lot of strength, some unscrupulous strong people, when they find that there is less than their strength nearby, they will use their means to kill each other in order to seize each other's treasures.

The previous master was worried and secretly peeped at him. Ji Yuchen was such a murderer and robber. Moreover, his mind could not even find Ji Yuchen's body.

This gave him a wrong confidence. Ji Yuchen is definitely a much stronger man than him! Once he thought so, the master naturally retreated.

Ji Yuchen took back his mind and didn't investigate others so recklessly.

"More and more people." along the way, Ji Yuchen found that more and more strong people were flying quickly towards the front. At this time, Ji Yuchen gradually found that some people who were not too powerful also appeared.


In the void, a powerful breath burst out fiercely.

Ji Yuchen's mind quickly extended in the past, but he saw that in the void, there were three huge warships made of divine iron, thousands of miles long!

"Is this a warship?" Ji Yuchen was stunned, and then took a breath.

These ships are warships! Moreover, these warships are also magic weapons for flying.

"It's definitely at the level of artifact!" Ji Yuchen was secretly surprised. The three huge battlefields sent out a cold murderous spirit, a strong breath, and even the surrounding void was constantly torn.

"What powerful warship is this?" Ji Yuchen was surprised. "The so-called four giants in the blood domain definitely don't have such a big hand!"

The warship flew quickly from Ji Yuchen not far away. Soon after, Ji Yuchen saw a team of strong men riding ancient chariots crossing

All kinds of magic weapons of flying, and all kinds of strong people passed by Ji Yuchen in front, making Ji Yuchen feel more and more that the front is not simple.

"What's ahead? Even such a huge family has been mobilized." Ji Yuchen looked forward to it more and more.

Half a month later

Ji Yuchen suddenly stopped and looked at the front with a shocked face.

"One... One continent?" Ji Yuchen floated in the starry sky and looked at the vast... Continent ahead from a distance!