Two days later.

There is only one mountain from Tianyi University.

Yang Hongwu and Hu Xiuer have been going on a sightseeing tour with each other for two days. Are you happy.

"Another mountain is Tianyi University." Yang Hongwu pointed to the big mountain road in front. "After the mountain in front, it is Tianyi University."

"Tianyi university? It's so fast, but it's also a good thing to see sister Qiushuang." Hu Xiuer smiled on her face.

In the past two days, General Yang Hongwu left tianlongzong and told Hu Xiuer all the things that happened. She knew that Yang Hongwu had encountered so many things and suffered a lot. He was chased and killed by purple sky so many times. Although it was dangerous every time, when Yang Hongwu talked about it, she often made Hu Xiuer feel frightened.

Of course, Hu Xiuer is proud that Yang Hongwu has become the king of Dan, the master of Fu, and so on.

She was also curious about Yu diejiao and other women, and her tone also showed a color of comparison. It seemed that among these women Yang Hongwu met, her strength was the lowest.

Zheng Qiushuang is already in the realm of Yuanshen.

Jade Butterfly Jiao is already in the three-step Yuanshen realm. It is estimated that she has entered the four-step Yuanshen realm now.

Zixintong's accomplishments have also reached the three-step Yuanshen realm. Only she is only half a step Yuanshen realm, and there is a big gap.

And that Feng xinrou, her strength is also one step yuanshenjing, which makes Hu Xiuer feel pressure.

As Yang Hongwu's empress of the Imperial Palace, she has few accomplishments, and her sisters are strong. It's really hard to pass.

Therefore, Hu Xiuer made up her mind to practice well. Yang Hongwu said that after double cultivation, her strength will make great progress.

Hu Xiuer is considering to double cultivate with Yang Hongwu. Moreover, in a few days, it will be the talent conference of the ancient wasteland. At that time, Yang Hongwu will certainly meet talents from all directions of the ancient wasteland. The ancient wasteland is so large that there must be many hidden talents. The strength of those talents is very terrible. After the double cultivation, Yang Hongwu's cultivation and combat effectiveness can be improved, In that case, we should have a greater grasp at the genius conference.

However, when she thought of the meeting Yang Hongwu, Hu Xiuer felt very hot and shy.

"Let's have a rest and go tomorrow." Yang Hongwu looked up and looked at the sky. It was getting late. The mountain in front was full of crises. There were many powerful beasts in it, including many level 6 peaks, and some were gregarious beasts, such as wolves. If he met wolves, he would be in trouble.

A wolf is a level 6 brute and a social animal. Once you attack, they all go together. Unless you can grow wings, it will be very troublesome.

Moreover, in the dense mountains and forests, it is a problem for you to fly. Even if you fly into the sky, there are fierce birds in the air. They are not friendly either.

Don't worry during the day. Wolves haunt at night.

Relatively speaking, it is much safer during the day.

"Well, I listen to you." for Hu Xiuer, being alone with Yang Hongwu is the best thing. She listens to Yang Hongwu in everything and never disobeys his words.

Soon it was dark.

Yang Hongwu took out the seven yin-yang fish, which was caught in the dark river in the mourning mountain, but there were not many.

This seven grade yin-yang fish is not only helpful to Yang Hongwu, but also helpful to Hu Xiuer.

Yang Hongwu set up a fire. This seven grade yin-yang fish is also good for grilling fish. When he was on earth, Yang Hongwu's barbecue technology was also very good.

"Well, it smells good." at this time, a cat's head came out of Yang Hongwu's shoulder.

Yang Hongwu was overjoyed at the sound and said, "cat, you wake up."

"Uh huh, eh, big brother, who is this big sister?" the cat saw Hu Xiuer and asked, "is it your other spouse?"

Yang Hongwu has a black face and a spouse. What's special? This is too straightforward.

According to the cultivator, this should be a Taoist companion.

"What a lovely cat, Wu, is this the cat you said?" Hu Xiuer was surprised to see the cat and liked it very much.

"Well, cat, this is Hu Xiuer. Well, it's my woman. You can call her Xiuer or sister Xiuer, whatever." Yang Hongwu said.

"You are the spouse of the big brother. Well, well, I'll call you sister," said the cat.

For Hu Xiuer, she stretched out her hand, didn't want to hold her, and didn't refuse.

"Well, cat, you are so cute," said Hu Xiuer.

"Sister, you are also very beautiful," said the cat.

After eating the yin-yang fish for dinner, Yang Hongwu lay down under a big tree to rest, while Hu Xiuer leaned against Yang Hongwu. The cat kept fiddling with his belly. It looked very cute.

Suddenly, the cat stood up and her hair stood up.

"Cat, what's the matter?" Yang Hongwu asked hurriedly.

The cat's feeling is much better than herself. She can feel anything.

So, if the cat is like this, something must have happened. Breaking the arrogant eye is not just talking. No disguise can escape her eyes.

"Someone's coming. It's murderous," said the cat.

"It's murderous. I'm afraid it's against me. Isn't God Fang willing to die?" Yang Hongwu narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"It shouldn't be the sect leader. The sect leader won't be so stupid. If my guess is right, it should be the people sent by Zitian. If it's not the purple family, it's Kaiyun sect." Hu Xiuer said.

"Well, you're right. God Fang would never be so stupid. If he dared to do it to me, there would be no need for longzong to exist that day. He couldn't not understand this." Yang Hongwu nodded. It seems that these people should be the people found by Zitian.

It's not that easy to kill yourself.

The cold light in Yang Hongwu's eyes twinkles. If you want to kill yourself, you have to pay a price.

"Cat, how many people are there and how far is it from here?" Yang Hongwu asked.

"Well, let me see. There are thirteen people in purple clothes with a purple flower embroidered on their chest." the cat said, "there will be about 60 breathing time to get here."

"Purple flowers, that's the guard of the purple family. Only the purple family will embroider a purple flower on their clothes." Hu Xiuer said.

"The guards of the purple family, what are their accomplishments?" Yang Hongwu said again.

"These thirteen people are not weak. They are all two-step yuanshenjing," said the cat.

Yang Hongwu looked at Hu Xiuer. This... This is terrible. Thirteen people are all the accomplishments of two-step Yuanshen realm. When did the purple family have such terrible strength? It's too deep to hide, but if you're not from the purple family, how can you embroider a purple flower on your chest?