: Well, old man, I just need one more blow and I can kill you completely. " Yang Hongwu looked at the Tibetan dragon general and said faintly, "if you admit defeat now, you can still save your life. Otherwise, I don't promise. Wait a minute, you can still stand here and talk."

"You won." Tibetan dragon smiled bitterly. Although he didn't want to, he had to admit that he lost, which is a fact.

This makes him very depressed. Even if he is only a remnant of the general of the Tibetan dragon, he is still the general of the Tibetan dragon. The general of the Tibetan dragon is an invincible myth, but he has failed.

"However, if you think that you can get out of the death palace after defeating me now, it will be naive." the Tibetan dragon continued.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Yang Hongwu said.

"This is no longer a pure death palace. Only fierce ghosts and zombie demons can become the guard spirit of the ghost palace, and so can you." Hidden Dragon said.

"What are you talking about?" Ling song's face sank and said, "do you mean that we will also become the guard spirit of the ghost palace of the death palace?"

"Yes, but your strength is too weak to be the guarding spirit of the ghost palace, and your strength will be swallowed up." the Hidden Dragon said, "among you, only you, you and the three of you can become the guarding spirit of the ghost palace, while others will die." the hidden Dragon pointed to Yang hongwubai and purple Phoenix.

Yang Hongwu was surprised at the speech.

"Our strength has not yet reached the holy realm, but Ling song is only one step away from entering the great holy realm. He is not qualified?" said purple Phoenix.

"Although his cultivation level is higher than yours, his soul is too weak. Your soul power is very strong. I can't see through it. She has Phoenix blood, which is very noble. So is she. Although she is not Phoenix blood, there is terrible power in her blood, which has not been stimulated." Tibetan Dragon said, "Although you have defeated me, you can indeed enter the next ghost palace. However, there are only seven ghost palaces with guarding spirits. That is to say, if you are not strong enough, you will die in the four ghost palaces behind and be killed by the guarding spirits. Of course, if you are strong enough, you will die Enter the eighth ghost palace behind and be trapped there. Unless you become the guard spirit of the ghost palace, your soul will be refined by the death Tao palace. "

"You mean, in fact, the death palace didn't take shape because there weren't enough guarding spirits of the ghost palace? Now, the death palace needs enough guarding spirits to take shape, and now all this is the big tomb left by the Tibetan dragon general to refine the death palace?" Hua Yuanwu said, "In fact, it is a conspiracy of general Tibetan dragon to let other strong men enter general Tibetan dragon's tomb and become the guard spirit of the ghost palace?"

"No, all this is not the intention of the general," said the general with a wry smile.

"Isn't this made by the Tibetan dragon general?" Hua Yuanwu said. "What do you mean by saying it's not the original intention of the Tibetan dragon general?"

"In fact, this death palace is built by the evil thoughts of general Tibetan dragon. The real general Tibetan dragon has already gone to the divine realm." Tibetan Dragon said, "the reason why I am here is to wait for someone to come and hope someone can stop the evil thoughts of general Tibetan dragon. However, your strength is too weak."

This guy's words made Yang Hongwu and others more and more confused.

It's the evil thoughts of general Tibetan dragon and the residual thoughts. It's so special. It's a mess. However, Yang Hongwu still finds out that the real general Tibetan dragon is not dead, but has gone to the divine realm. Now what remains here is the evil thoughts of general Tibetan dragon.

The evil thoughts of the Tibetan dragon general made such a death palace.

Of course, Yang Hongwu will not completely believe this guy's words. This guy is not a good thing. His words are three true and seven false.

"There are only four ghost palaces in the back?" Yang Hongwu said. "Then what are the four ghost palaces in the back guarding? What is the strength?"

Yang Hongwu is very curious about this.

"The guarding spirit of the fourth ghost palace is a dragon of evil spirits. It is very powerful. When the Tibetan dragon general attacked the demon world, he caught a magic dragon and refined its soul. Its strength is very terrible. Moreover, the dragon breath of the evil dragon spirit can directly corrode the soul of the strong," said the Tibetan dragon.

"The dragon of evil spirits can corrode the dragon breath of the soul of the strong." Ling song frowned when he heard the speech, and then said, "is it the Tiancha magic dragon that year?"

"Yes, it's the evil spirit after the killing of the demon dragon that day." the Hidden Dragon said.

"If this is true, it will be troublesome. It is said that the strength of the magic dragon that day was very terrible. The three supreme powers joined hands to kill the magic dragon that day." Ling Song said, "the three supreme powers are all strong in the great empire."

"It's as strong as the great emperor's realm. My God, so we're dead. It's impossible to pass through the fourth ghost palace." the Qiu family's ancestors heard the speech.

"What about the fifth, sixth and seventh ghost palaces behind? What is the spirit of guarding?"

"The latter is even more terrible. The guarding spirit of the fifth ghost palace is the spirit of death sword, the guarding spirit of the sixth ghost palace is the source of yin and evil spirits, and in the seventh ghost palace, in fact, it is the evil thoughts of the Tibetan dragon general." the Tibetan Dragon way, "In the three ghost palaces behind you, you have no possibility of winning. Moreover, even if you win, you can't go out unless you destroy the death palace. However, you don't have the strength at all. If you want to break the death palace, unless the invincible emperor makes a move, you have no hope at all."

"Is there no other way to leave?" now the ancestors of the Qiu family and others have been very regretful. They regret why they want to enter here. If they don't come in, they won't die.

They suddenly remembered Zeng Chi and them. If they had opened the way in front at the beginning, I'm afraid they would have retreated at that time. In that way, they could still save their lives. Now, they are dead and have no hope.


"Have you finished?" Yang Hongwu looked at the hidden dragon.

"That's it, you go." the hidden dragon waved and the stone gate leading to the fourth ghost palace had been opened.

"After that, you can die." Yang Hongwu said. With a wave of his hand, a rune appeared, and a vortex appeared in the void. On the vortex, there were Ancient Runes, which were the pattern of swallowing demons.