Chapter 1090

Name:Ninth In the World Author:Goose Five
Finish saying, di nine hands a mind roll.

According to di Jiu's conjecture, tianshao Dao will fall directly on his palm. But the next moment, di Jiu's face was a little embarrassed, and tianshao didn't move.

"Ha ha, this Dao is really your magic weapon. It's a pity that you can't command it yourself." The man in Black said sarcastically.

Di Jiu has come to understand that tianshao Dao has not been completely repaired. He didn't bother to pay attention to the friar in black. He stepped down next to the tianshao Dao, raised his hand and grasped it. His mind entered the tianshao Dao. The blood essence mark on the tianshao Dao immediately merged with di Jiu's daonian and became one.

With the explosion of tianshao Dao, a bright blue awn came out. The green awn fell into di Jiu's hands and turned into a six foot long blue sword. Di Jiu knows that this is the Tiansuo sword, which has not been thoroughly turned into a treasure of creation.

Once Tiansuo Dao is completely transformed into a treasure of nature, it will be three feet and nine inches, which is also the length of Tiansuo Dao before it is broken.

Now this tianshao Dao is higher than his height. As soon as he holds it in his hand, di Jiu immediately feels that tianshao Dao is growing rapidly.

Tian Suo Dao accompanies Di Jiu for a long time. Di Jiu doesn't even think about it, so he hangs Tian Suo Dao behind his back. Although the handle of the knife extended more than two feet from his right shoulder, he still didn't care.

Tianshao Dao doesn't need a scabbard. As long as it is between heaven and earth, it will continue to grow.

"You..." the friar in Black said one word and got stuck. He already understood that this Dao was indeed Di Jiu's. Otherwise, di Jiu couldn't have pulled out the knife so easily. Without refining, the knife would have shrunk to less than one ten thousandth of its original size.

After carrying the sword, di Jiu just calmly looks at the monk in black in front of him. The friar in black is obviously not of the five elements universe. His Taoist rhyme has nothing to do with the rules of the five elements universe.

"This Taoist friend, my name is Fei Wudao. I come from the holy city of fortune. My father Fei Yuemin Dao is the deacon of the holy city of fortune..." the friar in black gave Dijiu a fist and slowed down his tone.

"So?" Di nine light says. The names of father and son both have the word Dao. They really like Dao.

Fei Wudao said in a more sincere tone, "my Fei family has been practicing Dao Dao Dao, so before I found the Dao that best fits me, my Fei family is all in the name of Wudao. When you find the Dao, you will add the name of the Dao after the surname... "

When Di Jiu heard this, he looked at Fei Wudao in surprise. "How many people in your Fei family are called Wudao?"

It seems that Fei Wudao's father has a Yuemin Dao.

"I'm the only one, because my eldest and second brothers have their own knives." Fei Wudao replied.

Di Jiu didn't ask any more. He had already understood the weirdness of the Fei family. It should be that after the eldest brother has a knife, the name of the knife will be changed, and then the second will be born, and so on.

This is definitely not intentional. It must be the Dao of the Fei family that has something to do with it. He was a little speechless in his heart. It was obvious that the Fei family was a slave of Dao. If you don't cultivate this Dao, you may as well.

"Because I like this knife very much, I hope you can give it to me. It's easy to say anything. Even if you want to go to Zaohua holy city, I have a way to help you. " Fei Wudao was very patient.

Di Jiu said faintly, "I'm sorry, this knife is also very important to me. You don't mean to embarrass me. I'll let you go this time. "

"I'm sorry for you..." all the expressions on Fei Wudao's face disappeared without a trace. The field rolled out wildly, and then a long knife with thousands of feet fell out of thin air. Under the long knife was a huge whirlpool. The terrible whirlpool rolled over, and he wanted to roll Di Jiu into the whirlpool.

For Fei Wudao, Dijiu should have just created the world. Although he also created the world, he could kill a dozen monks like Dijiu with his eyes closed.

Di Jiu didn't even move, let alone offer a sacrifice to tianshao Dao. He just stretched out his big fingerprint and grabbed it.

No matter how powerful Dijiu was, he couldn't catch a monk with his big hand. What's more, this feiwudao is not an ordinary monk in the world of creation?

This place is the chaotic world that di Jiu once opened up. Even if he did not leave this world, every breath of this world is under the control of Di Jiu.

Fei Wudao dares to fight against him in his world. It's strange that di Jiu doesn't reach out to catch this boy.

"Click!" Fei Wudao's Dao field is broken under di Jiu's fingerprints. At the next moment, Fei Wudao can't move any more.

No! Fei Wudao immediately understood what was going on, not that di Jiu's strength really crushed him. But di Jiu said before that this world was also opened by him. Obviously, this is the truth. This world belongs to the other side, and its own magic power is under the other side's domain, so it has no resistance ability at all.

Fei Wudao is bound by Di Jiu's fingerprints. He can't care for anything else. A blood essence sprays directly on the talisman in his mouth, and the talisman turns into a light. Light rolled up, Fei Wudao rushed out of Di Jiu's broken world.

Di Jiu sighed. It's OK to have a good father. The power of this talisman is a little too powerful. If his world is in good condition, he can also prevent the other party from going away with the help of talisman. But the chaos he opened up will soon dissipate in the vast chaos. Naturally, he can't stop Fei Wudao.

If you offend this feiwudao, you will come and go to create the holy city, and you will have another enemy. Unfortunately, he didn't catch this guy. If he caught this guy, he wanted to ask how he came to the vast chaos from the holy city of creation Although chaos is everywhere in the vast chaos, it's a pity that this thing can't be cultivated. The chaos here is true chaos and has not yet formed a rhyme. It doesn't matter if he can't practice. He reunites with Tiansuo Dao again. Di Jiu is in a good mood now. He has no anxiety before. The ninth way is that if it really becomes the climate, it is also the will of God. He has done everything he can. Since he can't stop it, what can he do? If you don't practice, you are still in the vast chaos. Everyone will feel that time is too hard. No matter how happy Dijiu was, he couldn't stay in such a place. After walking in the vast chaos for another five years, when he felt extremely uncomfortable all over, di Jiu met someone again. In the vast chaos, di Jiu saw not only Qin Mu Tian, but also Fei Wudao. These two men are the third step strong, but in front of this young man, di Jiu must have only the right way“ Master... "The young man obviously also saw Di Jiu. He wanted to speak, but it was a good thing that he could walk in chaos for so many days without falling. It's a dream to speak in such a place without rhyme rules. Di Jiu rolled up a regular space with a radius of ten feet. "I've seen a lot of monks in Sanhui universe. You're the worst one I've ever seen."“ Master, do you know that I am a monk of Sanhui universe? Are you the enemy of Sanhui universe Asked the young man in surprise. Di Jiu said with a smile, "I killed more than 100 powerful people in Sanhui universe before, and not long ago I let he Wanqi die, don't you think?"“ If the elder wants to kill the younger generation, the younger generation will not die in peace. " The young man threw his fist in despair. Obviously, he knew that no matter what he said, maybe the strong man in front of him would kill him“ Why? " Di nine doubts of ask a way, he didn't plan to kill this youth“ Younger Ji, my father Gini helped him to do things. As a result, he accidentally let a strong man leave through the transmission channel of Sanhui universe. As a result, he killed my father. I came here by all means in order to testify the third step with the help of vast chaos, and then go back to avenge my father. So I'm consistent with the enemy of my predecessors. " Ji Heng's eyes are full of the desire to survive“ What does that have to do with me? " Di nine light says“ If you are merciful, I'd like to tell you... "Before Ji Heng finished, a terrible wave of Taoist rhyme suddenly broke out not far from their location. With a huge Taoist rhyme vortex generated out of thin air, countless pale yellow crystals were rolled up by the vortex and scattered everywhere“ The crystal of the universe... "Ji Heng mumbles excitedly, and di Jiu is also stunned. At that time, destiny Daojun got a cosmic crystal stone, which also made Hewang angry. He even did not hesitate to chase the vast chaos to kill destiny Daojun. And today, there are more than a hundred million cosmic crystals burst out here“ Master, this is cosmic crystal. Because of this vortex, Sanhui universe's Hewang got countless cosmic crystal stones, and its strength rose greatly. It's said that the vortex leads to the five elements universe... "Ji Ji says to di Jiu. He wants Dijiu to snatch the cosmic crystal, and then he leaves quickly. As for the cosmic crystal, he knew that he was not qualified for it“ You mean this vortex leads to a universe... "Dijiu calmed down. He finally closed the transmission channel of a cosmic ladder. If there is another channel leading to the five elements universe, it is not a good thing. Fortunately, this place is deep in the vast chaos. Even if ordinary people come, they can't find it. In any case, Dijiu still hopes that this vortex passage does not lead to the five elements universe. Ji Heng shook his head and said, "I don't know." Di Jiu didn't pay attention to Ji He any more, and he fell on the edge of the vast universe. With a roll of his hand, he put away tens of thousands of cosmic crystals. It's just that the cosmic spars here are too scattered, many of them are crushed, and some of them are involved in the vast chaos and can't be found any more. Seeing that di Jiu didn't pay attention to himself, instead, he went to collect the cosmic crystal stones. Ji Zhen didn't dare to hesitate a little. Without hesitation, she turned around and rushed to the vast chaos in the distance. The reason why he dared to go was that it was vast chaos. Even if he came here, he could not find him as long as he walked into the vast chaos( That's all for today's update. Good night, friends!)