Name:NoGift Author:Tyramisu
"SO, HOW did it go exactly?" Argent asked once they were alone inside Aurum's courtyard.

She was in a carriage parked just outside of the palace, waiting for Aurum to come out. The moment her sister did and Argent asked her how her meeting with the Empress went, Aurum said they should talk about it once their back at the Zhang household and alone at her courtyard. Meaning what she's going to say couldn't be heard by others. That's why when they arrived at Aurum's courtyard, Argent asked Black to guard outside and make sure that no servant would come near the place.

"Well, the Empress invited me to be her personal guest in one of the princess' ceremony something. It will be held next week. And I agreed. Which means that I can't go with you to Hangzhou."

Argent was not sure if she heard it right. Did her sister really just say that she would not go with Argent to Hangzhou and just stay here in the capital? "Wait- what?"

Aurum knew her brother would have this kind of reaction. Argent was probably thinking right now that she might be joking. "Brother, I'm serious. I really plan to stay here in the capital."

Argent stared at Aurum and finally realized that she really didn't hear it wrong. "I assume there's a reason for this?"

"Yes. But before I tell you, promised you won't get mad at me first," Aurum said while fluttering her big amber eyes at Argent.

Argent narrowed her eyes at her sister. Aurum always did that whenever she thought that she did something wrong and wanted to get away with it. "Just tell me what you did and I'll judge whether to be angry or not."

"Fine," Aurum said while pouting. "I turned off my limiter and used my Gift on the Empress."

This was the second time in just a matter of minutes that Argent felt like she's been having problems with her hearing. But now, she no longer questioned whether what she heard was right or not. Because it obviously was. Argent didn't know if she should be angry or what. "Do you know how dangerous that was? What if you got caught? What if your Mana got out of control? You should think of the possible consequences of your action before you do something like that."

Aurum bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry. I just thought it would help so I did it. But you don't have to worry, Brother. Because I did it perfectly. I made sure that I was far away from the Empress and that the time the limiter was turned off wouldn't exceed five seconds." She reached for Argent's hand. "Please, don't be mad."

Argent stared at her sister like this and at the end she could only sigh. She gently patted Aurum's head. "I'm not mad. I couldn't be mad at you even if I wanted to. I'm just worried."

"I was really careful, Brother. I'm sure the Empress didn't feel that I probed her mind. Not unless she's an SS level Gift user like me. Which I highly doubt. Even if someone felt the fluctuation of Mana, no one would suspect that it was coming from me. The last thing they would think was me reading their Empress' mind."

Aurum being an SS level telepathic Gift user was only known in Albion. Since she became famous, there would surely be people who would post bad things about her online. That's why Argent made a counter-measure. She made White filter out anything that had something to do with Aurum's Gift or that accident that happened when she was four. Basically, anything bad that anyone posted about Aurum would be instantly filtered and no one would be able to read them.

"Then, what did you find out?" Argent asked.

"I didn't find that much since I only have five seconds to read her mind. So all the information I found was from the things she thought while we were having tea. First, that shameless woman wanted to trap me into marriage with her youngest son so it could benefit her other son who was the crown prince. The second one is really disturbing though."

"So, her trapping you into marriage isn't disturbing enough?" Argent asked, not sure if she should be amused at Aurum or be mad at the Empress for even thinking that she could use her sister for her schemes.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"That's child's play. I could handle any scheme she throws at me. But what's really important is the next thing I found. Just before I left, the Empress received a letter delivered by a raven. Her reaction to that letter was pretty weird. That's why I thought of reading her mind. She just read that letter so what was written on it was still pretty fresh on her mind. So I got a pretty good look at it. It says; 'The map you gave was indeed the right one. We found the temple of the heavenly dragon. And according to the deal we made, we, the Apostles of Gaia, would give our full support to the crown prince.' That's what's written on the letter. Suspicious, right?"

Argent digested everything that Aurum just said. Map, temple of heavenly dragon, Apostles of Gaia. Could it be...?

"You're thinking about it too, right Brother?" Aurum said. "Temple of heavenly dragon when transtlated to the Xing language is the Temple of Tian Long. This map they were talking about could be the same map our father stole 15 years ago. And if we are right that Mother's abduction has something to do with whatever treasure was in that temple, then these Apostles of Gaia might as well be Mother's abductors. Don't you think so as well, Brother?"

Argent grinned and messed with Aurum's hair. "Great deduction."

"I think your smartness is just rubbing off on me."

"But we couldn't be sure that that was really the case. It all depends whether there's really a connection between what Father did here in Xing 15 years ago and Mother's abduction. That's why we need to know more about this Temple of Tian Long."

"That's why you need to go to Hangzhou as soon as possible. While you're there, I'm going to obtain more information from the Empress here. Every information I find, I'll immediately send to you."

Argent understood her sister's reasoning. In fact, what she's suggesting could only be advantageous to them. But Argent still couldn't help but worry. "Are you really going to be fine, being alone here? You have to deal with those annoying royals by yourself, you know."

"I'll be fine, Brother. I'm already a big girl, I can handle myself. This is also a good chance for me to exercise my Gift. If me staying here would help in finding Mother, then I'll gladly do it." Aurum reached for her brother's hand when she noticed the undisguised worry in her purple eyes. "I won't do anything that would put me in danger. I'll be very careful. I promise."

Argent let out a long breath. Even though she was still worried, she had no choice but to agree with her sister. Because Aurum might really uncover an important information by staying here. Something that could help them find their mother.

She stared at Aurum, her sister's beautiful face was full of determination. Argent could see now how much Aurum had grown in these past seven years. If this was before, she would never even suggest to leave Argent's side. Argent couldn't help but feel proud of her growth.

"I understand. But you have to be very very careful. And don't make any unnecessary action that will threaten your safety."

"I won't. I promise."

"Then I'll leave Black here with you. I wouldn't feel reassured if you really remained here all on your own." Argent then called Black inside. She faced Black. "Black, I'm going to leave for Hangzhou tomorrow. You will stay here with Aurum and protect her. Do you understand?"

"Eh? Black won't be with Master?"

"Don't look so disappointed, kid," Aurum said while pinching Black's cheek. "Starting tomorrow, you're going to be my little maid."

"But only a girl can be a maid. Black is a boy!"

"Oh? But I think you will make a cute maid. Especially with a dress and a long wig," Aurum continued.

"Okay, stop bickering you two." Argent turned to Black. "You haven't answered me yet, Black. Did you understand what I told you?"

"Yes. Don't worry, Master. Black will definitely protect Aurum even if she's annoying."

Argent patted Black's head. "Good." She looked at her sister. "Let's do our best, then. For Mother."

Aurum smiled. "Yes. For Mother."