Chapter 477

"You still need to ask me about this?!" Lu Lichuan stared angrily.

"I see." Lu Shui turned and ran. He also found that there were a lot of problems today.

As bodyguards, they can do whatever the master asks them to do. They can't listen to the young grandmother's words - more popularity and more words

That's not what they should do.

Soon, Lu Shui booked three tickets to Mexico at noon.

Lu Lichuan picked up his mobile phone when he went upstairs. He slept directly after drinking with ouyangye and mufang last night. He had never seen his mobile phone at all.

When I turn on my mobile phone, I see the message sent by Jane Enron to her and click the message: I'm going to have a meeting tomorrow, so I may have breakfast with Jiangbei in the morning and report to you.


Lu Lichuan squinted at the news on his mobile phone. It was clear that he would not look at his mobile phone because of drinking last night.

It's late when he sees the mobile phone. It's called cutting first and then playing!

At noon, wearing oversized black sunglasses, Lu Lichuan coolly stepped into the plane to Mexico.

In Mexico on the other side of the earth, an afternoon meeting was held after lunch. Although Jane Enron didn't understand it, she felt it was necessary to understand some knowledge about the brain.

It is not only related to Grandpa's disease, but also related to the medical experiment she invested in.

In the afternoon, Jiangbei made some explanations on the experiment being studied and won a round of applause.

It can be seen that Jiangbei is supported and recognized by people in this field.

Jiang Bei, who stepped down, looked at Enron with a smile, sat beside her and asked, "is what I said ok?"

"Very good, everyone agrees with you," Jane whispered.

"What about you?" Jiangbei stared at her with expectation in his eyes.

Jane smiled Enron and answered frankly, "I think you said it very well, but I don't understand some professional terms."

"I don't understand. I'll tell you back to the hotel." Jiangbei said enthusiastically.

Jane smiled silently. She thought Jiangbei just said casually. As an outsider, it's normal for her not to understand some terms. There's no need to explain it to her.

But she didn't know that Jiangbei just didn't want to miss any chance to get along with her.

The meeting ended at 4:30 p.m. Mexican time, and a small party was prepared at the venue.

Jane Enron originally wanted to go back to the hotel to have a rest early, but Jiang Bei said: "all the medical scholars from various countries participated in this meeting. Everyone has excellent views on medicine, and there are also very powerful surgeons. You can know some industry authorities at the dinner. I think you should participate."

His words moved Jane Enron. First of all, she was a businessman. She also invested in medical experiments and knew some authoritative people. She really didn't lose money.

So Jane Enron agreed to attend the party.

Hesitation is a small party after the meeting, so Jane Enron doesn't have to go back to the hotel to change her dress.

When we arrived at the meeting, we found that there were more people than those attending the meeting. Jiangbei explained: "this party is not only medical personnel, but also some business people related to medicine."

She nodded calmly. For example, she is a business mind that knows no borders.

During the dinner, Jiangbei took Enron to meet several German brain authorities. One of them was a college classmate of Jiangbei. He looked at Jiangbei's eagerness to Enron and asked with a smile in English: "Jiangbei, is this your girlfriend?"

Jiangbei looked back at Enron and saw the embarrassment in her eyes. Although he didn't want to, he still denied: "no, he's a good friend."

Jiangbei did not say that Enron was her boss or investor, but introduced them as good friends.

His German classmates nodded clearly. Maybe they had never seen Jiangbei so enthusiastic about anyone, so there was still some ambiguity in their eyes.

After meeting a circle of people, as soon as Jane Enron sat down to eat a few mouthfuls, someone called her name in Chinese. Although the pronunciation was not very standard, Enron listened very clearly. It was indeed her name.

She looked for her voice and stared in surprise.

Although they had known each other for only a few days, she recognized such a face with resolution at a glance.

The person who called her name was about 1.8 meters tall and had a handsome hybrid face. The most prominent thing was his blue eyes.

Sure it was Enron, he was so happy that he put down his glass and went straight to Enron: "it's really you? I thought I was wrong. I didn't expect that we were really so destined."

"Anderson, why are you here? Why are you here?" Enron stood up and asked in surprise.

Enron could recognize him at a glance and call his name. Anderson was very happy. He walked up to her and gave her a warm hug.

Although Enron is not used to such enthusiasm, she can't refuse the etiquette of foreigners.

"Ha! Enron, it's really you." Anderson said again as if he couldn't believe it.

"Will you come to the meeting too?" Enron asked with a smile.

She didn't expect to meet people she met during her vacation in Mauritius.

"No, no, I just came to the dinner on behalf of the family."

Anderson finished and asked curiously, "we are so lucky that we can meet each other. I also said that I have time to find you in country Z. unfortunately, I haven't had a chance. Recently, the family is a little busy."

Looking at his guilty look, Enron felt a little embarrassed. She had already forgotten what he said and didn't even think they would meet again.

Anderson's enthusiasm makes Enron involuntarily think of what Zhang Lu said: Anderson is not interested in you.

Therefore, she dared not say such words of fate. She was afraid that Lu Lichuan would kill her.

"It's a coincidence that our company invested in medical projects, so I followed the people from the R & D team to the meeting."

Compared with Anderson's enthusiasm, Enron's words are a little official.

But Anderson doesn't mind at all. Enron he knows is a little slow.

"Your company also does medical treatment?" Anderson asked in surprise.

Enron thought: "yes, there is investment."

"Great, I hope we can cooperate in the future." Anderson said, handed Enron a business card and said, "this is the first time I gave you my business card. Last time I was on vacation in Mauritius, I didn't bring my business card. Here, there is my e-mail on it."

Enron took a look, which surprised her. Anderson was the CEO of the famous pharmaceutical group in the United States, and the family he said should be the family of the drug.

That brand has created countless medical miracles and shocked the world many times.