According to Professor Lu, at the beginning of the 20th century, it was Penglai Fairy Island, inhabited by a group of Aborigines and isolated from the world.

But the young people at that time had a strong sense of resistance and were unwilling to live in this place where birds don't shit with their grandparents, so people kept going out.

Among them was a man named Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng is the best Kung Fu on the island and the leader out of the island. Unexpectedly, after going out, he was eaten by the colorful world outside.

He recognized an adoptive father, the head of Yamamoto family, Yamamoto 26.

At that time, the earth was turbulent in the hot summer and there was no hope. He was willing to recognize thieves as his father. He also said that there were countless treasures on the island, encouraged Yamamoto family to enter the island, and even told Yamamoto the way to enter the island.

That year, the Yamamoto family sent people to the island to check the situation. The residents of the island reacted strongly, rose up and kicked them out by using some strange beasts on the island.

Later, the war broke out in the hot summer, and the Yamamoto family focused on the hot summer until they received a task to establish a biological weapons base.

The most suitable address in the heart of Yamamoto family is Xiandao, which is rich in resources. This time, they came back with heavy weapons and killed all the residents on the island. Only then did they establish a research base deep in the forest.

"Shen Feng, I know so much. Now the residents on the island are fake goods arranged by Yamamoto family. Their purpose is to monitor the temple and eliminate foreign invaders. Over the years, they have developed countless biological weapons here. If all of them spread out, the consequences will be unimaginable. If you really want to go, you'd better destroy here."

Shen Feng nodded. He also agreed with Professor Lu.

"Professor Lu, you have been here for some time. Is there a suitable way to go out? As long as we can go out, it's not a problem to destroy here."

Shen Feng's time is limited. Once the soldier is found, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Now that he has found out, he must take Professor Lu away as soon as possible.

"There are two ways to go out. The first is to go out by elevator, but you can go out. I have a tracker on my body, so I can't go out from the elevator. The second way is a very open moving, about 300 meters high, specially for a monster with fur all over. He has strong arms and can climb all the way up the hole. If you can go up, Then pull me with a long rope and we can escape. "

Shen Feng nodded and said, "where is the hole? I'll try it later, and then I'll try to find a rope. Anyway, I must take you away tonight. We must turn against them early tomorrow morning."

Shen Feng stopped for a moment and asked, "by the way, is there a drug to attract boa constrictors? It's better to be thick and heavy. I may be able to use it."

"Yes, in lab 2, I can go and get some. Let's act separately. Go out first. We'll meet here in an hour. The location of the cave is very remote, about the corner opposite the weapons depot in the northwest."

Shen Feng let out a sound. Then he opened the door and went out. He bowed his head all the way and walked in the direction Professor Lu said. After a while, he saw the words "arsenal".

He simply glanced around and really found a corner.

The corner is really remote. There is a one person wide hole on it. From below, you can't see the end at a glance. It's dark.

Just at this moment, there was a sudden whine at the mouth of the cave. A huge figure fell from the sky and landed steadily beside Shen Feng. It had green fangs and covered with black hair. It looked terrible. It was really a monster.

Shen Feng took a breath when he saw the monster, but the monster didn't mean to attack him. Instead, he pushed Shen Feng away and walked outside.

At the corner gate, I don't know when there were more guards. They looked at the monster, looked respectful and said, "welcome back to the ape king."

Ape king?

Is it the flying ape?

Before Shen Feng could react, a man shouted, "what are you doing? Come here quickly. It's going to be a meeting. There's an emergency battle meeting."

Then they continued to follow the ape king.

Seeing that the other party didn't recognize him, Shen Feng continued to lower his head and followed him all the way. He vaguely felt that the meeting might have something to do with his party.