Shen Feng's curious mouth hit Luo Lan's heart. He deliberately closed his mouth and looked at Shen Feng with a smile. The size was just right.

Shen ningshuang sat aside and said with a smile, "master Luo, don't sell the key. As long as it's not harmful, I can help you."

When Shen ningshuang gave a positive reply, Luo Lan said with a smile, "the content of the note is very simple. The Yang family II died and was replaced by Li."

"At that time, the Li family was just a city guard on the border, and their strength was quite low. There were less than 3000 soldiers in their hands, so it was impossible to threaten the royal power. Therefore, Yang still didn't take it to heart. He thought that the six virtuous kings just had a false name. Otherwise, why did he run away."

Shen Feng asked, "later, did it come true?"

"Of course, it has come true. The six virtuous kings never said wrong. At that time, natural and man-made disasters continued, and the people were unable to make a living. Local heroes rose up, and the Li family followed the trend. Finally, they seized the world and established 500 years of industry. Now the emperor is called Li Shijie. He is already the 16th generation, and he is also looking for haotianjing."

Shen ningshuang blinked and asked, "why is he looking for Haotian mirror?"

"The reason is very simple. He wants to know how many years the Li family's Dynasty can last. If there is any threat, he wants to get rid of it as soon as possible."

Shen Feng frowned slightly and said, "so the emperor entrusted you to look for Haotian mirror. Do you work for the emperor?"

"You can say so. I'm also forced and helpless, so I beg you to help me this time. I won't let you suffer. In fact, I have a little eyebrows about the Feng family. I know who did the good thing."

When Shen Feng heard this, he said in a deep voice, "if you find Haotian mirror, can you recommend the emperor for me? Once I get the emperor's praise, can I make a request?"

When Luo Lan heard this, he knew he underestimated Shen Feng and asked, "what do you want to ask, as long as it's not too much, I can promise you."

Shen Feng said with a smile, "I have two requirements. First, I want to go to the prison to save two people. Second, I want to join the heaven and earth gate."

Luo Lan frowned slightly and replied, "the second request, I can promise you. Although Qiankun gate is very strict in recruiting disciples, as long as the emperor speaks, this face will still be given. As for the first request, who do you want to save?"

"The shadow death of Hunyuan sect and my wife were also taken away by the bastard Chiba."

Luo Lan took a breath when he heard this. Women's affairs are easy to handle, but the passing of shadow is quite difficult, because he is wanted as a powerful prime minister.

The whole country knows that Yingshi killed the first lady of the prime minister. Even the emperor can't easily order the release of people. It's quite difficult.

"Shen Feng, the situation of Ying Shi is very complicated. You must know that he is a wanted criminal, so I can't talk to the emperor about it."

"There is no need for the emperor to release people, as long as he gives the prime minister a little pressure and gives me time to find the truth. I believe I can prove that Yingshi is innocent."

Luo Lan shook his head and said, "Shen Feng, you must not be cheated. He was the only one present at that time. Who else did not do it."

"Master Luo, what your eyes see may not be true. I believe in Yingshi. You just have to fight for this opportunity for me."

Luo Lan gave a sound and replied, "it's no problem. I can tell the emperor. I'll report to the emperor first. You should concentrate on dealing with the Feng family. The people who want to deal with them should be the Su family."

"The Su family, why did they deal with the Feng family?" Shen Feng asked.

"I don't know the specific reason, but I know that the Su family hired a very powerful Feng Shui Taoist. His name is Tian Guang. He has a bad reputation and specializes in doing things that harm nature and reason. However, his kung fu is very powerful, and no one can subdue him."

Luo Lan said again, "if you resolve the crisis of master Feng, the Su family will hold a grudge and let Tian Guang deal with you. I saw that man once. He is evil and has extraordinary skills. You must be careful about cooperation. Wait for me."

With that, Luo Lan took the initiative to get up and leave, leaving only Shen Feng's sister and brother in the room.

Shen Feng looked at Shen ningshuang and asked, "second sister, what do you think? Luo Lan's words can't be trusted. He is really my father's good friend?"

Shen ningshuang shook her head slightly and said in a deep voice, "I don't think it's reliable. His words are half true and half false, but one thing, his Feng Shui should be taught by his father. Let's deal with the Feng family first. I think the other party should start soon."