Ouyangqian's strength is amazing. As soon as she makes a move, she makes all the prisoners around shut up. No one dares to say half a word more. She doesn't even dare to fart.

The prisoner was pinched by his chin and dared not move. This question was easy to answer, but Li Yuanshang was right next to him, and he dared not talk nonsense.

"No, no, you're the only woman who came in."

Ouyangqian snorted coldly, her right hand was slightly forced, and she only heard a click. The prisoner's chin was crushed in an instant, looking quite miserable.

The prisoner screamed in pain and trembled all over.

Ouyangqian looked around, flashed and caught another prisoner: "I'm asking if there are any women coming to the country."

The prisoner trembled with fear, his trousers were wet, and there was a smell of urine in the air. He wanted to tell the truth, but once the crazy woman left, Li Yuanshang would torture himself ten times and one hundred times.

Without any hesitation, the prisoner trembled, "no other woman has come."

Ouyangqian snorted coldly and clapped out. The prisoner was instantly beaten away, hit the wall heavily, and blood was seeping from the corners of her mouth.

Seeing ouyangqian still looking for the target, Li Yuanshang frowned, stepped forward and pressed her shoulder, and said in a harsh voice: "saint, they are just ordinary prisoners. You are a little too overbearing to use this technique. If you don't believe it, you can search by yourself. As long as you can find someone, I won't stop it."

Ouyangqian is not stupid. Li Yuanshang dares to say so, which shows that people hide deeply. They can't find it by themselves alone. They can only find another way.

"No, maybe my information is wrong. Goodbye, Lord Li."

Ouyangqian left quickly without even saying sorry.

Li Yuanshang saw it in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He even ran to Tianshu palace to be wild. When the old thing died, let's see when they can be brave.

After seeing off ouyangqian, Li Yuanshang went down to the third floor alone.

With wine in his hand, he walked all the way to the stone chamber.

Before approaching, he heard laughter coming from inside. Obviously, Lin Xue saw that the task was completed well and was hot with the old drunk arhat.

He pushed open the stone gate and walked slowly towards them.

Seeing him coming, Lin Xue got up and said, "Lord Li, why are you here?"

"Miss Lin, it's none of your business here. Go out first. I'll have a brief talk with him."

Lin Xue looked at drunk Luo Han and saw that he didn't speak. She nodded quickly, took the initiative to go to the stone door and gently took the door.

Li Yuanshang sat down to his face, put down the wine and said, "Xiao Ming, you look good. I think you should have a good time these days."

Xiao Ming smelled the wine and said with a smile, "Lord Li, you've locked me up for more than ten years. You've finally done some personnel work these days. That chick suits my appetite very much."

"Since you like it, you might as well tell me the rest. I promise to let you out right away. This chick will also give you a present so that you can enjoy it."

Xiao Ming laughed, shook his head and said, "Li Yuanshang, how many times do you want me to say it? I'm just an elder. How can I know where the token is? It's strange. My apprentice is looking for it, and you're looking for it. How many people still want it. How can a token have such great magic."

Li Yuanshang snorted coldly, "Xiao Ming, don't pretend to be confused for me. You really don't know what the token is. Although you are only an elder, the Hunyuan sect is your oldest qualification. You don't know, and others don't know. Your young patriarch has long defected to me. He assured me that you took the token."

Xiao Ming was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "I really don't know. You'd better keep me locked up. Anyway, my rotten life won't last long."

Seeing that he couldn't ask, Li Yuanshang had to get up and say, "my patience is limited. I'm afraid I won't be so friendly next time I meet."

With that, Li Yuanshang took the initiative to leave.

He walked out of the stone chamber all the way, looked at Lin Xue and said, "I'll give you three more days. If you can't find out where you are, go back to the first floor. Those men are thinking of you."