I focused my attention on my fingertips and activated the skill towards Princess Pricia's shackles.

''Unlock Zensch!''

There was a sound like metal colliding with metal in the cave, and the rugged iron ring that was disproportionate to the princess's thin legs shattered and cracked.

''Ush, success!''

You're pretty good at that. I'd break my whole leg if I were you.

"You're a mess....

Pete, who had muttered something unnecessary, was rubbing his own buttocks, which had turned bright red with resentment after his mother had spanked him.

''Well........now. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on with this case, but since you rushed in here, does that mean you guys can talk about the situation?

'There's still a lot we don't know either. .... but we'll tell you everything we know.

The first thing I told them was that I came from two years in the future with Elena, and that in this cave I defeated Mother Pete, the giant dragon, along with the brave Kanemitsu and others.

Although Mother Pete and the others were quite surprised by the outlandish story, they seemed to believe everything I told them, considering that I appeared out of the blue and saved their lives.

'Two days after the king asked me to come to the cave, the brave party came to the cave. I fought with Anta, but Pete wasn't here, and the princess was exhausted.

I'm sure that if I wasn't there I would have died in front of Pricia. I don't think I could survive two days under the influence of their venom, and we, the dragon tribe, are summoned to the gods after we die without leaving our bodies...


It was the first time I'd heard of dragons' view of life and death, but I guess that's how they understood themselves.

Not only dragons, but all creatures that are called monsters have in common the fact that after being defeated, they all turn into light and disappear, and only the parts that are stripped away remain intact, so they can be used secondarily as materials for proof of defeat or equipment... ...is common knowledge among adventurers.

It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. Id.

'Does that mean that the criminals kidnapped the princess and Pete the dragon and only targeted Pete and his mother so that the princess would not be harmed in any way...?

Although Satsuki says that, it doesn't seem to make sense.

''Then I don't understand why you would do something so circuitous like kidnapping Princess Pricia. .........Um, does Princess-sama know anything about it?

Princess Priscia opened her mouth in confusion at my question.

''To tell the truth.......I used to escape from the castle from time to time and come to this eastern forest to play.


Seeing my reaction, Princess Priscia blushed with embarrassment, but began to talk about the rest of the story.

'Pete and I have been friends since we were little. And when I woke up, Pete was lying in front of me, bleeding, and Pete's mother was approaching me in a horrible way, so I couldn't help but scream....

I didn't think that the princess of a big country would have such a tomboyish secret, but after all, there are times when she wants to do something childish.

I thought she was just a figment of the cloud, but now I can't help but smile when I see her younger sister (Satsuki) side.

'I see. We witnessed a pair of men running away just before we heard the princess-sama's screams, but we didn't recognize their faces....... Does Princess-sama have any idea who the two men were?

No, I didn't even know how many people I was dealing with before I passed out, so...

The princess shook her head ruefully.

But just when she thought she was running out of things to do, Mother Pete opened her mouth, meditating.

'One of the duo is an older man with a long white beard and a pair of glasses. The other was a wizard-like man wearing a black hood with gold embroidery.


"The Dragon People have a keen ability to see at night. What's the matter with you?

Pete's mother tilted her head curiously when she saw the reactions of me and Princess Pricia.

........But the testimony I just gave has connected it to the image of the real culprit in me and Princess Pricia.

''White hair, one eyeglass, old........ The one who testified that the person who kidnapped the princess was a forest dragon............The same appearance as Minister Nestal.


"The only person in our country allowed to embroider gold on a robe of magic is the head of the Magical Order. And there is only one person in our country who holds that office, and that is Wagner the magician.

Everyone's expression changes to one of astonishment as they mutter.

Does that mean that the high and mighty of the human country are conspiring with you to target us?

'Princess Priscia, who knew nothing about it, mistakenly thought Pete had been attacked by a giant dragon and died, and the brave men who came over defeated Mother Pete. The two masterminds behind it are the minister and the head sorcerer.......?

Even if we don't know the reason for it yet, it seems likely that these two people aimed to kill the dragon's father and son.

Moreover, they would go so far as to put Princess Pricia in danger.

In other words, the mastermind's goal is to kill Pete and your mother, and they wanted me to witness it...?

I think...

To the astonished Princess Priscia, Satsuki blurted out.

"If your good friend had died in front of you, I'm sure you would have suffered terribly, Princess. Before the mastermind, even if you were rescued, you'd never recover from it....

Seeing Satsuki muttering sadly, Princess Priscia looked up at Pete's mother a little apologetically.

''Me too, but I think Pete's mother was much harder on her. Even though you all helped us, I am very sorry for my family's rudeness.......

In response to Princess Pricia's apology, Mother Pete hummed with his nose and opened his huge mouth while staring at the princess' face.

It's the guys that are to blame, not you. I'm not going to blame you for anything.

"Stupid son, stupid son, that's awful...

At Mother Pete's words, Princess Pricia happily hugged Pete's small body.

''Well it's not really a stretch of the imagination from here on out, but I think those guys knew from the beginning that Princess Pricia was going to the forest to play, and they wanted a cause to hunt the forest dragons.


"It's a little hard to say in front of the princess, but the holy city of Platena is a human-centered capital, and has a strong sense of values that are extremely exclusive to other races. There was an elf named Renette in the brave party as well, but every time he came to Platena, he always seemed to feel small.

In response to my words, Princess Priscia bit her back teeth with a regretful look on her face and giggled.

'I know. The High Priest of the Central Church says that man is the center of the world and is the masterpiece created by God. But I'm afraid I'm not quite sure that's true! Such foolish thinking will eventually destroy this country!

I've always told everyone, sir.


'That someday I want to make this country ... no, a world where all the people of this world can live happily ever after! Oh, and of course, I'm not going to tell you about Pete.

--The last piece to solve the "question" was in place with a single word from Princess Pricia.

The act of showing the death of a friend and the horror of a different race in front of the eyes of a princess who dreams of the coexistence of humans and other races.......what does it all mean?

''I may have found out what the mastermind is up to.......!

While everyone was surprised by my words, I asked Mother Pete one favor.

'Can you pick up everyone here right now and head to Platenah's castle?