A week ago, a giant appeared in the forest east of the Holy City of Platena.

"128 years of St. King's history, the 11th day of the Yellow Moon, just before noon.

<Saint Regent's City Platena, North Street Shopping District

"So..........as expected, if we're alone, we can make some progress in our relationship........so let's start Operation.......puff-puff-puff!


To my declaration, Jupiter immediately replied blankly.

What a rude guy.

But what will you do if you leave me alone with them?

That's the level that even the god of children's treasure would shoot a spoonful of rocks at you.

I heard the negative answer in the back of my head, right and left (stereo), but I just laughed it off with my nose.

You know, those people who pretend to be innocent, if you give them a little push, they'll just pop.

"Expression is too vulgar!

Well, if you go home and don't give me one of those chews, I'm gonna beat you up!

I'm expecting to see my brother's manliness, so I'll get down to business.

I'm going to visit Emera City first, how about that?

"Why not? I thought we were going back to my parents' house!'

Yes, the plan is to go back to Hajime Village, where my parents' house is located, but frankly, going straight back is no fun.

If we go as fast as possible, the journey from the Holy King's Capital to my parents' house will take two days and one night via Emera City.

Moreover, the return journey home would be one shot at Fleur's spatial transition.

In other words, even if they were to return by the eighteenth, they would still have a whopping five days to spare.

Even if heaven and earth would allow me to do nothing with this, this Satsuki-chan wouldn't allow it!

So we're going to explore a new route that isn't in Onii-chan's diary!


He's a little lad, but he's not very energetic or adventurous for a young man.

Well, I guess I'll just have to take this trip to beat his guts out!

I grabbed Jupiter by the scruff of the neck and left for my old home with a newfound sense of purpose.

◇ ◇ ◇.

Stagecoach ride ain't much fun, is it?

I got a decent amount of money for the trip from Onii-chan, so I rented a carriage that wasn't shared, but when I think about it, it's like I missed an opportunity to talk to a stranger traveler.

d*mn, what I did was a mistake!

"I've never been to Emera City before. What's it like?

''Hmm, all the students from the magic school are walking around, and the streets look a little shabby and white like the Holy Royal Capital? Also, the street food is delicious.

People will be mad at you if they hear that! Well, I'm looking forward to the fact that the food is delicious, but........?''

As if Jupiter noticed something, he grabbed an arrow from the shortbow and gave Gosha a shout before firing an arrow into the distance!


A big horned bird with a not-so-cute horned voice, with a subtle chirp, flew somewhere in a hurry.

The thing is a bird-shaped monster with a slightly strange name, I think it's called a crazy bird.

It has a wild temperament and even if you defeat it, you can't get good materials, so it's better to drive it away without killing it unnecessarily or something like that.

Oh, thank you, Bowls. I'll save you the trouble of getting rid of it.

"Heh, this is just a piece of cake.

You're still a child, you're not modest at all, but confidently happy when you're praised.

What are you smiling at, Satsuki?

'Hmmm, I just thought that's a good arm...'


In response to my reply, Jupiter looked at me with an aura of total distrust.

I know that you are a very rude person, and I know that you have the same level of confidence in your skills as I do.

But you're good at what you do for a young man. Does that mean that you are going to participate in the archery competition in Emera City?


Seeing the astonished faces of Jupiter and me, the man laughed vigorously.

I'm not sure if you know that. The magic city of Emera City is now crowded with magic school students, but there was a time when the area was a sacred place for archers to hunt. It was once a sacred place for archers to hunt, and the festivals from that time are still held.


It's a good thing to be good at archery, as expected of a bowman, so Jupiter seems to be a little excited to hear that this is a festival for archers.

It seems that you can jump in and join in, so why don't you do it as a test of your skills?

Yeah, yeah, that's good. This is your chance to redeem yourself, Jupiter!

"Wait a minute! It's all well and good to join in, but when and where have I ever given you such a bad name?

Mu, redeeming the honor, right?

Well, it doesn't matter either way.

'It's going to be a fun trip! I'm excited!

"Hmmm, I don't think there's much to look forward to...

That evening.

<Magical City of Emera City.

So good luck, boys.

Thank you, Uncle.

So, we arrived at Emera City safely before the sun went down!

By the way, I didn't notice it before, because I was too excited to be in the city, but the city, which was based on white, was glowing with the setting sun at dusk, and it was quite a romantic scene.

Next time I'll bring Onii-chan and Elena and let them go out into the city alone next time I have time.

You look like you're thinking of some kind of evil scheme again, Satsuki.

It's not a trick, though, it's an important mission (mission) of "love cupid" to guide the spirits (people) who will eventually become a family.

I don't know why, but it makes me feel good to see someone's love life go well.

........And while I was thinking about that, Harl and Fleur popped out of my backpack.

''Fwiw, I slept well.''

"Full charge ... full of power.

We thought it was pretty quiet, but apparently we both had a good night's sleep.

It was a pretty bumpy carriage, but they were pretty tough.

And what are you going to do now?

I'm going out to, but I guess I'll have to find a place to stay first.

The days are long this time of year, but if you take your time, it will soon be dark.

If you can't find a place to stay, Fleur will take you back to Plathena, which will ruin the "Operation" from the first day, which must be avoided at all costs.

"Well then, let's immediately look for a different inn than the one we stayed at before!

"Why do you bother to...

After all, an adventure is an adventure of the unknown.

"It's going to take me a long time to get home...

That's it!

"Yeah, yeah....

Then I squeezed Jupiter's hand and stepped out into the area where the inn was lined up, with a miserable look on my shoulder!