128 years in the life of the King, the 4th of the Red Moon.

To tell the truth, I'm writing this diary on the night of the 5th.

I've been exhausted, both physically and mentally, from all the traveling and fighting I've been doing for the past two weeks, and I couldn't resist the temptation of the name of the bar, so I slipped out of the bar in the middle of the night and went out for a drink.

But just as I was starting to drink, a group of noisy people stormed into the bar, and as a result, my drunken brain thought what I would do, and I shot my shadow-sewing skills at the feet of the noisy people.

And the guy who hit the target beautifully is the Jediite Imperial Army Expeditionary Force Commander Leopard.

I was charged with obstruction of justice, and I spent half a day in prison.

[The Holy King's life 128 years in the red moon, the 5th day of the month]

And here's today's diary!

Kanemitsu was really mad at me!

I'd rather have Sharon give me a cold stare that says, "You're hapless", than to be mentally tortured by that!

........Anyway, although he was somehow released by the heroic privilege, in exchange for that, the Jedite Empire side made one request.

The content of the request was quite curious, and according to His Majesty Emperor Dinosis, 'We want you to train my son Laika to become the strongest warrior.

Fortunately, the content was not against justice, and since it was quite an honor to be the prince's educator, Kanemitsu had agreed to it immediately.

[The Holy King's History 128 years, Red Moon, 6th.

So, from today, we're going to train Prince Laika, and we're going to see him.

.........I went there with great enthusiasm, but the room was empty.

It seems that he has a habit of running away, and after looking around with his vassals, we succeeded in capturing him in the capital's general store where he was inspecting items.

However, it was already before dusk, so the training had been called off for today.

Come to think of it, unlike his father, the Emperor, Prince Laika was much slimmer and had a physique as small as Sharon's.

It was obvious that he wasn't very good at fighting, and since he even had to go out of his way to ask a brave man from the country of Joso for help, there seemed to be a lot of problems.

[The Holy King's career 128 years, Red Moon, 7th.

Today, we stormed into Prince Laika's room early this morning!

But as soon as I entered the room, I suddenly couldn't move.

Looking at my feet, I saw a throwing knife.......yes, that's a skill I often use, "shadow stitching".

What a surprise, Prince Laika's vocation was to be a shifu, just like me, despite being royalty!

It's a good thing that the shadow stitching of the prince has a very strong binding force, stopping even the elven rennet that boasts a strong resistance to skills.

It's clear that he is as strong as the hero's party, but that doesn't mean that he is worthy of the title of 'strongest warrior'.

I've been in the same line of work as you, so I know that the focus of the Sifu is to help his friends in battle, and he doesn't have the skills to defeat monsters on his own.

This is why the Sifu profession is fatally unsuited to becoming the strongest warrior.

If you want to become strong, the best way is to pay a large donation at the temple and 'switch to a fighting position', but when I told Prince Laika about it, he immediately replied 'absolutely not'.

Apparently, the prince is not at all interested in becoming strong.

........In other words, the reason why the emperor asked us to train the prince was not for the purpose of training him, but to 'make him give up the sifu position', it became clear that the emperor wanted us to train him.

[St. King's History 128 years, Red Moon, 8th.

It's another morning and Prince Laika has escaped.  

However, the purpose of today is not to persuade, but to investigate his behavior, so I, with my superior agility, continued to follow Prince Raika solo.

As a result of that, I found out that the prince had been "hustling through a shop full of women", which was a ridiculous fact.

It's true that he's said to prefer heroic colors, but in spite of his cute appearance, he's a solid animal inside.

Incidentally, the route the prince took today started with an early morning café, followed by a general merchandise store, a clothing store, a flower shop, a bento shop, and then the general merchandise store again... and so on.

Well then, I'll continue to follow him tomorrow as well.

"The King's 128 years of history, the 9th of the Red Moon.

And then, just when I was thinking about it, an incident happened!

Suddenly, the demon king's army attacked from the southwest direction.

Moreover, the women's goods store where Prince Raika was staying was attacked, and I managed to rescue him in the nick of time when he was almost engulfed in flames.

I met up with Kanemitsu and the others who soon arrived, but the prince was standing there looking at the burning building, stunned.

When I stood in front of him, Kanemitsu said

''It's not because His Majesty the Emperor wants you to be strong that he is concerned about rumors. It's because he wants you to become a strong man who will personally lead everyone with a sword when these external enemies appear!

"...godd*mn it!

After seeing the prince off while crying and running away towards the castle, we stood up to the demon king's army, not wanting to cause any more damage.

However, the imperial army suffered a major setback due to the mighty power of the four demon kings, the four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, who were leading the enemy army.

Furthermore, just when Dzire was about to chant the forbidden spell "Darkness Flare" in order to kill us all, a ray of lightning flashed across the sky - a tremendous thunderbolt pierced Dzire's body with a single blow.

We were stunned to see the end of the Four Heavenly Kings, who had turned into shards of light and disappeared into the air, when the one who appeared in front of us was Prince Raika, who should have run away crying earlier.

And in his hand was a magic wand...!

He had abandoned his vocation as a Sifu and chosen the path of a wizard.

[The Holy King's career 128 years, Red Moon, 10 days]

In the end, although we didn't do anything of the sort, strangely enough, as Emperor Dinosis wished, Prince Laika was to become the strongest wizard in the world.

However, in contrast to the joyful face of the Emperor, Prince Laika has always seemed to be in a bad mood, and it is likely that various agonies will continue in the future.

By the way, my crime was undone by rescuing Prince Raika from the scene of the fire, but Sharon's eyes are still cold as ever as she looks at me.

It's very difficult to regain trust once it's lost.

Drink but don't get drunk, that's the lesson of this time.