After that, I managed to bring the crying Renette back to the inn where the brave party was staying.......


Hmmm, I don't know what to do.

Although Kanemitsu muttered with a puzzled look, as expected, there was nothing that could be done about it.

After all, just when you thought you were reunited with your beloved brother Jupiter for the first time in a long time, he was beaten up by a human girl (Satsuki) and engaged to be married to the person who had beaten him.

The despairing look on his face was like the end of the world, as he couldn't even catch such a powerful blow before he was taken away from Jupiter.

'Ki, let's get back on track and continue the story. Where was I to........

'I think it's somewhere around the story of how he went through the elven village to get back to Holy King's Landing~'

'Oh, yes! So we were coming back and we were going to see Queen Litis. A messenger came by and said he had a favor to ask.

At those words, Elena huffed and asked Kanemitsu with a look of surprise.

It's a very good idea. It's a very good idea to have a good time.

'What! Well I don't mind, but I've heard that Queen Litis is a very strict person, and would you be careful not to be rude?

'Of course! Thank you so much!

Kunitoki and Shizuha seemed to agree with Elena's seriousness, perhaps sensing that she wasn't joking.

If Satsuki had been here, he wouldn't have been given a good look, and if he wasn't, he might have been rejected.

It was really good timing for him to show his fierce spirit and jump out of the way.

Now, three out of the four members of the brave party have reached an agreement, but as for the last one....

Oh, no.

◇ ◇.

In the end, Renette fell asleep because she was tired of crying, so the five of us were left alone to head to the castle.

''I was really surprised that Renette was so distraught...''

''That's right. She seemed to be a firm lady, and I had to rely on her. Maybe I've been pushing myself too hard.

Hmm. I suppose we should also consider helping her on our own so as not to be a burden to Lord Renette.

Both Kanemitsu and Shizuha nodded in agreement with Kunitoki's words.

I'm sure Elena is smiling happily at the fellowshipful words, but even if me and Sharon had come across the same scene, it wouldn't have gone like this.

It's a good idea to have a good time with them.

You even bothered to tell us. I think it's a request for you to exterminate a violent demon or something like that.

As expected of a brave man, he has pretty good instincts.

Strictly speaking, though, it's not just a demon, it's the defeat of a white dragon.

In the world I once saw, "The flare storm that Sharon accidentally unleashed was a direct hit! Although we were able to defeat them with a lucky punch that was too mysterious to be true, we didn't know what would happen with this group....

Then, as we came to the front of the castle gate, the guards, who had noticed us, came running up to us.

''Welcome, brave soul! Come on, come on, come on in here!

As it was, we were led to the audience room, and finally to Queen Litis's~.......Huh?


I feel a hot gaze from the shadows.

When I turned my eyes in that direction, the owner of the gaze hurriedly hid behind a pillar.

''Um, what's going on?''


I spoke to him as he peered at the pillar, and the other man screamed in surprise and jumped back.

''Sorry to startle you. It looks like you have something to do with us...?''

Well, I mean...!

If the other party was a guard or a resident priest, I would talk to him frankly, but this time I am politely responding to him because he is the other party.

Because, this person is--.

'I'm very sorry for the rudeness of staring at you all of a sudden! My name is Sidia....

Hearing his name, Kanemitsu said, "What! I was surprised.

'That name! Are you, by any chance, Queen Litis'?

It's a great honor to be known to you, Kanemitsu-dono.

While saying that, his smile, smiling with all his handsome power, is very nostalgic.

So, his true identity is the real son of Queen Litis--that is, the prince of this country!

He may seem timid and wishy-washy, but when you add a handsome guy to the mix, you get a new kind of "boy who wants to protect you".

I'm going to ask you the same question as Kanata, do you have something to do with us?

The prince who was asked by Kanemitsu, for some reason, glanced at me for a moment before he began to tell me the situation.

''My mother told me that she has a favor to ask of the hero-sama........ I'm sure it's a request to exterminate the white dragon that lives in the northern mountains.

A dragon?


''Yes. White dragons are very ferocious..... A small person like us would be eaten by a single swallow.


At Prince Sidia's words, Sizha lets out a funny scream.

Then he's explaining all sorts of things about the dangers of the White Dragon....................but something is wrong.

''Kanata-san, Kanata-san!

Elena also noticed, she flipped through the stack of papers in my bag while calling out in a whisper, and began to speak in a whispered voice, pointing to a sentence.

It's a day early. A day early!''

I know. And it's funny that the prince doesn't want to take them down at all. He even offered to let me go with him to take them down.

Yes, sir!

Originally, the party of brave men who had undertaken the task of defeating the White Dragon after this would have returned to the inn and met him just before they left the next day.

At that time, he never said a word about the danger of the white dragon, in fact, he was even trying to rush to the top of the mountain.

'Besides, the scales of a white dragon are harder than steel! No one in our country's soldiers can compete with that!


And so, while Elena and I were talking in secret, Prince Sydia was going on and on about the 'fear of the white dragon'....