"128 years of St. King's life, 31 days of the Red Moon.

<The village with no name.


Riding on the back of the White Dragon, we took a quick leap to the northwest to bypass the snowy mountains.

We were brought deep into the forest, deep in the middle of nowhere, and what Elena and I saw was a small village.

The people who live here are born and raised in our country's orphanages.

"You mean the people who were sacrificed, right?

Prince Sidia nodded in response to Elena's words and pointed to a building at the far end of the village.

''The village has a total of seventeen people, and the head of the village was once a priest in the state church.


Just as I shouted in surprise at the prince's words, Sister came running up to me happily with a kind male priest.

'Thank you for coming all the way, Sidia-sama,'

'I'm glad to see you're doing well. Good job Cecily, too. How have you been doing?

Yes! ...................What?

The Sister who was called Cecily tilts her head in wonder at the sight of me and Elena.

''Which of you two is it?''

Indeed, it was natural to wonder, since a bastard dressed in mountaineering gear and a woman who was dressed in an admittedly cold-looking outfit, wearing only a white robe, had suddenly arrived.

Then Prince Sidia replied with a slightly mischievous look on her face.

'These two are the people my mother sent to defeat Snow.


The smile from earlier was nowhere to be seen, and Cecily spread her hands in front of the white dragon Snow with a tearful face and shouted.

''Please! Don't kill the snow! Please have mercy...!

Ehhh, eh.

The sight of Cecily pleading desperately, me and Elena look at each other and are baffled.

Seeing her like that, Prince Sidia couldn't hold back and started laughing.

''Why are you laughing!

'No, when you two are riding on Snow's back, don't you think they don't intend to do any harm?


Then his crying face quickly turned into an angry face, and he began to smack Prince Sidia with a plop.

'Ta-da! Baka baka!

Ha-ha, sorry, sorry. But you can trust these people, don't worry.

Seeing them frolicking as if they were two lovers frolicking with each other, I was taken aback.

Prince Sidia noticed my eyes and cleared her throat with a cough as she telephoned, and she began to tell the story again.

'She is Cecily. She's a dear friend of mine.''

◇ ◇.

Cecily was born and raised in an orphanage run by the Yazmat State Church after her parents died when she was very young.

One day, while she was living a quiet life as a sister, praying to God every day, an oracle was given to the church.

God said...

[O obedient my believer. Pray at the top of the North Mountain]

But the snowy mountains to the north are said to be home to a "ferocious white dragon," a dangerous place that the people of Yazmat would never go near.

Praying in such a place is nothing more than asking for a sacrifice.

In response to the bewildered church members, the priest shook his head and said to the others, "No matter how much God has given you, you must give us a sacrifice.

'No matter how many God-given words we have been given, we can never allow such a thing to happen! We all ask God for forgiveness!

However, from that night, Father was seized with an intense fever, and he was in bed for three days and three nights.

Fearing that this was God's punishment, the church members were greatly distressed, but after returning from his sickbed, Father came forward and said to them, "Let me go.

In response to such a situation, the priest who had returned from his sickbed came forward and said, "I'll go. I'll leave the rest to you.

With these words, the priest headed north to the mountains, never to return to the city of Yazmat again.

Three months passed without the remaining people being able to heal their wounds in their hearts, leaving them in grief.

[O obedient my believer. Pray at the top of the North Mountain]

The believers, troubled by the oracle that was given to them again despite the fact that the priest had given his life, finally asked the queen for advice.

''What a thing to do...! I will not allow you to sacrifice my people!

Enraged by the god's overly selfish demands, the queen sent a group of knights to the northern mountains to defeat the white dragon at once.

However, the advance was derailed by a heavy snowfall, and the knights retreated without encountering the White Dragon.

Moreover, for the next few days, many of the people in Yazmat's capital fell ill, and the Yazmat State Church, fearing that the country would be destroyed by further divine punishment, made a painful decision.

'Henceforth, we will dedicate those who have no relatives to God...'