Chapter 659: Sneaking Inside

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
"You mean to say that in this mountain filled with random lightning strikes, another group wants to kill us. I like our odds as it makes us feel like the main character in an action movie." Peridot stated but Adrian just looked at her with judgmental eyes.

"It would be better to move deeper inside the mountain for now. If we wait to long for them to stop guarding the entrance, then they might have already achieved what they have came here to do." Adrian stated as he started to execute his plan.

"Spirit Form Manifestation!" Adrian chanted as he applied it to all of five of them as Kanlaon and Sirius are in their human forms.

"Mistress, you look like a ghost!" Saru stated as he could pass his hands on Peridot's arms.

"You mean we, Saru. You are also ghostlike in form as he applied it to you as well." Peridot replied as Saru suddenly felt dumb.

"I do not know what effects the lightning strikes would have if it hit our ghostly bodies. This form is immune to physical damage but would be lifted if we attack or get hit by a magical attack. You cannot be complacent just because they could not see us." Adrian stated.

"Only someone like Lan could see us in a state like this due to the blessing of the Azure Dragon. They have special eyes that could pierce through the veil of mystery and deception. It is one of the perks of being part of their house." Peridot stated.

"Oh…if that is the perks of their house then what about your house?" Adrian asked as it looked like being a part of a 'House' in the eastern continent gave people certain buffs.

"The House of Creation is special because being a part of that means that you can manipulate the elements freely. The buff gives me increased elemental damage and resistance. It is a pretty neat buff if I do say so myself." Peridot answered.

"That is nice." Adrian replied as he clearly is a little jealous of the buff.

They reached the entrance of the mountain but stopped in a corner as they saw Lan at the entrance. She is clearly not happy as she threw a tantrum outside of the mountain. Her screams were so loud that even Adrian could her here despite being a good distance away from her.

"She is clearly not happy about what you did. We cannot just enter the mountain if she is there." Peridot stated as she knew that it would be risky to take on that many guards.

"All we need to do is flung her away. I will distract the guards and here while you guys enter the mountain." Adrian stated as he knew of a way to avoid trouble because he has a skill that could displace the location of a certain person.

"Are you planning on showing yourself? That would be too risky as even you would get surrounded eventually." Peridot stated as she worried that Adrian will get killed if he becomes a decoy.

"Who said that I am going to be the decoy? We have a very angry woman that is unhappy with her subordinates. Look at their faces. If we make her disappear to a faraway place, we will make those guards very happy." Adrian stated as he smiled.

"You scare me sometimes." Peridot exclaimed.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Adrian asked as he did not quite hear what she said because he is concentrating.

"Nothing. Just focus on the task at hand. You are doing great." Peridot stated as she put her two thumbs up.

"Paradox, what was the coordinates of the location where I applied the increase in gravitational pull." Adrian asked Paradox. 

Saru did not know why Master Equinox would suddenly talk to a floating cube. He knew that the floating cube is the weapon used by Master Equinox, but he did not know that it could actually talked. Weapons that could talk are very rare in the eastern continent as blacksmiths that could create them are difficult to find.

"The location where you applied the increase in gravitational pull is 33 degrees west of your current location. The total range would be 788 meters. Do you wish for me to apply the coordinates to the magic spell, Teleportation?" The Cube of Paradox asked.

"No need as I already set it up. Let us see how much mana I would waste in teleporting an individual that does not want to be moved." Adrian stated as he clapped his hands and the magic circle that he was creating vanished.


"I told you guys a thousand times that you should not let anyone pass through. You could not find the group of that wannabe Ryujin but you cannot even protect me from that awful magic that the demon used. Why are you people so incompetent?! When we a re finished here, I would tell my brother about everything that has happened here and do not blame me if your heads start rolling." Lan shouted at the guards.

Lan kept grumbling on and on about how she was embarrassed by someone inferior to her that the ears of the guards felt like they are already bleeding. She did not even notice the magic circle that suddenly formed beneath her feet as it glowed in a pale blue light.

"My lady! Are you using magic?" One of the guards asked as he pointed out that a magic circle has already formed beneath her feet.

"What are you talking about? We are not in battle and why would I waste my precious energy on you guys!" Lan shouted angrily as she looked to her feet.

The pale blue magic circle started to grow brighter and brighter until one of the hidden guards assigned to her noticed that something is wrong. He started to cast magic that could erase a spell, but he did not make it in time as magic that could erase another magic is not easy to cast. Lan vanished before their very eyes.