Chapter 785 - The SSS Rank Monster Awakens

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
The United Kingdom team basically blew away the competitors as nothing is left on the area affected by the Arcane Series: Nuclear Strike Magic. When the bright light ceased, only a giant gaping hole in the middle of the desert could be seen. The ancient letters that appeared every time that an SS rank monster is defeated appeared.

The desert that had harsh sandstorms finally grew silent and the scorching heat also subsided. The desert became empty and the remaining monsters in the desert all dispersed. The ancient writing stayed in the air for quite a while which is strange as it usually disappears after a few seconds.

Other players then pointed to the sky that each area had ancient writings floating above them. The ancient writings from the north, east, south and west areas suddenly converged towards the center area. All of the ancient writings flew towards the jungle area and fused together to complete a paragraph.

The whole map suddenly shook as a reverberating voice of an old man echoed throughout the entire map. The voice came from the ancient writings, but the players thought that they were actually hearing the voice through telepathy as they can hear it in their heads.

"Beware the monster that comes from the depths. A being born from toxin and flame that comes from the underworld and the world. One head brings the world a sunder while the other brings the world to ruin.

In a vast land where five different areas of nature meet, I managed to seal it with the sacrifice of five great beings. Fearing that the five great beings would be killed by others, I sealed them using the very life force that I had in my body.

Should the day the five great beings fall, the world shall fall with it as the disaster from the depths will wake up and I will never be there to stop it. Here the voice of this old sage, be careful what you might release."

Every player heard the voice of the old sage that gave a warning, but it is already too late. The jungle area suddenly experiences a very powerful earthquake. A pit opened up in the jungle area that swallowed the entire dull forest. A vast amount of magma then flowed out of the pit and a large monster suddenly started to emerge from it.

The players could not even see the monster emerging from the pits, but they could feel the pressure that it is giving off. Two heads suddenly emerged from the pits and emitted a roar so loud that it made the space tremble.

[You have been affected by Dragon Roar.]

[All stats have been decreased by 10% indefinitely.]

A monster born from the depths of the underworld came to the surface. A dragon with a single body and two heads. A body with a mixture of green and red scales that shined brightly despite no light striking upon them. A body that is a hundred meters tall and an imposing figure that would make you believe that even a god will have difficulty fighting it.

"What is that doing here!" The aspect of Vepar stated as it is in shock.

The aspect of Vepar knows what that monster is because that monster can only be seen in Hell as one of the beloved pets of a certain devil god. That certain devil god always loved that two headed dragon and will ride it as its mount whenever the devil gods gather.

Monster: Two Headed Dragon of the 62nd Devil God (SSS Rank Monster)

All the players cold only gasp in shock at the sheer size of the Two Headed Dragon of the 62nd Devil God as it is almost as big as the King Whale. Its two heads are capable of thought and each spews different things.

The right head of the Two Headed Dragon of the 62nd Devil God spews poison fog that can melt anything that it touches. The poison fog even has a property of explosiveness as it is made of highly combustible fumes. The left head of Two Headed Dragon of the 62nd Devil God spews fire that comes from the pits of hell.

The fire that the left head breathes is no ordinary fire as it is hellfire. Unlike normal flames that can be extinguished using water, hellfire can only be extinguished using holy flames or holy waters. It also has a special effect of burning the affected individual's soul.

The Two Headed Dragon of the 62nd Devil God finally emerged from the pits fully and spread its wings proudly and emitted another roar.

[You have been affected by Dragon Roar.]

[All stats have been decreased by 10% indefinitely.]

Another roar came with another debuff which cannot be cleansed using normal means. The only person in the contestants that can actually cleanse the debuff is Anastacia and even she is having a difficult time. It is the first time that she experienced her Purification skill failing. She already maxed it and even got stronger with her new job class but even she fails half of the time.

The players did not think much of the decrease in stats as they know that it will vanish if they die. They just need to die in the first confrontation against the Two Headed Dragon of the 62nd Devil God. They did not know that just reaching the area of the SSS rank monster is already such a demanding chore.

[You are in the presence of a powerful being.]

[You are affected by Dragon Fear.]

[30% chance for magic spells to not work.]

For everyone in the third round, this is their first time being in front of a real dragon that exerts its pressure. Even the dragonkin players that normally visits the dragons that they serve are actually affected by dragon fear despite having dragon blood in their systems.

The Two Headed Dragon of the 62nd Devil God suddenly inhaled greatly as it now felt that the area before it is not suitable to be its domain.