Chapter 225: Sparring Match Vs Frey

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
"What is all the racket about!?" A deep voice shouted and the earth started to shake as footsteps could be heard.

The tense atmosphere is suddenly lifted up as the Valkyries no longer looked at the two best friends with hostility. An old looking man that is about three meters tall with blue skin and red tattoos in his body approached the group. On the man's right hand is a hammer while on his left hand is a spear that looked like it could pierce even the gods.

The old man has a bandana on his head to keep his graying hair together while wearing an apron made of leather. The old man did not wear an inner shirt but his lower body part is covered by something like a mixture of a pants and a kilt. The most eye catching thing about the old man is his red tattoos on his blue tinted body.

"Jotunn." Adrian inexplicably muttered as he looked at the old man's details and the old man seems to hear him as Aurgelmir took a glance at Adrian.

NPC: Aurgelmir

Tier: Mythical

Title: Godlike Blacksmith

Race: Jotunn

Species: Frost Giant (Semi-Primordial)

The frost giant then handed the spear to Frey and the latter is surprised but still managed to show her appreciation using a bow. The frost giant only nodded and looked at Adrian after. Adrian also looked back at the frost giant and is about to say something but is cut off by the leader of the Valkyries.

"We will forgive your offense demon if you have a sparring match with our Sister Frey." Brunhild announced which made Adrian suddenly reply.

"I have no obligation to follow you lady." Adrian retorted with a look of annoyance but he in actuality he wanted to accept.

He wanted to accept because it is a rare chance to fight one of the most distinguished top player but being commanded just rubs him the wrong way. He wanted to be asked politely not something like what Brunhild did like he is expected to act as such just because she wants to. Her tone sounds like she is looking at Adrian like a servant which he did not appreciate.

"I also want to test the strength of the weapon that I have forged. If the young lad can agree to my request to make you spar with the young lady over there then it would be much appreciated." Aurgelmir stated.

"If the old man himself is asking then I will naturally accept since you asked kindly." Adrian replied which made a vein pop from Brunhild's forehead.

"Listen well, Sister Frey. Demons are not called the incarnation of destruction for a reason. You must not underestimate them though he looks like a human now." Brunhild warned Frey but the latter already knew not to underestimate the player in front of her.

"Are you sure about this?" Levin Cloud asked as he is worried.

"The giant old man is the demigod blacksmith we are looking for. It

[Player Frey sent you a sparring request. Do you want accept? Yes or No?]

Adrian accepted the request and summoned his spear psyche armament. Since it is only sparring, there is a limited area that they can move on. Their arena is only about fifty meter in radius and if someone steps out then it would be the victory of the one remaining inside after ten seconds that the person is knocked out of the ring.

When Adrian summoned his spear, a glow in Aurgelmir's eye could be seen. The others would have noticed it but all the attention was on the two people sparring. The spear that the frost giant made looked powerful as the design looked that of a golden rose.

The blade of the spear pops out at the middle of the golden rose bud. Below the blade are rows of golden thorny vines. There is also another pointed tip on the opposite side of the blade.

The Valkyries though are also a bit interested with Adrian's weapon as they thought that a summoner would opt to use magic but they are surprised when Adrian summoned a weapon. The two sparring partners stared each other down first because they are both unfamiliar with their battle styles. Frey might be famous but she rarely posts videos or streams.

She became famous because she sometimes joins the guild Blood Rose on raids because she has a friend there. Frey did not want to attack carelessly. The warnings of Brunhild are still present in her mind as even the most basic information about a demon is "Run away if you see a demon."

Adrian decided to attack first since Frey seemed to be wary of him and he does not like to be overly passive. Adrian decided to do a lunge attack using the spear but Frey reacted immediately and blocked it with a swipe from her spear. She did not stop blocking but also counterattacked.

Frey spun 360 degrees and used the other end of her spear to try and pierce Adrian but she noticed that she suddenly slowed down. Adrian used Chrono Lag to slow down Frey's reactions and started to use the first skill of the spear.

"Rising Star" Adrian stated.

Adrian then performed a rising swipe from his position and his spear glowed in a star like energy. Frey immediately used a warrior skill called Warrior's Resolve that reduced damage for a set period of time. Still, Adrian continued his skill as Frey is knocked up while a burst of starlight damaged her.

Skill: Rising Star

Tier: Legacy

Type: Active Knock Up

Effect: After doing a lunging motion, the tip of the spear will be coated with starlight. The user must do an upward motion to knock up the target. Those knocked up will then be dealt 150% of your total damage.

Essence Cost: 10 essences

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Cast Time: None

"Spinning Phantom" Frey stated while she is currently up in the air.

Frey's body then rotated like a tornado and it is aimed towards Adrian. Her form is reminiscent of a golden drill coming towards Adrian. The speed that she dropped was also not ordinary as she reached Adrian's location in just two seconds.

Adrian had no choice to use Blink to dodge the attack but the spinning golden drill turned around to chase Adrian. Adrian waited again for the golden drill to hit and used Blink but this time he used Chrono Shift on Frey to make her faster. The decision became useful as Frey could not control her rotation speed and crashed towards the ground which effectively cancelled her skill.

Frey rose from the ground and looked at Adrian before smiling.

"You are good. This is the second time someone countered my skill." Frey smiled but behind that smile is the fierceness of a warrior.