Chapter 243: Revealed to the World

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Adrian decided that he could not wait idly by for the undead to reach the northern continent. He needed to do something and something fast. He immediately went to the Daemos Corps so that he can get some aid or something.

Luckily, Bronx is currently in the commander's tent listening to a report from his son Onyx. The report is mainly about the things needed by the corps, the maintenance of equipment and the report of those that went outside that is summarized.

Sensing that Adrian is outside the tent waiting for Onyx to finish the report, Bronx suddenly called for him.

"You can come inside the tent my favorite student." Bronx said with a hearty laugh.

Adrian could only smile wryly as he entered the tent. Bronx is treating his as his favorite student because Adrian is now his favorite training partner (dummy). Adrian managed to actually block one of Bronx attacks by utilizing all soul essences and nether energy which was his biggest mistake.

Bronx thinking that Adrian could take a hit from him became even more motivated with the training. If Adrian did not have the willpower stat then he would have been crawling on the ground just ten minutes in from the training. Adrian stood about one meter away from the entrance of the tent in case he needed a fast retreat.

"So…what brings you here my favorite student?" Bronx emphasized the word favorite which made the other Daemos in the tent give Adrian looks of pity. Even Bronx' own son Onyx gave him that same look of pity.

"It seems these people knows about the "training" and they did not even bothered to warn me about acting like you cannot block the first hit." Adrian thought to himself as he kept a smile plastered on his face.

"Well? Are you not going to ask for something?" Bronx asked again.

"I am actually wondering if I could get help from the corps to delay a ghost ship going towards the northern continent." Adrian stated.

Bronx did not immediately agree but let Adrian continue to describe what the people he would potentially bring be up against. Adrian told Bronx that he will confront a ghost ship potentially at sea so he needed people used for aerial combat. Adrian tried very hard to convince Bronx to give him reinforcements.


While Adrian is actively trying to recruit some of the Daemos Corps, the whole player base is buzzing with exciting news.

"The Arch Lich showed itself to deal with the defenders of the port city."

"A new race is revealed thanks to the Arch Lich."

"How to become a demon in Pandemonium?"

Other types of blogs about the Arch Lich emerge but the most famous search was the keyword 'demon'. It seems that a thought of a new race always makes the player community in Pandemonium explode. It is both a topic of interest and of jealousy.

It is a topic of interest because people always wanted to know what the new things that it will add to the game. It is a topic of jealousy because players know that they would have a low chance of becoming one unless the first player who unlocked the race will do the Racial Quest.

As if some players already knew or have clues of this new race because they posted videos indicating that this new race has been in the game since the beginning. There are many critics to these videos though as it would only be silhouettes or shadows instead of solid and clear pictures.

In the forums:

I Love Rice: Why is it that the wings of the demon is not bat like? I thought demons are supposed to have bat like wings and reddish tinted skin. The one shown in the video has a mixture of dragon and bird like wings while the skin tone is blue tinted.

Ramen Is The Best: I do not know why you say that but you are probably thinking of Devils. It seems devils are different from demons. I should know because I am a warlock.

Mega Weeb: It is clearly different from the depiction of devils in-game. Devils have slick smooth horns with black bird like wings or bat like wings dependent on their identity. Some devils are fallen angels while some are natural born devils. That is clearly a demon.

I Want A Waifu: What is the difference of a demon and a devil anyway?

Mega Weeb: I am glad you asked @I Want A Waifu. Devils are incarnation of trickery and are masters of illusion and mind magic. Demons on the other hand are incarnation of destruction. I even went to a village where people talk about how a devil save the village chief's daughter and other captives.

I Love Rice: Breaking News! It seems that demon is actually a player. Someone managed to identify him and a player name showed up instead of an NPC tag. It even managed to go toe to toe with the doom knight despite being of lower level.

The real time search of various debunking channels could be seen sky rocketing. All channels even talk about how could the demon player become a different race, how could the demon transform into his cool giant form and many more.

Adrian did not realize that being revealed to the world would make a big fuss. Every one watched all the videos about the gigantic specter like demon with specter like monsters emerge to turn the tides of battle. The clips were actually only twenty seconds long if not put in slow motion.

The fast paced battle of the giant demon and the doom knight brought many players to feel excitement. The main stealer of the show though were the four monsters accompanying the player. Each monster is unique as he had a spectral giant wolf, spectral dragon, a spectral phoenix looking bird, and a wraith.

The wolf and wraith monster is no longer that rare since many have wolf soulbounds while the secret to tame undead has already been spread. What really caught the player's attention is the dragon and the healing spectral phoenix.

If one word could describe those two that would be overpowered. The spectral dragon sank the ghost ship by itself while the spectral phoenix healed all that touched the mist. Then suddenly once comment from an anonymous person made them lose their minds.

Anonymous9001: Is that not the same mist from the defense of that fort where a black hole that sucked the undead come from?

One comment made every player present at that thread search videos about the Alabaster Fort. Many are now reaching the clue or having ideas on what the powers of the demon race hold.