Chapter 492: We are Stronger now

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
The elders of the Church of the Twin Gods soon activated their abilities to create a barrier to cover the whole island. Pristina is confident in herself that she could break the barrier as long as she used some of her angelic powers but that became her mistake.

As soon as her arm touched the barrier, it got blown away and withered immediately. She lost her arm just by touching the barrier. The others who saw this soon stopped trying to sneakily enter the floating island.

Seeing that the Pope of the Church of Light's arm get blown away and wither away, the other 'guests' did not push their luck. Even the fire dragon looked wary as she wanted to force her way as well. The power that the elders of the Twin Church used is the power of life and death.

The wood elf elders used the power of the life element to increase the vitality of anyone that touched the barrier. The immense increase of vitality will make the body part would swell and explode upon contact. If the individual has high tolerance for a heavy increase in vitality, then they will not get hurt.

If the first layer fails, then the second layer would cripple those that enter. The dark elves created the layer of death energy just a millimeter apart from the life energy barrier. The death energy barrier will absorb the vitality of anyone that passes through.

The death energy barrier is the reason why the Pope of the Church of Light's arm withered after getting blown away. The Pope of the Church if Light immediately used healing magic so that her lost arm regrew. She did not look happy about what happened to her though.

"You dare attack me!" Pope Pristina stated in anger as she has never been humiliated this way before. 

"You have been warned, bitch." Elder Narra spouted which did not shock the other elders that knew her. Her attitude has always been like that, and she only mellows down in official businesses. It is amazing that she became an elder with her attitude of badmouthing her enemies.

Elder Narra never liked the Church of Light because of reasons of unity. She never liked the way the Church of Light acted as the forefront of the religious orders and dare to command the other religious orders. She can finally let out the insult she is keeping from Pope Pristina as the elders that stopped her are no longer alive.

"This is sacred ground, you fanatic bitch. We have stated that it is true yet all of you dare to barge in. We will not stop you but do not tell us to accept responsibility if you are injured. You dare act haughty like you own this world, yet your goddess rarely helps those that are alive. You only help those that worships your goddess and not others." Elder Narra shouted with great indignation as she never liked the behavior of the Church of Light.

The Church of Light is different from the Church of Life as the former only helped those that recognize the Goddess of Light. The Church of Life always helped those in need without anything in return as the Goddess of Life sees all life as equals. 

The Church of Life might have changed over the years due to the shifting power structure, but they still helped everyone that reaches out to them. The Church of Light, however, did not change despite the long years that passed. They did not reform their laws to only helped those that believe in the goddess but only strengthened that.

The High positions of the Church of Light are all angels who only discard their human skin when it expires. Due to them ruling it since time immemorial, the Church of Light never changed their ways and laws as angels are arrogant creatures that believe that they are perfect and without flaw.

"The Dragon Clan shall withdraw from today's adventure as there is nothing harmful to the world." The fire dragon stated as she immediately turned around and left. Even she does not want to limit test the barrier erected by the combined forces of the wood elves and dark elves.

The fire dragon looked at Kanlaon who transformed in human form. It seems that she sent a message to Kanlaon via telepathy. The message made Adrian frown a bit because he heard the contents. He found it really troublesome now that Kanlaon is discovered by a dragon race member.

The others left as well while there are some that stuck around to see what will happen. The Queen of the Forbidden Oceans also left as she said her goodbye. 

"It has been fun being on land, but I am not someone suited to walk on the earth. I shall take my leave as my ocean will not defend itself." The Queen of the Forbidden Oceans stated as she took one last look at everyone. She also looked at Adrian with a curious gaze.

The Queen of the Forbidden Oceans then transformed to her real form and reveal the eight octopi's limbs with dragon dog heads on the tip. Her real form would terrify anyone that would see it as it made Adrian's group get a status ailment.

[You have been affected by Terrify status ailment.]

[Movement and Reaction speed is decreased by 10% for a few seconds.]

The Queen of the Forbidden Oceans then fired of water breaths from the eight dragon dog heads to act like rockets. She used the water pressure to fly away and dive back to a nearby sea just a few miles away from Avalon.

"Curse these cowards. They are already leaving without even verifying the tree. I did my best so that the Envoy of the Dark Gods will help destroy the tree of life. Nevertheless, the promise of the first dragon king is already invalid which means the elves are to fend for themselves." Pope Pristina thought as she too walked away since she does not want to humiliate herself much more than she already is.

The truth of the destruction of the tree of life is partly the fault of Pope Pristina as she paid someone to contact the Envoy of the Dark Gods to harm the tree. She did not think that the Envoy of the Dark Gods would destroy the tree, but such an outcome is welcomed for her.

Pope Pristina always thought that out of the four main religions, it is the Church of Life that is the most vulnerable. The Church of Life only became great due to the protection of the dragons which is different from the Order of Dragons and the Church of War.

The Order of Dragons are basically like an enclave where elder dragons are considered the most influential being. Even she could easily handle them which is why she tolerated to invite Hou Yiwei inside the Sanctum despite being a demi-human.

The Church of War is also different as many gods of war are revered in their church. It is also the fact that the Church of War members are warmongers and savages in her eyes. If she dares pull a stunt on them and trace it back to the Church of Light, then a religious war will occur between them. The members of the Church of War are the most powerful during combat.

Pope Pristina also discarded the one that contacted the Envoy of the Dark Gods in order to erase all traces. She did see that the elves were greatly weakened as a result of the destruction of the tree of life.

"To think all my hard work became nothing but empty goals. It also irritates me that the tree seemed to be different than before and much stronger. An inside man will not be able to destroy it even with poison. 

I will just have to kill that dark god first in order to increase the status of the Church of Light to the point that they see us as their shining light in a world of despair. I will have my revenge you pointed ear low class breeds." Pope Pristina stated as she also left.

Seeing that the commotion is finally over, the elders of the Church of the Twin Gods relaxed. After a few seconds, all the elders had smiles plastered on their faces. The happiest are the Dark elves as they were used of being persecuted and pushed around due to being branded as 'worshipping death'. They can now see the power to protect the peace that the God of Death desires for the dead.

The Wood Elves are also jumping in great joy because for the first time as they did not need the protection of the dragons to turn away potential aggressors. When they were still the Church of Life, they always threatened the others that dragons will rain fire on those that attack them.

With the tree of life no more, the promise of the first dragon king is void. That is one of the reasons why even the fire dragons dared to push through to check the tree of life and death. The dragons usually treated them with respect but that is no longer viable. The Church of the Twin Gods can only protect itself with their own power.

The elders of the Church of the Twin Gods then cried after their immense joy. It is a strange scene for Adrian and the others as they rarely see powerful elders cry. The elders of the Church of Twin Gods could now released all their repressed emotions.