Chapter 22

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

“Sister Nan, good morning!”

Cheng Nan was wearing a cap. Her skin-tight black sportswear showed off her hourglass figure. Cheng Nan was jogging in front of Cheng Nan.

Cheng Nan turned around to look at Cheng Nuo and smiled.

“Cheng Nuo, it’s you? You are here to run too?” Cheng Nan was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. She had probably ran for a while.

Cheng Nan quickened his pace and caught up to Cheng Nan.

Cheng Nuo smiled and said, “Exercising before my body rusts.”

Cheng Nan laughed. “You are not a 50 or 60-year-old old man; why would you rust? If that’s the case, let’s run together. No matter what, it’s good to exercise.”

“Sure.” Cheng Nan nodded. “I will definitely accept your invitation.”

It certainly felt better to run with a beautiful woman than running alone.

The morning mist did not go away. Instead, it became thicker.

Cheng Nan and Cheng Nuo were jogging side by side and chatting happily.

“Cheng Nuo, where are you planning to go for university?”

“That depends on my grades. If my grades are good, I can go to any university. If not, I can’t go anywhere. However, I think I can make it to Qing Cheng University.”

Qing Cheng University was regarded as the top university in Qing Cheng, as well as one of the top universities in the country.

Cheng Nan smiled. “Qing Cheng University is good! I graduated from Qing Cheng University. If you get in, you have to call me ‘senior.'”

“Oh right, Sister Nan, what are you doing in the law firm?”

“Sigh, what else can I be doing? I just started to intern and can only help out with managing the documents and assisting the experienced lawyers. I won’t be able to deal with cases individually until I become an official lawyer.”

Both of them chatted about everything in the world. Their figures disappeared in the mist.

Beep, beep beep.

Suddenly, car horns were heard. The intensity of the light from the car was very weak as it shone through the mist.

Cheng Nuo suddenly felt that something bad was going to happen.

No way? So unlucky? He was going to get into an accident again?

“Light intensity: 32, sound: 48.54 decibels, distance: 21.54 m, speed: 10.89 km/h, direction: northeast 1.24 degrees…”

The data of the car appeared in Cheng Nuo’s vision.

Indeed, based on the current speed of the car, if it did not change its direction, it would definitely crash into the two of them.

The speed of the car was not fast. Even though it may not kill them if it hit them, it would probably leave them crippled.

“Sister Nan, there’s a car, careful!” Cheng Nuo did not think further. He grabbed onto Cheng Nan and pulled her to somewhere safe.

Then, just like the usual plot of a love story, Cheng Nuo tripped over a rock and fell with Cheng Nan.

Cheng Nuo was below, while Cheng Nan was on top. Cheng Nuo touched an area that he was not supposed to touch.

Hmm, soft and bouncy. It felt good, no wonder it was 36C.

Cheng Nuo wanted to squeeze it a few times, but Cheng Nan reacted quickly and got up immediately. However, her face was flushed like a peach.

Meanwhile, the Toyota car moved past the two of them. The middle-aged driver looked out of the car window and mumbled as he looked at the young couple, “Youths are so shameless nowadays.”

“Erm…” Cheng Nuo stood up and did not dare to look at Cheng Nan. “Erm, Sister Nan, there was a car earlier…”

Cheng Nan brushed her short hair that was wet from the morning dew. She was still blushing, but it could barely be seen due to the mist.

Cheng Nan knew that it was an accident. However, she felt angry as he had touched the most sensitive area of a girl.

“Hmph, Cheng Nuo, since you meant well, I will not blame you. However, don’t take advantage of me in the future!” Cheng Nan said coldly as she put her hands on her hips.

“Alright, it’s quite late, let’s call it a day.” Cheng Nan waved to Cheng Nuo and left.

Cheng Nuo smelled the slight fragrance on his hands and recalled the soft feeling. He shook his head and smiled bitterly. “I can die without regrets after this experience!”

Cheng Nuo ran for another round around the estate. Then he went to the supermarket near the estate and bought a pack of salt.

After he reached home, he put the salt in the kitchen cabinet and took a quick shower. Then he ate breakfast with his parents in the living room.

By right, Jiang Lan and Cheng Yuanjin, as a deputy manager of a bank and a finance manager respectively, which were jobs of high positions, did not have to head out early for work. Even if they were late by an hour or two, nobody would make any comments.

However, as the saying went, family members have the same characteristics. Jiang Lan and Cheng Yuanjin were workaholics and therefore worked all day. They left the house at 7 AM and came back at 10 PM. Cheng Yuanjin was basically free at home the entire day on weekends.

He could not go out without money. Apart from gaming and reading, Cheng Nuo spent most of his weekend studying.

“Xiao Nuo, do you have plans this morning?” Jiang Lan asked suspiciously when she saw how Cheng Nuo was dressed formally.

Cheng Nuo’s expression did not change. He swallowed some egg and said, “No, why would I have plans? Exams are coming and my teacher gave us a lot of homework. It’s worth two days of work.”

Cheng Nuo would definitely not tell his parents that he was accompanying two girls to go shopping. Or else his mother would definitely stay at home and supervise him for the entire day.

“Study well and get into a good university!” said Cheng Yuanjin, who usually did not talk. It seemed that Cheng Yuanjin was still unhappy about how he had not managed to get into university.

Cheng Nuo nodded. “Of course, of course.”

Jiang Lan added, “Xiao Nuo, if you are able to get into a top university, Dad and I will give you a prize. You get to choose anything you want!”

“Really?” Cheng Nuo put down his chopsticks and looked happy.

Getting into a top university might’ve been difficult for Cheng Nuo before that day. However, as long as he did not screw up his languages and biology, Cheng Nuo would definitely be able to get into a top university.

“Of course, however… no cash reward!” added Jiang Lan as she smiled.


Cheng Nuo lowered her head. Initially, he wanted to get back his red envelope money.

However, it seemed impossible.

“Sigh, my poor red envelope money, when will I finally get my hands on you?”