Chapter 166

Haiyan City Airport.

After the six youths stepped out of the cabin.

A bloated bald middle-aged man with a smile on his face walked up to the six young men.

He said to several people in Japanese, "tell me, what is the purpose of our coming to China this time?"

"Sweep the country of China and raise its prestige!"

The six men raised their heads and roared.


The leader of the island team, the bald man named Hirano, nodded heavily, and his sight inch by inch swept over the six people.

"You are all the best students in our island. I believe in your strength!"

"This time we need more than just winning. It's a 5:0 sweep of China! Let those guys in China know that our island students are not only good at filming! "

Six Island team students nodded heavily.

In recent years, although their country has already upgraded the film industry to the national pillar industry of island countries!

In a few years, their photos have been sold all over the world.


What they want to prove is that, in addition to making films and leaving resources for the world to admire, the students in their island country are not weak in terms of brain power!

The program team of "the strongest brain" didn't send someone to pick up the team from the island, and the interpreter of the team would arrive tomorrow.

I can't help it. I don't know any Chinese at all. The seven members of the island team explained in very poor English to a passing taxi driver "Yamei die" for a long time. After a long explanation in very poor English, they were taken to the Jinding hotel where they stayed under the gaze of the driver's master.

This is the hotel where 15 Chinese athletes are staying.


Seven people, sitting in two cars, cars speeding on the road.

Through the window, they marveled at the prosperous scene of Haiyan city that they had never seen before, and discussed the tactics of the game.

Kojiro Hirano, the leader of the team, was in the same car with the three players of the Shimbun team.

Three contestants, one seems to be about the size of 15-6 years old, with black glasses Jingchuan bielang.

The other two, with little difference in age, were both college students in their twenties.

The player with a thin face, dark circles under his eyes, a pair of kidney deficiency and too many films is called Teng Hui Wei Suo.

Another player with sharp eyes and a straight body is the nephew of Kojiro Hirano, the leader of the team.

Hirano Jiro sat in the copilot's seat, took out his watch, turned to the three people behind him and said, "guard station, don't wave, you two, are the first to appear."

"This is a 2v2 team project, which mainly tests your quick calculation ability, but It also tests the cooperation between you. "

"The team competition you are challenging will have three rounds of tests, and one player will be eliminated in each round! Which country's contestants are eliminated first, which country is regarded as a failure! "

"What I need you to do is, in the first two rounds of the test, directly eliminate the two players of the Chinese team. Just don't give them a chance to get into the third round! "

Hirano Jiro clenched his fist. "Only in this way can we show the prestige of our island country."

"Can you do it?"

Teng Huiwei and Jingchuan bielang bow their heads together. "Hey

"What's more," Hirano said to fayo Hirano, who has been silent in the back seat. "Fayo, of the five people, I believe in your strength the most. So I put you in the last game! Please keep the last pass! "

" Hey! " Hirano fayo bowed his head, "please rest assured! In the last project, no matter who the opponent is, I will win


Downstairs of Jinding hotel.

Cheng Nuohe stated that they had just finished the entertainment game and came back from Pinghai TV station building.

Before entering the hotel lobby, not far from the door, I saw two taxis stop in front of them.

Seven figures came down from the taxi.

Then, Cheng Nuo sees a stout, balding middle-aged man, leading the six youths behind him to come to him.

Hirano, who doesn't know Chinese, doesn't know whether the hotel the driver sent them to is the Jinding hotel they want to go to.

See Cheng Nuo two people, want to go up to confirm.

So Hirano Jiro was very polite to Cheng Nuo and said, "こんにちは"

I wipe! What is this?!

Cheng Nuo looks at Hirano Jiro, frowning, a pair of you said is what a few things expression.

Forgive Cheng Nuo, although he has seen countless films in the island country, but he really can't understand a few sentences in Japanese, except for those "yayudie" and so on.

Hirano seems to understand that Cheng Nuo can't understand Japanese, so he said in some poor English.

“Hello!”Cheng Nuo was stunned, and he blurted out subconsciously, "thank you!"

The answer to Cheng Nuo, pingye is also a face of muddle, but it is always embarrassing not to answer anything, so he politely replied, "thankyouverymuch!"



“Thankyouverymuch!” (all the ghosts and animals by themselves)

cheno looked directly at the young man and asked slowly, "areyouok? Areyouok?”

“I…… Imean,howareyou?”

"I'mfine, thankyou," he replied subconsciously

Cheno asked the last question, "doyoulikemi4i?"

“No,no,no。” The man waved his hand and took out the apple X in his pocket, "the useiphone."

"Cheng Nuo turned his head off without interest.

No, no fun.

Think you can give all the "areyouok" to chat out?

I didn't expect that the Japanese didn't talk to each other ~ ~

and, the Japanese didn't like millet!

It's horrible. It's just disgusting!

How good is Xiaomi mobile phone!

Xiaomi mobile phone, specially for fever! (advertising space hire)

after the young man, the people in pingye looked at Cheng Nuo and other people who didn't return to the hotel.

They are Did you do anything wrong?

Why is it so unreasonable to leave without a sound?


"Cheno, those people seem to be Island teams?"

Just entering the lobby, the statement was attached to Chenault's ear, whispered.


"Oh, what, aren't you nervous? Not excited? " The statement turned his head and looked at cheno, and clenched his fists. "After all, you are going to take the team to fight, it is the island team!"

"What about that." Cheng Nuo's tone is still flat.

State a hate iron can not be steel appearance, "so you have to move up! We will be more confident of winning by exploring the enemy situation across the country, understanding all the information of the island team, discussing strategies and preparing for the match. "

"Don't be so troublesome." Cheno still went forward without returning his head.

"With me, our team won't lose."

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