Chapter 453

Chapter 456

November 10.

New York, capital of the United States.

The 16th Veblen prize presentation ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the headquarters of the Mathematical Society of America.

More than 300 mathematicians attended the ceremony.

The bigwigs of digital geometry and topology came to the scene.

For example, Professor Fresnel, the prover of Poincare's conjecture, and Professor Dexter, who has the title of "emperor of topology"

As a candidate, Cheng and five other mathematicians nominated sat in the second row of the auditorium.

Mr. oder rence, President of the American Mathematical Association in his late 70s, walked to the microphone with his crutches.

Received a sealed letter from the staff, which wrote the winner list of this Veblen award.

Under the spotlight, President aud tore open the envelope and took out a piece of hard paper.

It has three names on it.

"I'm glad to be able to present this sacred award again. The Veblen prize has been established for nearly 50 years. This award was set up to honor mathematicians who have made great contributions to the field of geometry and topology. Let their research results get the honor of application. And try to make the world recognize the weight of Veblen's prize. " President Aude said in his small voice, "now I can say for sure that we did. And those mathematicians who won the prize did not live up to our trust, and continued to adhere to the cause of mathematics and climb one limit after another

"Now, it's up to me to announce the winners of the 16th Veblen. They are..."

President aud's voice rose sharply.

The audience also raised their ears and looked forward to the tense moment.

"They are: Cheng Nuo! Noah Emmett! Kenneth Emmett! Let's congratulate the three mathematicians

Scene, applause!

Hearing his name, Cheng Nuo's mouth appears a faint smile.

Although it has long been expected by myself, it is indeed a pleasure to win the Veblen prize.

Although the public is not aware of the Veblen prize, its gold content in the industry is very high.

Especially in the field of geometry and topology, the gold content of the award is second only to the fields prize, which is the highest prize in mathematics.

Sometimes, holding such an award in hand, it is enough to stay in a university to eat and die.

Of course, Cheng Nuo's goal is the fields prize, and he will never stop his progress just because he has won the Veblen prize.

"Next, let's invite three winning mathematicians to come to the stage to receive the prizes."

Under the envious eyes of a large number of mathematicians, Cheng Nuo and two other award-winning mathematicians rose to the stage.

When the upright, young and handsome Cheng Nuo stands on the podium, it becomes the focus of the public in an instant.

It has long been heard that a young mathematician named Cheng Nuo has sprung up suddenly some time ago, becoming a hot winner of the Veblen prize.

Now see Cheng Nuo's real appearance, that group of senior mathematicians are speechless scratching their sparse hair.

Cheng Nuo is young. The key is Zhang is so handsome.

Looking at the brilliant Cheng Nuo on the stage, he knew that he was a prize winning mathematician. What he didn't know was that he thought it was a special star invited by the Mathematics Association!

President Aude hung three medals made of pure gold around their necks and handed each of them a red certificate.

At the age of 21, Cheng Nuo became the youngest winner of the Veblen prize!

Then the three winners took turns to deliver their speeches.

Cheng Nuo is also regular, said some thanks to the school, teachers, parents and other routine, and then in the crowd's applause back to his seat.

After the awards, there is a dinner party.

As the youngest winner in history, Cheng Nuo is naturally the focus of attention.

Many people come to talk to Cheng Nuo, some of them talk about academic issues, and some just come to establish a relationship with Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo has a promising future, and behind him stands the mountain of Professor Fresnel. They don't want to be friends with Cheng Nuo, they just want not to be hostile to Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo also came to refuse.

This is the first time that he has really come into contact with the "high-end society" in the mathematical field. There is no school atmosphere in the United States, and Cheng Nuo does not need to stand in line.

It's only good for us to make friends with mathematicians in Colleges and universities.

In their conversation with Cheng Nuo, they also found that Cheng Nuo was not as arrogant and arrogant as they thought, but rather modest. He said he was young and needed the guidance of his predecessors in the future.

After the dinner, he stayed in the hotel for one night. The next day, Cheng Nuo rushed back to MIT with Professor Fresnel and several MIT mathematicians.


In terms of title, Cheng is currently an associate professor at MIT.However, due to the schedule already arranged this semester, Cheng Nuo has no teaching task. Cheng also wandered around the experimental building and library every day.

However, within a few days, Cheng Nuo was invited by the college to give a lecture on Jacobi's conjecture.

Cheng Nuo remembers that Professor Fresnel mentioned it to himself more than a month ago. But later, busy with the graduation thesis, he declined.

However, Cheng Nuo is now a regular employee of MIT, and has no urgent work in hand, so it is no longer easy to refuse.

With the college determined the time, Cheng Nuo simply prepared the content of the lecture.

On the day of the lecture.

Cheng Nuo thought it would be nice to have 30 or 40 students to listen. After all, there are more than one or two big guys in MIT who are more powerful than themselves.

As for the Veblen prize he won, he can absolutely dominate in an ordinary university. However, at MIT, only the Nobel Prize and fields Prize are qualified for this.

At the same time, there were several big men who gave lectures with him. Unexpectedly, more than 100 students came to the scene.

The small staircase classroom is full of seats.

In fact, what Cheng Nuo didn't know was that the purpose of the more than 100 students who came to the scene was not to listen to the specific content of the lecture, but to see Cheng Nuo.

The youngest doctor of science, the youngest winner of the Veblen prize, the youngest associate professor of Mathematics

There are too many legends in Cheng Nuo's body.

Most of the students present are older than Cheng Nuo, but they are still forced to study for doctoral and postgraduate education, and Cheng Nuo But it's already a success!

Not convinced?

There must be.

One by one, they are favored by heaven. They have been used to being called genius!

But they found that, compared with Cheng Nuo, their genius's name is simply a big joke!

so, their self-esteem was seriously hurt, they looked like a simultaneous interpreting, whether that Cheng Nuo was as evil as hearsay.

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