Chapter 485

Chapter 488

until the end of February, the storm caused by Cheng Nuo's proof of BSD conjecture had not subsided.

But it is not before the kind of crazy, most mathematics workers began to look at it rationally.

The BSD conjecture has been proved successfully. First of all, it must be very good news for the mathematical community.

Because this means that the following BSD conjecture, oh no, now we should say BSD theorem!

The following research on BSD theorem can be started now.

BSD theorem is not only a simple mathematical theorem.

In Applied Mathematics, applied physics and even other fields of science and engineering, the application of BSD theorem needs to be developed.

It's quite a big cake.

Because of this, many research groups on the follow-up application of BSD theorem have been set up under the organization of education departments in various countries.

Many old mathematicians who have not been active in the world mathematics for many years have also been revealed and invited to the research group in their respective countries.

It can be said that the BSD conjecture has been successfully proved, which has thoroughly led mathematicians to study BSD theorem.

Nowadays, on arXiv, on average, dozens of papers about BSD theorem are uploaded every day.

Moreover, some careful people also found Gu Lv's three papers published together with the proof process of BSD conjecture, and were astonished!

Three papers, including elliptic Abelian group theorem, Cheng's imaginary point, algebraic periodic summation theorem!

At ordinary times, one of these three papers is enough to attract the attention of many mathematicians.

In particular, the proposal of "Cheng's imaginary point" can change the difficult situation of solving elliptic rational points.

However, in the light of BSD theorem, many people have subconsciously ignored these three papers.

However, the contents of these three papers, together, have a great impact on the mathematical world, which is no less than the proof of BSD conjecture!

Some of the first to calm down, found these three treasures, and avoid to start research.

It was not until mid March that most mathematicians realized the importance of these three papers. But in terms of time, it is nearly a month behind the others.


At the end of March, clay Institute of mathematics contacted Cheng.

The seven problems of the millennium are originally a concept put forward by clay Mathematics Research Institute.

The reason why the "seven mathematical problems" are so famous in the world is that the difficulty of the seven problems themselves is on the one hand, and the other reason is that the clay Institute of mathematics once offered a reward.

Anyone who proves any of the seven mathematical problems will get a million dollars in prize money!

One million dollars, at the beginning of the millennium may be an astronomical figure, but today, even a house in the Third Ring Road of Kyoto can not afford to buy it!

Cray's Institute of mathematics is not short of money, and Cheng Nuo is not caring at all.

But the process has to go through again.

The Cray Institute of mathematics hopes that Cheng Nuo can come to the United States in person and award the prize on the spot.

By the way, we can also give a special lecture on BSD conjecture.

The abacus of Cray Institute of mathematics is making a lot of noise, one million, as Cheng Nuo's entrance fee, they can still earn a lot!

But this proposal was rejected decisively by Cheng Nuo.

Dean Ding has long constrained process Nuo, saying that before the International Conference of mathematicians, Cheng Nuo is forbidden to go abroad!

Cheng Nuo is now a national focus on talent, once an accident, the consequences are unpredictable.

So Cheng Nuo sent an account directly to Cray's Institute of mathematics and asked them to directly transfer one million dollars to this account.

If you really don't agree, you don't want to ask for one million dollars.

Anyway, I can't even afford a toilet in one ring road

In the end, the Cray Institute of mathematics compromised.

Originally, it was very beneficial to the reputation and reputation of their research institute to invite Cheng Nuo to carry out a thematic report in this period of high popularity.

But Cheng Nuo didn't want to, so they had to give up.

As for breaking up with Cheng Nuo

Hehe, they don't have the courage.

If it had been more than a month ago, they would have stopped.

But now, Cheng Nuo's status is different from before.

Cheng Nuo's height in the field of mathematics is not what they can afford with a single institute of mathematics.

Should we, or should we!

The next day, the Cray Institute of mathematics issued a statement.

The statement first expressed congratulations to Cheng Nuo, and then indicated that one million US dollars had been distributed to Cheng Nuo. Then, the second half of the statement is the whole article's praise for Cheng Nuo, as well as his relationship with Cheng Nora. He talks about the extraordinary years when Gu LV conquered Gushan Zhicun conjecture and Cheng's complex circle conjecture at clay Institute of mathematics two years ago!It can be said that the desire to survive is very strong!


Looking at the extra million US dollars on the bank account, Cheng Nuo turned his head and said, "by the way, Dean Ding, what did you say just now?"

"Our school wants you to open a special report on the process of proof of BSD conjecture to ask for your opinions." Dean asked with a smile.

Cheng Nuo's answer is very straightforward, "this is no problem, you look at the arrangement on the line."

"At that time..."

"Any time in the near future. I've just finished such a big project. I'm going to take a break. So there's no immediate plan. "

Academician Ding nodded clearly, "you have worked so hard for more than a year. You really need to take a break. Well, then I won't disturb you. I'll let you know when the time is fixed. "

BSD conjectures that the time of the special report will be determined soon.

The time is April 15, and the venue is the auditorium of Tsinghua University.

The news was deliberately released by Tsinghua University.

As a result, the whole mathematical world became restless.

From the proof of BSD conjecture to the reward offered by Cray Institute of mathematics, the whole process was performed by these people, either excited or screaming.

But the main cause of the incident, Professor Cheng Nuo, never showed up.

Until now, Cheng Nuo has the news that he will appear in public.

In addition, the theme of the meeting is about the BSD conjecture.

This makes this academic report will cause great concern in the mathematical community.

Of course, Tsinghua University also expressed its absolute importance to this conference.

After all, it is not only some mathematicians in China who have come to attend the meeting this time.

Some of the world's top mathematicians, after hearing about the theme of the conference, also chose to accept the invitation of Tsinghua University to attend the conference.

Among them, there are four fields prize winners and more than a dozen other world-class mathematics prize winners.

Originally, the report meeting was first organized and arranged by several colleges, but if so many well-known bigwigs come to attend, it is no longer a college that can control it.

Tsinghua University directly took over, and a vice president personally supervised all matters of the conference. , the fastest update of the webnovel!