Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhang Yali became anxious. Her credit card had already been maxed out, and if she didn't pay back, she would be blacklisted by the bank.

There is also a banker's wife in her circle. If she is blacklisted, it will definitely spread in the circle.

"Shaoling, do you really have the heart to watch your mother starve to death?" Zhang Yali shed tears again, the red eye circles were much more real than before, not the pure sympathy just now.

Mu Shaoling put his hands in his pockets, his posture was wanton, and his expression was indifferent.

In the past, Zhang Yali had long been used to his indifference, but now, she was going crazy.

No matter how bad it was, she was also his mother!

Although Zhang Yali was angry, for the sake of money, she didn't dare to do anything, so she could only continue crying, trying to arouse his sympathy.

Mu Shaoling was tormented by the crying, and Zhang Yali had never called to care about the trouble Rourou had brought to the Mu family and himself.

Now that things have subsided, as soon as he came back, she appeared, saying that she was missing his son, but in fact, she was asking herself for money.

The crying sound was disturbing, and Mu Shaoling said indifferently, "How much do you want this time?"

Zhang Yali stopped crying instantly, when she wanted the lion to open his mouth, she remembered the last time, last time she wanted 30 million, but in the end she only gave 3 million.

At that time, there was a crisis in the T Group, and his capital turnover was not enough, but now the situation is different, and he should be able to write more. She raised five fingers, "Well, five million, is it okay?"

Mu Shaoling frowned even tighter.

Seeing this, Zhang Yali explained: "I owe money on my credit card, and the management fee of the villa should also be paid, and the babysitter's fee..."

"Mom thinks the Mu family prints banknotes?" Mu Shaoling felt that her appetite was getting bigger and bigger, and she easily used up three million. Even if she was given five million, it wouldn't take long.

Five million is enough for an ordinary family to live in city A for a lifetime.

Zhang Yali's eyes were red, and she looked anxious: "I suffered so much when I gave birth to you, and I finally hoped that you would be successful. I didn't ask you to take care of me. I just wanted some living expenses, and The difficulties of T Group have also passed, and you must have more liquid funds on hand..."

Mu Shaoling's face was as black as ink, he took out his mobile phone, and directly transferred her a million dollars from his account.

After receiving the reminder of the account, Zhang Yali showed joy, glanced at the amount prompted by the phone, and exclaimed, "What? It's only one million!"

Mu Shaoling walked out of the study.

Zhang Yali followed, "Son, you can't treat me like this, I can't live for half a month with this one million."

Last time he gave three million, it was gone all at once, this time there is only one million, what should she do?

Her nutritious meals, as well as the essence of the fight, and the maintenance of various beauty equipment in the villa need money!

"One million is more than enough, and T Group will distribute shareholder dividends next month. The dividends of the shares in your hand will be enough for you to live for several months." Mu Shaoling calculated and opened the door.

He has no objection to giving Zhang Yali a pension, but it doesn't mean letting her spend it freely.

"Half of this month is not over yet, and there will be no dividends until the end of next month. One million is not enough. How about two million, two million?" She followed behind him, wanting to win more for herself. many.

Mu Shaoling turned a deaf ear, opened the door and walked out.

Zhang Yali stopped at the door and did not continue to chase out. If she continued to chase out, it would be embarrassing for herself.

Downstairs, Cai Xiufen was watching her jokes.

She was so angry that she wanted to throw things, but she remembered that this study belonged to Mr. Mu, and many things were priceless. Naturally, she didn't dare, and forcibly held back the emotions she wanted to vent.

Zhang Yali looked around the same way, and finally landed on the desk.

There was an inkstone over there, which she had never seen before, and it should have been put there recently.

In order to get the appreciation of Mr. Mu, Zhang Yali had specially learned it before. She stepped forward, lifted it up gently, and looked carefully. When she saw something, she exclaimed softly, "It's so valuable!"

She also thought about the one million Mu Shaoling gave her, how could this one million be enough...

Zhang Yali had an evil thought, but instead of taking the inkstone away, she put it back and went downstairs.

If the inkstone was gone at this time, the fool would also suspect himself. She wanted to take it away, but it would definitely not be at this time.

Zhang Yali went downstairs, watching Mu Shaoling playing chess with Mr. Mu, while Ruan Bai was feeding the child fruit.

The whole family was happy and happy. When they saw her coming down, they didn't take a look at her. There was no place for her to stay here.

Zhang Yali snorted coldly, turned and left.

She returns to her villa.

Ruxue heard the sound of the car, stood up from the sofa early, walked to the door, watched Zhang Yali walk in with a smile, "Ma'am, you are back."

Zhang Yali was not in a good mood. Although she got the money, it was not what she expected, and the money this time was even less than last time. She had a premonition that Mu Shaoling would become more and more stingy with her.

She can't maintain such a life without money...

Zhang Yali sat on the sofa with a gloomy face.

Ruxue is a person who knows how to read words and expressions, so she immediately went to make her a cup of scented tea, and turned down the volume of the music.

"Madam, you drink tea." She said softly, so as not to disturb her mood.

Zhang Yali took a sip of scented tea to calm down the anger in her heart, she couldn't see Ru Bing, and asked again: "Where is Ru Bing?"

"Ru Bing is tinkering with the essence in the beauty room. The sun is so strong outside. Madam, your delicate skin must be cared for after sun exposure in order to keep it young and energetic." Ru Xue said.

The essence Zhang Yali used in the past has been used up, so Ru Bing bought another batch.

Because it was inferior essence, she had to process it to look high-end, so while Zhang Yali was not in the villa, Ru Bing hurriedly fiddled with it.

"It's the two of you sisters who are sensible." Zhang Yali's mood improved, and the anger she received at Mu's house also subsided a lot. Only these two sisters knew her own mind best.

She stood up, "I'm going to get a beauty treatment now, by the way, I didn't have lunch, you can make me something to eat."

"Okay, ma'am." Ruxue smiled sweetly, watched her go upstairs, and immediately typed the number one to Rubing.

This is the secret code of the two sisters, representing Zhang Yali's return.

Ru Bing made preparations immediately after receiving the WeChat message.

Zhang Yali pushed open the door of the beauty room, and Ru Bing had already laid out the towels, and even connected all the beauty equipment to the power supply.

"Ma'am, you are back." She smiled, and sensiblely lifted the towel lying on the bed.

"Yes." Zhang Yali walked over and sat on the bed.

Rubing immediately put on her bathrobe for her, and then took off her slippers.

After Zhang Yali lay down, she carefully covered her with the quilt, "Ma'am, how long have you been exposed to sunlight today? I can adjust the amount of essence today."