"You!" Cai Xiufen stared at her back with wide eyes, unable to believe that she was still unwilling to cooperate with her after she had spoken to such an extent.

And the whole routine, she didn't admit that she had ulterior motives, Cai Xiufen was so angry that she looked invulnerable.

She even said that Ruan Bai had passed away, just to make her willing to cooperate with her...

I don't know good from bad!

Cai Xiufen watched Nianmu walk into the soft bedroom, and thought of another plan in her mind, people who can't be transferred to her camp should be used well.

In an instant, she had a plan in her mind.

Nian Mu didn't know what Cai Xiufen was planning in her mind. When she walked into the bedroom, she was careful not to wake Ruan Ruan.

She lay back on the bed, felt the warmth around her softly, and curled up, clinging to her tightly.

Nianmu hugged the child and fell into a deep sleep.

the other side.

The butler reported to the old man about the meeting between Cai Xiufen and Nianmu on the balcony.

Mr. Mu asked him to watch Nian Mu's every move, so the housekeeper watched and nothing was left behind.

Just to ensure the privacy of the family members, there is no sound on the monitor. The housekeeper doesn't know what the two said.

Just looking at Cai Xiufen's expression, the butler felt that the conversation between the two of them seemed not very pleasant.

Listening to his report, Mr. Mu couldn't help guessing, "They didn't know each other before, so what can they talk about?"

The butler shook his head.

Mr. Mu said again: "Didn't she dislike Nian Mu before? Now she is still pulling the other party to talk, what is her purpose?"

The butler remained silent. Cai Xiufen didn't like Nian Mu, that was a fact.

Mr. Mu thought to himself, Zhang Yali was about to be released from prison, and according to her current physical condition, she must be going back to Mu's old house.

With Cai Xiufen and Zhang Yali, the Mu family will definitely be disturbed, and now Cai Xiufen must do something.

"Keep an eye on her, don't let her turn this house into a mess." Mr. Mu was referring to Cai Xiufen.

None of the two women his son found was easy. If they hadn't contributed to the Mu family, he would have kicked them out of the Mu family a long time ago.

"Yes, I understand." The housekeeper agreed, thinking that if Cai Xiufen really wanted to do something, he couldn't stop him.


When Nianmu woke up, he found three pairs of eyes staring at him.

The children were all awake, standing by the bed, looking at her silently, she sat up, a little confused, didn't she mean to take a nap? How are they all here.

"Sister, you finally woke up." Tao Tao jumped onto the bed and hugged her waist.

"What's the matter? Did I sleep for a long time?" Nianmu patted Taotao's head, originally planning to close her eyes to accompany Ruanruan for a while, but unexpectedly she fell asleep.

"Sister, you slept for a long time, it's almost three o'clock now." Taotao said, they couldn't wait to come here after waking up, only to find that Nianmu was still sleeping.

Seeing her sleeping so deeply, they all stood beside the bed and looked at her without making any noise, letting her fall asleep.

In order not to disturb her rest, Zhan Zhan also went downstairs to inform the housekeeper not to bring up the afternoon tea, because they didn't know how long Nian Mu would sleep, and they just wanted not to wake her up.

"It's almost three o'clock? I've been asleep for so long?" Nianmu exclaimed. He picked up his phone and checked the time. It was indeed almost three o'clock.

"Sister, you can really sleep." There was a little bit of sadness in Taotao's words.

Nian Mu knew why, she promised to continue telling stories to the children after they woke up, but unexpectedly, she fell asleep for so long.

"Sorry, you can wake me up." Nianmu reminded, wanting to let the children know that he is not so difficult to get along with.

Taotao shook his head and said, "We won't wake you up, sister, you, like your father, work very hard and rarely sleep, so we plan to let you sleep more, my father is like this, usually He rarely sleeps, so we don't wake him up, because more sleep is good for his health."

"Your father?" Nianmu thought of Mu Shaoling, he was indeed a workaholic, often staying up all night in order to deal with work.

With such a big company all on his shoulders, he must be very tired.

Nianmu thought, but he couldn't share the burden with him, and at the same time he had to do that kind of thing...

Her hands clenched tightly into fists, helpless, welling up in her heart.

"Sister, please continue telling us the story." Taotao noticed that she seemed to be in a bad mood, so she changed the subject.

"Okay." Nianmu got off the bed, and used his fingers as a comb to straighten his long hair.

Taotao also got out of bed.

The four of them sat on the blankets in a circle. When Nian Mu was about to tell a story, there was a knock on the bedroom door. She turned around and saw Mu Shaoling pushing the door open and walking in.

"Father!" The three children yelled in unison when they saw him walk in.

Mu Shaoling looked at the scene in the bedroom, Nianmu was surrounded by children, sitting there, the atmosphere was harmonious, just like a family.

"What are you doing?" He didn't hesitate, but walked in.

Nianmu noticed that although Mu Shaoling came back from the outside, he was wearing casual clothes, so he should have gone to deal with private matters, not work matters.

"Dad, my sister is telling us a story, it's the unfinished story before!" Taotao said with a smile, stood up, walked over and took his hand, "Do you want to listen to it with us?"

Mu Shaoling looked at Nian Mu, and within a few seconds, the woman who was looking at him just now had already averted her gaze.

She seemed to be reluctant to meet her gaze, and even wanted to avoid it...

Mu Shaoling shook his head, patted the child's head, and said, "I still have work to do, listen."

"Okay, Dad." After Mu Shaoling left, Tao Tao sat back beside Nian Mu and complained, "Sister, look, Dad is a workaholic and has no time for us."

"He's taking care of you too." Nianmu patted the child's head. He must have patted Taotao in the same way just now.

Mu Shaoling worked so hard for the sake of the Mu family and the children.

Although she does not support this way of taking care of the child, because the child still needs company and love, but she also understands Mu Shaoling.

After all, the T Group fell into his hands, and management development cannot go backwards, only forward.

Mu Shaoling can only use more effort and time to surpass the achievements made by Mr. Mu, so that those who are eyeing him can be disarmed.

Mu Shaoling, this is all for this family and for the children.

So when she was Ruan Bai, even though the company was very busy, she still insisted on giving her children a certain amount of time every week, so that Mu Shaoling could have more energy to deal with work.