Nian Mu smiled and shook his head, not denying Li Ni's words, but feeling helpless.

Ruan Meimei is so desperate among them that everyone knows what she wants to do, and everyone understands her very well...

This is really not a good sign.

To understand a person is to understand how she behaves. This is only because others have a bad impression of the other person...

"By the way, what did she talk to you about?" Li Ni asked curiously.

"Well, it's not an important thing, but I saw her inspection report." Nian Mu said.

Li Ni raised her eyebrows, with only pure curiosity in her tone, no gloating, "She is sick?"

"I'm sick, and I'm infected with some gynecological diseases." Nian Mu said.

Li Ni frowned, thinking of the ridiculous things Ruan Meimei had done when she followed Li Zong, and she seemed to understand what gynecological diseases Nian Mu was talking about.

"She is unlucky enough."

"Yes, if that thing is not treated in time, it can easily become cancerous." Nian Mu said. Although Ruan Meimei folded the report at that time, she still saw it and saw the string of positives on the report.

Some only cause skin diseases, but some can cause cancer in severe cases.

Li Ni immediately understood, "I understand, what kind of disease it is, I still remember how ridiculous she was when she was with Li Zong, whether it was before or later, I can actually understand the things the two of them did. .”

She knew what Li Zong asked Ruan Meimei to do.

But she didn't stop it because she had no way to stop it.

At that time, Ruan Meimei knew that Li Zong was a scumbag, but she still wanted to fall in love with him and even live together, so it was not difficult to foresee that the ending would be like this.

Nian Mu nodded, she also knew something.

But that was Ruan Meimei's choice.

There were footsteps on the stairs.

Nian Mu and Li Ni looked towards the stairs together. When they saw Mu Shaoling coming downstairs, they looked away again.

Mu Shaoling walked to the sofa and sat down, "What are you talking about?"

"I just met Ruan Meimei in the hospital." Nian Mu didn't hide anything, and also said something in detail.

After hearing this, Mu Shaoling raised his eyebrows, feeling that she was hiding something.

But she didn't tell herself urgently when she came back, and it probably wasn't anything important.

At least Nian Mu didn't think it was important, so Mu Shaoling didn't ask her what she was hiding, but said, "We need to go on a business trip."

"Business trip?" Nian Mu was surprised. She would understand if Mu Shaoling was on a business trip.

Sometimes some unexpected work needs to be handled by him, so temporary business trips are common.

But he was on a business trip, why did he include her?

Nian Mu clearly heard that he was talking about us...

Mu Shaoling sent an invitation letter to his WeChat, "This is an invitation letter from the Pharmaceutical Association. In the past, Dong Zijun would never send invitations like this to me, so I just found out today."

Invitations like this are usually intercepted by Dong Zijun. It is not a particularly important occasion, and others will not be notified.

For occasions that were more important and required the company to send representatives to attend, he would ask the person in charge of the corresponding department to attend.

Mu Shaoling would not attend such an event.

Nianmu also understood the meaning, so he opened the invitation letter.

It is an exchange meeting organized by the Pharmaceutical Association. This exchange meeting is a way for the industry to exchange pharmaceutical information and provide various pharmaceutical companies with a way to seek cooperation.

It's not very important. Basically, the people attending will not be big shots in the company. Just let the head of the marketing department participate. It is rare that only professors will participate in such exchange meetings.

But Mu Shaoling was concerned about this exchange meeting, which showed that the situation was not simple.

Nian Mu thought of a certain possibility, so he said to Mu Shaoling, "Will this exchange be important to Watson?"

Mu Shaoling thought for a while.

It's not important to Watson, but it's important to Nian Mu and him.

So he shook his head.

Nian Mu frowned. It was not important to Watson, but if Mu Shaoling wanted to participate and she also wanted to participate, it was very important to them.

Thinking of this, Nian Mu said, "Then I'll go upstairs and prepare my luggage for the business trip."

She saw that the final venue of the invitation was not in City A, but in City X next door. Thinking that Abep's main base was now in City X, she felt increasingly uneasy.

Because City A is now patrolling very strictly, Abep is unwilling to put too much of his stronghold in City A, lest he be discovered by the police in City A and take the blame.

Therefore, the main activities of people on Terror Island are now in City X, which is not the capital, and the police will not be so strict in their investigation.

Li Ni couldn't help but feel confused while listening to their conversation.

Why would Mu Shaoling go to an unimportant exchange meeting?

Not to mention that Mu Shaoling is the president of a large group like T Group, Huazhu directly invites the manager of the marketing department to attend some less important industry exchange meetings. She and Zhou Xiaosu are more likely to attend. Only the two of them would pay attention to large-scale exchange meetings, the kind that are relatively well-known in the industry, and attend them.

Generally, they won't waste their time on such unimportant things.

But Mu Shaoling wanted to attend such an exchange meeting, and Nian Mu also agreed.

Li Ni vaguely felt that they were playing riddles.

But there was no evidence that they were playing riddles. I could only watch them go upstairs one after another.

"Did something bad happen?" Li Ni suddenly felt like this in her heart.

But Nian Mu and Mu Shaoling obviously didn't want to mention this matter in front of her, and it was hard for her to ask.

Nianmu walked back to the bedroom, followed closely by Mu Shaoling. After entering the bedroom, he closed the door.

Nian Mu asked directly: "Is something going to happen at the exchange meeting?"

"No." Mu Shaoling shook his head, "But I received news that Abepu will attend this exchange meeting."

Nian Mu frowned, will Abep attend this meeting?

Abep may not even participate in the more important exchange meetings, but he attends such an exchange meeting that is not particularly important?

Although Mu Shaoling said nothing would happen at the exchange meeting, she felt that Abep's participation might cause something bad to happen at the exchange meeting.

To Nianmu, Abep is an unknown person.

Bad things will happen in the calls he makes, the texts he sends, and even the places he attends.

Nian Mu was very uneasy and looked at Mu Shaoling, "You want to meet him?"

"Well, I plan to meet him formally." Mu Shaoling said. He didn't have much actual contact with Abep.

Last time, he drugged the wine. I didn't know his identity at that time, so I suspected that someone else did it.

After all, the identity Abep assigned himself was very normal. He asked people to investigate at that time, but nothing happened, so he did not doubt the identity of the other party.

He thought about it and realized that he had not seen Abep since that time.