When they came out, Li Hong won everyone's applause. Liu Chuan remained silent. Zhao Min joked when passing him:

"Comrades, it's hard for you. We'll be our partner from tomorrow, but it's very hard to be our partner, just like just now."

Just then, Daniel came out with his shoulder covered in pain. To tell the truth, he didn't expect to be beaten so badly by female soldiers. He didn't even have a chance to fight back.

In this competition, their male soldiers occupied various advantages, both in terms of geographical location and number. Unexpectedly, they were completely defeated by female soldiers in this case.

Long Baichuan immediately agreed to give them a formal authorization to start the task tomorrow, but the environment they have to face will be worse than Jiang Xiaoyu.

After the competition, long Baichuan called them to the office and gave them a simple meeting to explain the environment they would face in the future.

They want to enter the interior of the enemy, especially in the special groups of some countries. After all, they have caught a lot of spy torpedoes in the sea in the past two years. These torpedoes are sent from within those organizations in order to steal their secrets.

Although they have salvaged a lot in the past two years, it is a problem of treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. After all, the organization has been producing continuously, and they are often unable to prevent it.

So they need to be able to sneak into those organizations, steal the top secrets, and then let them directly take care of and destroy these organizations.

Long Baichuan said it very clearly. He also explained the danger of these tasks. Unexpectedly, these team members were very calm and seemed to have accepted it for a long time.

"Are you sure you understand the danger I'm talking about? It's a near death, especially for your women. It's very dangerous in it."

But this is what they must do. Someone must carry the weight for them and guard the safety of the people.

"Don't worry about the dragon team. Before that, the instructor has told us a lot, so we know what to face next."

It seems that there is no need to say more by themselves. Long Baichuan also asked them to go down and prepare for tomorrow's ceremony. These female soldiers are very happy. After training for so long and eliminating all kinds of demons again and again, they finally officially become commando special forces.

Qin yuan is also ready to leave. Looking at them coming out of the office, Qin Yuan said hello to them in the past. Almost he has to go to the training of other commandos. Now he has to increase his merit value through these aspects, and then he can continuously train a better special combat team.

After their team is officially established tomorrow, Qin yuan will be able to receive 20000 merit awards.

When we parted, although we were reluctant, we had to face it. Before we could make a detailed farewell, the emergency assembly whistle rang, and they subconsciously rushed over.

Long Baichuan stood in front with a serious face. To tell the truth, he didn't expect the task to come so suddenly, but this is the news from their hidden members. I hope they can send team members in as soon as possible.

Because the latent player is about to be exposed


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