The person in charge nodded slightly. He knew that Alem would not betray them anyway, so on the third day.

Everyone is still in the conference room. At the moment, the conference room is very quiet. Everyone is staring at the window. I don't know how this guy will come in this time.

In fact, the person in charge also put all his ideas on it, so he deliberately relaxed the external vigilance and wanted him to successfully come in without causing too much noise. With the constant pressure from the United States, he may be the last hope.

Just as everyone stared at the window, the door of their meeting room was suddenly opened.

I didn't expect Qin yuan to come in through the front door this time. You know, it's more difficult to come in through the front door than through the window. Their office building is on the fourth floor. I didn't expect this guy to come in so easily.

This guy really gives people more surprises again and again. How strong is his ability? Plus they didn't hear anything below, Alem got up and went to the window and saw soldiers patrolling downstairs.

He really couldn't figure it out. At the moment, Qin yuan stepped forward and remained silent. He silently went to the computer and inserted a USB flash disk.

"What do you mean?"

"I said before that the things you are looking for are in the hands of the Americans. Of course, I have evidence, so this is the evidence I said. In addition, I know you are waiting for me today. You have shown your sincerity, and of course I have to show my sincerity."

Although the words sounded uncomfortable in the person in charge's ears, after all, it was a tacit agreement and needed Qin yuan's help, but now he had no choice.

Soon the projection on the computer began to start, and then they saw the video. The video was taken from a long distance, and it was at night, so it was not very clear, but you could see clear signs. When Alem saw the jungle, he stood up excitedly.

"I took people to look for this place before. I did find some traces, but I didn't find anything new."

Qin yuan didn't speak, motioned them to continue watching the video, and soon saw a truck slowly coming, the one they lost.

Then the soldiers began to carry supplies to the car. They were far away. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they were American from their clothes.

The person in charge clenched his fist when he saw it here. These bastards will really splash dirty water, rob their supplies in this despicable way, and then let them continue to look for them.

Just as everyone was still looking down to see where they were transporting supplies, suddenly an American soldier turned and fired several shots in the direction of shooting the video.

Then the video was completely dark and there was no movement. It was obvious that the person who took the video was found, but I don't know why this video was retained.

I'm curious to see here. Countless questions arise in Alem's heart. Who took this video? Whether the person who made the video is still alive, after all, he must be an eyewitness.

Qin yuan slowly explained, "don't worry, this video is absolutely true, but how did it come from? I can't tell you for the time being, but it also shows the situation you encountered. These materials are really in their hands."

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