It can be seen that Frank and his family should have been bombed here just now, and there are still some new walls nearby.

These guys play really big, and there will be problems with the training bomb. Qin yuan slowly walked upstairs and saw at a glance that there was a fishing line attached to the grenade at the corner of the stairs. The fishing line was very thin.

No wonder Frank didn't see it, because they were in their own camp. There was no defense for them. With such a thin fishing line and insufficient light here, they couldn't find it.

Qin yuan walked up, and several people behind him stopped unconsciously.

"Why don't you guys come up? Hurry up and take me to meet your team members."

Several people were guilty. There was a grenade in front of them. The power of that thing was so great that none of them dared to come forward. Old black standing in front was covered with mud and water.

"Drillmaster, I think you should go up first. We will wait for you below."

Qin yuan smiled and wanted to fight him with this little trick. He nodded, then took a big step towards the front and directly crossed the fishing line. The people below did not hear the explosion.

Everyone thought it strange that it has been so long since the tortoise climbed to the top. Why hasn't it exploded?

They made the fishing line very precise. There is absolutely no problem. Is this guy so lucky that he avoided one after another?

Just as several people slowly poked their heads out and kept looking at the front, a grenade flew out directly.


"Shit! What the hell!"

"Damn it! Get down, get down!"

Several people jumped away in fear, and then the grenade made a huge explosion. Unexpectedly, since it was a live bomb, the dust on the nearby building fell to the side.

A huge pit was blown out on the ground, and the marbles in the grenade flew out everywhere and hit the opposite wall.

Several people were blinded by the sudden grenade. After getting up, old black walked to the side and slapped old six on the head.

"I said, are you looking for death? What are you really doing when you let go of the training bomb? You almost killed your brothers."

The training bomb was arranged by Lao Liu. He was very experienced in placing grenades. At the moment, he was completely blown up. He stood up and shook his head.

"It's absolutely impossible. Nonsense. Do you think I'll joke like that? I don't even know what's going on."

"You don't know who knows this thing, but you installed it! If you didn't do it, who else could it be?"

Qin yuan was still smiling when several people were quarrelling. Then he walked down the stairs, "stop quarreling. This is a small gift I gave you. Isn't this a training for you? It seems that your reaction is pretty good."

Lao Hei was angry when he heard this. They had been playing tricks on others all the time. Unexpectedly, they had been played by others and had learned a lesson. This guy was too exaggerated and threw his thunder at people.

"You call this a gift. Do you know it will kill people? It has such a powerful explosive force!"

Old heiqi felt that he was out of breath when he spoke. On the one hand, he was fooled. On the other hand, he had just narrowly escaped death.

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