A total of five countries participated in the operation. When they arrived at that place, they knew that the exact task was in an underground experimental base, where there was a riot, and they needed to rescue the experimenters.

What they are doing there is an illegal experiment, which belongs to the underground project carried out by the United States there. The weapon they tested and developed at that time, once released, is enough to destroy the existence of half the earth, which is very terrifying.

So the operation was also carried out under absolute confidentiality. Frank who participated in the operation did not know that the matter was so serious, but when they entered the laboratory and rescued the experimental personnel, one of the doctors was very abnormal and held a box tightly.

Finally, he was forced to give the box to frank and asked Frank to take it out. At that time, Frank's goal was to take all the experimental personnel out. He didn't understand what this person was doing.

However, just as they were leaving the laboratory, a violent explosion suddenly occurred, and a group of masked armed men suddenly shot at them. At the same time of the explosion, these people also rushed up.

They had no time to react, and the powerful explosion tore them apart. Those researchers were also dead and injured.

Frank was lucky. At that time, he was blown up in an abandoned pipeline, which saved him a lot. Vaguely, he only heard the orders of those people, that is, to kill these researchers without releasing any researchers.

For those soldiers who were killed by the explosion, they didn't care. They just injured them again, so that they couldn't fight back.

Frank hid in the pipe and looked at it indifferently. He watched his comrades fall one by one in front, but he didn't dare to make any sound.

At this time, he remembered that the box in his hand was given to him by the doctor. What on earth was so crazy that he wanted to kill everyone.

But because of the violent explosion just now, the contents of the box were also damaged. Only half of the box was still in his hands, the other half had been completely burned, and the documents inside were also destroyed.

Frank, according to the remaining half of the clues above, he just learned that there is a very powerful weapon, which is also very destructive. What they are studying is this project.

There are also half of the researcher's notes in it. Most of the things recorded in the notes were destroyed, but some fragments can be seen in the lake.

Probably at the beginning, their research was very peaceful. These five countries participated in the research, but after the later research, everyone began to expose their nature. After all, everyone wants to get this powerful weapon and doesn't want to share it equally.

Later, there were differences. The United States wanted to seize it directly because its military capability was first.

They have sent people to take action twice, but both ended in failure. After all, the prevention on the side of the basement is also very tight.

In the end, in order to calm down, people from five countries can only send their own teams to take out the experimenters and temporarily stop the research. As for the research on weapons, we will talk about it later.

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