The families of these civilians have been well protected.

The scholar didn't care too much. Everyone just danced and drank like this. Qin yuan kept on guard. He had some doubts about the scholar. This man hid too deep. Although he smiled at him, that was not his most real side.

At this time, they took turns to come over and toast Qin yuan. In fact, they could see that they wanted Qin yuan to integrate here as soon as possible. Anyway, they also acted with them, so they became brothers with them.

When Lao Hei woke up the next morning, he saw that Qin yuan was already making his bed, which was his habit for many years. No matter how high he was last night, his biological clock was so punctual.

"Instructor, are you unnecessary? After all, there are not so many constraints in this place, so you don't have to get up so early."

"This is different. This is my requirements and conditions for myself. You don't have to worry about it. My requirements for myself are very strict."

At this time, someone knocked on the door so that they could have breakfast. Life was so quiet. In this, everyone was really carefree. Everyone was very happy. They had nothing to compete with.

Everyone stayed here for four or five days, and the old six have fully integrated into them. They have absolutely supported scholars since they first doubted Qin yuan's decision.

"I think we'll work with him. Anyway, those guys won't let go. We happen to avenge our brothers. I think it's good to live together in this place."

"I also agree with this statement. Hunter school no longer exists. If we succeed in fighting with him for the last time, we will come back together and continue drinking. If we fail, we will go down to accompany our brothers."

"And we had too many misunderstandings about scholars before. I think he is really a good man here, and his decision is very correct."

Qin yuan originally wanted to remind them, but looking at their expression has slowly turned into worship, we know that guy's brainwashing mode is too exaggerated.

He didn't say anything. Frank kept a clear head like him. They were all leaders and people who had seen great storms. Of course, they would not be covered up by these superficial things.

In the afternoon, Qin yuan sat on the ridge in a daze. He was thinking. At this time, Frank came over.

"How about it? Can we talk now? I think you may be the only one among us."

"To be exact, it should be the two of us, but it can't be blamed on them. They haven't made too many decisions and can't see through people. The scholar is hiding too deeply."

"What's your idea now? Shall we stay here? I'm afraid they'll all be rebelled."

At this time, Qin yuan suddenly couldn't stand up, and then went directly to the field and began to pick up the hoe. Frank looked puzzled. What was this guy doing? He was talking about important things with him.

After he walked over, Qin Yuan directly threw a basket to him, "at nine o'clock, a person is watching us. Don't talk nonsense. There is someone watching here. I know what you mean."

Frank immediately understood that he knew Qin yuan's vigilance was the highest. They slowly moved away and walked to the ravine below. Now, after all, they are on someone else's territory, so they should be careful about what they say and do.

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