Although the captain of the United States was angry that he was injured during the exercise and was ridiculed by those people, he turned to think that if Qin yuan's team could be completely eliminated in this confrontation.

Then they will have no worries about future troubles, and the real revenge is at that time. He has foreseen the scene of Qin yuan pleading with him inside.

At this time, the top executive of the United States suddenly said seriously: "although our plan is like this, we still have to ensure that the pirate organization can be completely eliminated. That's better. Try to consume them first, and then the secondary task is to bring down the inflammatory army."

Hearing this, he did not understand that his officers really believed that those strict soldiers had such great skills? It's impossible.

The pirate organization has destroyed them for so many times, and they have been around for so many years. They are not unreasonable. They are placed in their eyes everywhere. They even suspect that their teams have their own eyes.

That's why this pirate organization has gradually developed and grown. Now it's time for the international community to solve it.

Although he also saw Qin yuan's strength during the exercise, it is estimated that he is still far from fighting such a huge organization.

Qin yuan didn't know the conspiracy of these people at the moment. Everyone had their own thoughts. They were arranged in a five-star hotel. The accommodation and eating conditions were really good, but Gao Shiwei always looked sad.

Li Erniu was heartless and heartless. While eating steak, he said, "don't worry, team Gao. Brother Qin has absolutely no problem with his strength. Then you will meet us outside, have a nice fight, and then go home together."

"Your boy really sees the problem too simply. What I'm worried about now is not only the strength of this organization, but also how many teams can really contribute when we fight outside."

Qin yuan took a sip of the black tea in front of him, "Gao Dui, I think we are worried about this matter. As for the strength of that organization, I haven't paid attention to it. If I can solve the periphery, it must be no problem."

Lao Gao also agrees with his guess, but he thinks he will solve them all in there when he goes in, so he won't need them to participate again.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the emergencies that will happen outside. Although he said so, he still picked up the information in front of him and looked at it carefully. He must know more about the specific situation of the pirate organization.

Emily hasn't heard from her all the time. She's probably trying to get them in. The most important thing is the slum problem. No matter where they look, they have to pass through the slum.

It's easier for him to take the people of the red blood cell team in, because the number is small, there should be no problem. Even if they want to play outside in the later Gao Shiwei, it's impossible for no one to realize it.

Qin yuan finished his cup of black tea and got up to go out.

He Chenguang shouted, "brother Qin, where are you going?"

"I want to see the slum myself. Although I said to give it to Emily, I still want to see some things myself. It's more stable."

After all, this time Qin yuan wants to lurk in with the people of the red blood cell team, so he has to consider the retreat route behind and the exposure inside for the people of the team.

"Brother Qin, I'll go with you!"

Qin yuan shook his head. He planned to go alone this time. He didn't want to expose so many targets. Moreover, when he went, he mainly looked at the retreat route and the forward route. He didn't know what moths were going on in Emily's side and could sneak them in.

"You just stay here. It's bad when you're more popular. I'll come back when I go. I won't be found."

Gao Shiwei also agreed to let Qin yuan go to see it in person, and with Qin yuan's skill, he was more relieved.

After all, they are still in country A. The Pirate organization is hiding in the United States. Qin yuan is not afraid of trouble. He still wants to see some things in person. In this way, he finally came to the United States.

After Qin yuan got off the plane, he bought a suit of clothes locally, and when he came out of the alley, he completely changed himself. This time, Qin yuan changed his appearance as a drug addict.

After he came out, he kept yawning and went to the slums. After all, the performance was going to start from now on. In the slums there is a mixture of snake and dragon. There must be a pirate organization's eye liner, so he must be careful.

There are so many drug addicts dressed up like Qin yuan in the civilian Grottoes that no one notices him at all. At this time, it was just more than 1:00 noon, and most people were basking in the sun outside.

Qin yuan also wandered aimlessly and saw a lot of people. The living conditions here are really chaotic. There are more than a dozen people in a small space in a bungalow built of broken boards.

It's hard to imagine that after all, the United States is bright outside. Looking at their so developed economy, there is such a dark side.

There is no public security here. Some small gangsters outside are holding guns, which is also a high incidence area of crime. However, although they are holding guns, the people around do not show much panic.

So these people are the people in the gangster group. They are also responsible for the security here. In this case, they protect these people. These people become their free eye liner.

After people like Qin yuan came in, they didn't notice at all. After all, they don't know how many such addicts will appear here one day.

Instead, they were dressed brightly or found that people in uniforms came here. Those people were very nervous, and the people around them stared at them closely.

Qin yuan completely turned the slum around, and he couldn't get past it. A high wall was built hundreds of meters away from the slum, which should be the territory of these gangs.

According to Emily, this gangster organization is entrenched here, and there are anti missile devices and anti air raid equipment, which is quite beyond Qin yuan's expectation. Such a small organization has such a great military counterbalance ability.

You know, many countries do not have such anti missile equipment, so the United States has carried out many raids and exterminations, but they have not eradicated this organization.

Although the wall was built, Qin yuan could not be reached. He found a suitable position and leaned down. No one around him noticed him. He opened his perspective eyes.

It's really heavily guarded. The weapons they use are unified submachine guns, and high-voltage lines are installed around. This is only part of what he saw.

The scope is too wide. He can't see what's going on inside, but there are mercenaries patrolling inside all the time. Qin yuan rubbed his sour eyes and continued to look inside.

In order to see farther, he opened his eyes. After passing through the patrol team, it was like a small town with shops and streets.

It can be seen that their boss really has a set of management skills. The life inside is orderly and the defense is very strict. More importantly, not only this, there is a water channel tens of meters wide behind the high wall.

These people are really cunning. Although monitoring is installed everywhere, if a waterway is installed here, if the monitoring is damaged and you intend to enter from here, you must go into the water, and the water will make a sound.

The people above will be alert. This is only the first line of defense, so it is not worth being so close. It can be imagined that their boss is really cunning.

After all, the pirate leader has fought for so many years and competed with soldiers from all over the world, so he also found out some of their battle plans. It can be said that this old guy can be regarded as half a general.

There was no other situation. Fang Tian stood up, gave birth to a lazy waist and was ready to go back. He didn't know the escape route inside. After all, he didn't go in, but if he wanted to cross the high wall, it was estimated that there was some mechanism inside.

He knows about the slums outside. If he wants to escape, he can use the alleys here. If there are any accidents behind, he Chenguang will be safe as long as they run into these alleys after they come out.

Seeing that the situation was so serious this time, Qin yuan also wanted to act alone. However, it was precisely because of the seriousness of this incident that the international community asked the whole team to start, which they had promised before, and they could not go back on their word.

Because now it's not their own business. They have to cooperate with the people outside the station to cooperate with them, and they also have to cooperate with the people outside to convey information.

After Qin Yuan went back, he told Gao Shiwei what he had learned. He felt that the problem was not big.

Gao Shiwei was stunned when he heard that there was a waterway tens of meters wide inside the wall. They didn't tell him about this in the United States!

These people have dealt with these pirate organizations several times. After all, they have fought several times. It is reasonable to know more about them.

But the news from the beginning to the end in the United States is that these people are very strong, and others don't seem to provide any effective clues.

The most important information like this is from Qin yuan. If there is such a long waterway, he has to think about how to pass. Even if they quietly pass through the slums, it is impossible to cross this waterway without being found.

Long Baichuan was also angry. "What's the situation? What else are they hiding from us? Up to now, they have not told us the truth. "

Hearing this, Li Erniu immediately stood up. "I think these shriveled calves are not clean up. We all have to fight with others. They don't even say the specific situation. I'll go to them now."

Qin yuan pressed Li Erniu, and the boy's bull temper broke again. "Now you go to someone else and what do they say to you? Do you really want to fight them in this situation?"

"But brother Qin, you see, they are obviously bullying people, and I really think it's like Gao Dui said. What if they don't help at that time?"

"I didn't expect them to help. It's estimated that they won't come out until we clean up all the people inside. I've seen through these people for a long time."

Instead, Qin yuan told Gao Shiwei that they must be careful. After all, anything can happen outside.

In this way, three days later, there was still no news from Emily. Gao Shiwei even hoped that Emily could not let Qin yuan sneak in, which meant that the operation could not be carried out and Qin yuan and them would be safe.

Unexpectedly, the more people were afraid of what came, Gao Shiwei was relieved. Unexpectedly, Emily came.

Looking at her appearance, she was very happy. It seemed that something important had been solved. She walked over happily, "all warriors, get ready! It's time for you to behave. "

"Emily, just tell us in detail what the situation is, and we can make preparations."

Emily nodded and gave them the document bag in her hand. After all, they are the largest security company in the world. They take all tasks. As long as there are customers and the money they pay is high, they take everything.

Although Qin yuan despised their practice, after all, they secretly protected many people who should be killed.

Speaking of this, after Qin yuan opened the information, he found that they all had a new identity and mixed with others to enter the gangster organization.

Emily pointed to the information and said, "you need to change your identity this time. We have sent the largest security company to cooperate with them."

Li Erniu frowned. What he didn't like most was this. If he used his own identity, he wouldn't worry about calling it wrong. If he wanted to adapt to his new identity, there were too many things to prepare.

"Emily, with all due respect, you have too many naughty intestines, and these people have not seen us. We should have no problem using our own identity!"

Emily smiled. "It seems that you really don't know your worth at all."

After that, she took out another information from her bag, which was on the killer list. Unexpectedly, their security company still had this.

Qin yuan took the information and took a closer look. Now he is ranked first by these killers. It seems that there are many people he has offended in recent years.

Moreover, the amount of reward in the back is also very high. Before he looked, he remembered that he was worth 20 million, but now he turned over 200 million.

But even so, no one has ever taken the list. After all, he has never met any killer organization.