Rosen sat in the office, quietly waiting for the arrival of Mr. 5 and Mr. 1. Although he still had some doubts about robin's promise, since Robin's promise was so simple, he had no reason to refuse. After all, he let her choose.

Without Robin, it would be very difficult for us to really understand the secrets of the world with our knowledge.

If it wasn't for the strong experience pack, it contained the most basic language and words in the world, and he might not even understand the newspapers. Fortunately, the plug-in adapted itself in advance and was activated to play other roles.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that this experience pack is a combat experience called the rogue sea robber strongman.

"I hope to sail smoothly, but I don't know how many Baileys Baroque has been operating for such a long time. There should be one billion." Rosen is wandering. Money is easy to use everywhere.

It is estimated that there must be a billion Baileys. Although the strong are not enough in the later stage, the working society is really a huge thing in the first half of the period. It can plan wars for tens of millions of people. At the same time, there are so many external members, and there are special departments responsible for making money.

What's more, it has been rooted for many years. Money is the foundation of all activities. If you look at it, most of the senior agents are fruit capable people. The market price of a fruit is 100 million yuan, whether it's the devil's fruit or not, or whether it's the fruit I had before I joined the work club.

However, it's reasonable for krocdal to get the devil's fruit if he likes it. If he wants to get it, sometimes more money is more practical. After all, what can be solved with money doesn't have to be violent, and some forces won't offend him.

Robin left Rosen's office and immediately searched for information to verify the location of the royal tomb. Before, the destination could not be determined, but now it is determined. If you want to find it, there will always be clues in the historical records.

Soon Robin found it. That night, Robin lurked into the royal tomb and was led by King kobra, because Robin told him that if he helped lead the way, she could stop the behind the scenes of the coming rebellion in China. As for the process, Rosen didn't know, but it was no surprise that Robin could do it by his means.

But in fact, it was all Robin's words, but the innocent King believed it. He didn't want to see the bloodshed.

"Maybe, if klockdale does leave, then I'm not lying." Robin thought in his heart, and if we can really find the historical text here, it shows that some of klockdale's words can be believed.

If not, what he said before would have been lies. But the most important thing is, will klockdale disclose it to himself intentionally, but in fact he is following himself quietly?

But even if it is like this, there is no way. As long as he doesn't tell him, what can he do if he finds it? He still gets nothing.

But until Robin finished reading the history article and went back to his residence, he didn't find klockdal. Did klockdal really give up on alabastan?

After so much superficial work, so much time and so much energy, why do you give up when you give up? Why do you suddenly change so much? What's wrong?

Robin is curious, but he can't find any clue. However, from the fact of verification, it may be a good choice to follow klockdale for the time being. After all, klockdale didn't kill himself in that case, so there's no need to worry about being killed.

"Mr. Valentine's day? I remember I didn't ask you to come Rosen bit his cigar, lit it, and took a fierce puff. Well, it was really exciting. A long time ago, Rosen was an old smoker, but he was reluctant to smoke more expensive cigarettes, not to mention cigars, even though he was not short of money.

For example, the inventory of klockdale seems to be super high-grade goods. In the past, there were only a few top-grade cigarettes.

This is a welfare for Rosen. Although he is a little bit second in middle school, in fact, in that world, he is already a little successful person, a young man who was born in an orphanage and is moving towards success step by step.

"Boss, I happen to partner with mr.5. My last task failed, so I hope you can give me another chance." Beautiful and fashionable, white skin, but can actually kill people without blinking an eye Valentine's day at the moment, said the voice trembling.

She knows the rules of the working community. Although she is also a senior agent, if the mission fails, she is likely to be cleaned up.

So when she learned that the boss behind the scenes, who had never been seen, called Mr. 5, she came with a stiff head.

After seeing klocdal, she was almost left with fear. The name of qiwuhai was too intimidating for them. She never thought that their boss behind the scenes would be one of the world-famous qiwuhai.

Even Mr. 5, the bomber, was in a panic at the moment. He didn't know what happened when the boss suddenly called them. Originally, they were preparing to make up for the loss last time, but after receiving the news from Mr. Sunday, Nicole Robin, they rushed to alabastan.

I just hope it's not a question of guilt, but Mr. 1's calm face. He seems to have known the real identity of klockdale early, which Rosen is not sure. After all, there is not much information about Mr. 1, but he respects klockdale very much.

Moreover, MR.1 was originally a famous bounty hunter. Even when he was fighting with eagle eye, although he was stabbed for a second, eagle eye obviously remembered him. Eagle eye had an impression that MR.1 was very powerful. Afterwards, MR.1 said that he had not moved for a long time and his body was rusty, but in fact, the injury was not serious.

"Can you cook?" Rosen puffed out a puff of smoke, looked at Valentine's day and asked, this is a beautiful woman, but also a killer.

"Ah?" Valentine's day a Leng, how suddenly asked this.

"A little bit." On Valentine's day, she actually likes to make chocolate. There is a little story in the title page of the original book. Even after she and loli went to rescue other senior agents of the work agency and fled, she opened a spider Cafe somewhere and became a beauty specializing in chocolate. That's what her ideal career looks like. Considering this, Rosen also thought of those people in golden week, But the strength is not so good.

"OK, let's keep up. There are two things I want to tell you. First, you are the selected people who will follow me to the wider world, and our republic war will be abolished completely, but I don't think you care about them very much." Rosen went straight ahead and didn't really care about Valentine's day..

Although the ideal town of klockdale is well publicized, and Robin controls all the information in the whole process, in fact, it is the work agency that is more recognized.

For the Republic, it was originally some preparations made by krocdal to capture Pluto. Of course, there is no Pluto. It is also a good choice to take alabastan as the fundamental development.

But this is not Rosen's choice. He yearns for a wider world. He is not familiar with everything about alabastan, and if he stays here, it will be revealed sooner or later. If he remembers the plot correctly, smog has found out what he has done, and it is estimated that he has also captured his subordinates.

"Why? No Republic? What about alabastein? " Mr.5 is surprised. What's the matter? Annexing alabastan and establishing an ideal kingdom? It's not how much he wants to do it, it's better to have a goal than no goal.

Rosen took a look at Mr. 5, did not answer, but continued to say the second point: "second, tomorrow we will set sail and leave alabastan, the purpose is the second half of the great route, the competition will be very fierce, far from alabastan, this kind of skittish can be compared, but I also give you two choices, you can choose to continue to follow, you can choose to leave."

"For a stronger and more challenging goal?" Mr. 1 asked without expression.

"Yes, the stage of alabastan is too small. Don't you think it's too condescending to stay here? In other words, it's more like a place for the aged. If we can't compete with the strong, sooner or later we will all be eliminated here." Rosen said in a deep voice, in the original work, klockdale was eliminated here.

"It sounds interesting. Since it's your invitation, take me with you." Mr. 1 nodded.