"No way. How can that little body resist my chop?" Outlets was sweating.

"What? I don't have the strength. I'll try it. " Rosen's right hand, combined into a fist, blasted Altos in the abdomen with lightning speed, and one blow directly rocked him several meters away.

"Shoot, kill him." Altos spits out a mouthful of blood, and then yells orders at the crew around him, pengpeng! A series of gunshots rang out.

However, Rosen had been on guard for a long time. When he swung his right hand, a dust storm was thrown out by him. At the moment of landing, it became extremely huge. When the bullet came, it was involved in the dust storm and lost its target.

"It depends on your luck if you can survive." Rosen's right hand pushed in the void, and the speed of the dust storm suddenly became sharp. Before several miscellaneous fish could react, they were involved in the storm.

Then, with the help of Rosen, he took them to fly out into the distance. When the sandstorm reached a further distance, such as the desert, its power would be more powerful, and Rosen did not know when this power would stop.

As Rosen said, it depends on their luck whether they can survive or not, most likely not.

"Then it's about the two of us." Rosen realized that this man was not strong, but now he just wanted to verify the experience pack and strengthen his actual combat ability, so he was still useful.

"Rub." Rosen is not in a hurry. He takes out a cigar from the inside of his coat, lights it, and exhales a cigarette ring. He is addicted to smoking.

"Son of a bitch, dare to look down on me. I'm a bloody sword with a bounty of 45 million. I'm going to break you up!" Outlets roared, looking at Rosen's casual appearance, as if the shame value soared to the extreme in a moment, and once again wielded his sword to slash.

The big sword dance is full of shadows.

Rosen was not in a hurry. He wanted to fight back with his left golden hook, but he thought it was poisonous. If it was broken, it would be funny to poison himself.

So he used the devil's fruit ability to turn his right arm into a sand blade. With a fierce wave, the desert sword and the blade made of sand shot out of it. There was no big difference between the ground chopping and the air chopping.

The flexibility of moves is the real power.

Bang! The sword shadow collides with the desert sword. The sword shadow becomes lax in an instant, and the whole person of Altos is swept out. If it is not blocked by the big sword, it is not surprising that this blow will directly cut him to the waist.

But by the big sword a block, deviated from the track of the desert blade swept over a building, will cut off the top of the building.

The top fell, and Peng fell to the ground like a cannon.

"Sure enough, the life force of this world is very tenacious. Even ordinary people may not die if they are bombarded in the front." Looking at the only bruised outlets, Rosen said with a little emotion.

"Keep on standing up, or I'll cut off your head with the next blow." Rosen said coldly that he would not speak kindly to anyone who wanted to take his name.

"I'll kill you, krocdal." Altos became more and more crazy. He felt that he was just careless. He still had a lot of unique skills to press the bottom of the box. He must win in the end.

But just a moment later, he was dominated by fear and realized the gap between them for the first time, which made him regret for his ignorance but could not change the result.

On this challenger, Rosen made a simple experiment on how to control the devil's fruit. In fact, the killing power of sand is not as good as thunder, light and fire, but it also has the ability to absorb the enemy's water. If used well, this ability can make the enemy lose its fighting ability instantly.

Physical skill is more direct. Although there are technical aids, the most important thing is to have enough strength, fast speed, agile body and lasting physical strength. These are the foundation of physical skill.

"No, don't kill me, I'd like to..." outlets's eyes were filled with fear, and his bruised body was no longer powerful. He fell to his knees and was ready to beg for mercy. Krocdal was too strong. Under his hands, he was like a child, and his confidence had collapsed.

"Sha LAN." After Rosen was almost familiar with the mode of fighting, he sent out a dust storm again, sending away the pirate who came to challenge, and his life and death were determined by heaven.

Sha LAN will gradually strengthen and become bigger. Now she can't get rid of it. It's even more difficult to be alive.

"If I fight in the desert, my ability will be greatly improved. However, from the map of the pirate, the probability of fighting at sea is generally higher. I'm afraid that I can't fall in physical skills, and I'm not strong enough in the fruit of sand. I wonder if I can make another devil's fruit like Blackbeard in the future, At the same time, there is also the problem of keeping in mind that some people with evil fruit ability can not judge by their strength. In actual combat, experience, mentality, adaptability and thinking are the key factors that affect the outcome. "

Rosen is a little dissatisfied with the ability of Sha Sha fruit. Although the strength of the devil fruit is related to himself, it has always been said that there are no waste devil fruits, only waste ones.

But Rosen believes that even the same type of demon fruit can be divided into high and low in the initial stage. A good demon fruit can definitely avoid many detours in the early stage, and even the same effort can achieve better results than the weak demon fruit.

To put it simply, who was better at the beginning, shining fruit or Niuniu fruit? Even if the skin of Niuniu is rough and the meat is thick, it may be difficult to get close to the shining fruit whose damage value and speed are almost invincible.

Therefore, we can never ignore the fact that some demonic fruits are better, more advantageous and stronger than other demonic fruits at the beginning. In the early stage, there are advantages and disadvantages, but in the later stage, it depends on personal development and application.

"Forget it, I don't want so much. Now the most important thing is to make good use of the fruit ability of Sha Sha. If it can be developed to the awakening stage, it will be better." Rosen thought, walking alone into the desert.

He wanted to see how far he could play in the desert.

"Sandstorm." Rosen opened his hands to activate the fruit power. In a moment, he felt that his physical strength was passing quickly. After experimenting with some basic skills, Rosen decided to play a big game.

It's not just about rolling up a tornado sandstorm, it's about trying to see if you can set off a giant sandstorm that roars like the roar of the sea.

Yellow sand is flying all over the sky. The sand in the desert is shaking and flowing.

Rosen can sense that his strength covers a wide area. The desert land, driven by his ability, is like a flowing swamp, surging and rolling with wind and sand.

But there is no sign that he really wants to form a huge dust storm. Rosen feels very hard and has to narrow the scope. It seems that his physical strength and ability are enough to set off a huge dust storm comparable to that of nature. Even if it is caused by sand haze, it can only be small.

If he can really create a tsunami like sandstorm in nature, then his strength can go up to a higher level and become the best in Qiwu sea.

"Sandstorm Rosen went all out, a large desert of sand rolling surging up, and is no longer stuck in the flow of the state.

"It's not enough. It doesn't have much lethality. " So Rosen narrowed down again. This time, it was like a tsunami, and the desert rioted.

A quite large-scale sandstorm roared up, but in fact, it was two or three times larger than the growing sand haze, only in a different shape.

Sand haze is tornado form, and sand storm is surge form.

However, it is beyond Rosen's expectation that he can launch such a power, and this is the first time that he really controls the power like this disaster.

This kind of power boiling surging feeling makes Rosen very obsessed, has a kind of pleasure of controlling everything.

"It's a great power. It's worthy of the Qiwu sea." Just after Rosen released the sandstorm, a figure came out of the sandstorm leisurely. Rosen saw the person clearly, and his face became very dignified immediately.

Portkas D. ace, captain of white beard, Luffy's brother, the fuse of war, the son of the pirate king.

How could he be in a sandstorm?! And I met him? Good or bad?

When you think about it, it's about time for ace to hang around in alabastan. I had thought about it before, but I didn't think about meeting ace when I thought about alabastan's huge territory and planned to sail tomorrow.

"You're not just sleeping there." Rosen looked at ace coming out of the sandstorm. He couldn't help asking. He didn't see any aggressive. But when he looked around, except for a few huge stones, he didn't see anyone.

And under normal circumstances and thinking, it is not likely to think who will sleep under the huge stones in the desert in such a hot day.

"Yes, ha ha ha. I was shocked just now. I thought it was an earthquake." Ace laughs, but he doesn't like klockdale very much. I've heard people on the ship say that there is a man who once challenged his father to defeat in qiwuhai.